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词汇 各持己见
释义 各持己见 gè chí jǐ jiàn 常用成语
each sticks to his own viewpoint繁体各持己見近义各抒己见;各执一词反义众口一词变体各执持己見正音“己”,不能读作“yǐ”。
辨析各持己见和“各抒己见”都含有“各有各的”意思。但各持己见表示“各人坚持自己的意见”;“各抒己见”表示“各人充分发表自己的意见”。谜语辩论然此辈执术疏,谋生急,信口欺诈,言人人殊,甚至徒毁其师,子讥其父,各持己见,彼此相非。 ★清·黄钧宰《金壶七墨·堪舆》;讨论会上,他们各持己见,争执不下。主谓式:作谓语;用于讨论问题;中性词。宋·钱易《南部新书·乙》:“凡中书有军国政事,则中书舍人各执所见,杂署其名,谓之五花判事。”;清 黄钧宰《金壶浪墨 堪舆》:“甚至徒毁其师,子讥其父,各持己见,彼此相非。”


近义词 各抒己见独持异议各谋其政分道扬镳各自为政各执一词各行其是仁者见仁,智者见智
反义词 随声附和众口一词舍己从人独持异议一唱一和人云亦云
But they're two individuals who are committed to being with the other person in a respectful, generous, kind manner while disagreeing on some fundamental things.163

The application of these scholars argue in the hamper, the legislation is not clear in our theoretical study also showed different views of the phenomenon can not be determined centrally. fabiao

The Leo men and Gemini women always stand for each other, both in ups and downs of life, though they may have differences. This is what makes the relationship of a Leo and Gemini a perfect match. yeeyan

With legislators of both parties holding firm to their positions, the question becomes whether leaders can strike a bipartisan compromise and convince their members to support it. voanews

But you said no, saying that everyone in the family has his or her own opinion and, if we were to demonstrate, we would ruin the peace and unity in our family. ecocn

EU leaders are at odds with one another and with the ECB over demands by Germany and Finland that private investors bear some of the burden of a new Greek bailout. gov

The other friends had different replies. One said an elephant is like a large leaf, another said it was like the trunk of a tree, and the last one said that the elephant is like an immense wall.

The two sides have been disputing and have never disagreed the other. But one can give a convincing answer about the extent of the impact which the appreciation have on the export. fabiao

While opinions differ about the severity of cuts, nobody's talking about job growth for the foreseeable future. yeeyan

Its releasing is not problem- free, the conservative person and the free person hold the personal opinion respectively to it, keeps in balance mutually. fabiao

The risk is that the divided opposition will get together to oust the government and force fresh elections. ecocn

The members couldn't come to an agreement. They were at sixessevens.8ttt8

They can be intangible, such as her partner's perception of her resources, and his perception of her role within the family. yeeyan

For intellectual activity sets the18th century apart. It was an age of wit, when great thinkers and writers argued. eblcu

As for the “ Yidu” took place, scholars differ, and there is the origin of dry Africa, the Americas and the related Kaposi's sarcoma, said; zyynb

More important is the confidence that lets you welcome smart people around you— and hope they disagree. yeeyan

南非市场一致认为,南非储备银行 SARB在4月举行的第九次会议上,仍然会把利率轻微上调,尽管两派分析师各持己见,一派认为上调幅度是0.25%,另一派认为是0.5%。
The consensus in the South African markets is that the SARB will nudge rates still higher at its April9th meeting, although analysts are divided over whether the increase will be 0.25% or 0.5%. ecocn




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