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词汇 不可告人
释义 不可告人 bù kě gào rén 常用成语
hiddenkept secretnot to be divulged近义心怀叵测;讳莫如深;别有用心反义襟怀坦白;光明正大;推心置腹正音“人”,不能读作“yín”。
辨形“人”,不能写作“仁”。谜语上诉驳回法文unsecretsinistre,criminel à ne pas divulguer,révéler
俄文тáйный著诸书者,其人皆深极哀苦,有不可告人之隐,乃以委曲譬喻出之。清 王无生《论小说与改变社会之关系》偏正式:作定语;形容居心叵测不敢告诉别人的事物;中性词。清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·贾奉雉》:“贾戏于落卷中,集其阘茸泛滥,不可告人之句,连缀成文示之。”解释: 不能告诉别人。指难言之隐或险恶用心不愿让人知道。宋·张君房《云笈七签》卷四四:“今此名字,甚不可告人,自知之者,长生不死,辟却万祸,能致神灵玉女来降已矣。”
张恨水《啼笑因缘》七回:“何小姐虽是极开通的人,不过事涉爱情,这其间谁也难免有不可告人之隐。”解释: 梁斌《红旗谱》二八:“老人说:‘可不是。街上人们嚷明了,说你从天津回来,一定有什么不可告人的秘密……’”


近义词 别有用心难言之隐讳莫如深心怀叵测反义词 推心置腹光明正大襟怀坦白
美国入侵这个国家一定是出于不可告人的政治目的。America's invasion of the country must be done for unspeakable political purpose.“我们不想将韩国这些不可告人秘密宣扬到全世界去。”他说。
“ We don't want to air Korea's dirty laundry to the world, ” he said. ecocn

Speaking in terms of sex work also helps take prostitution out of an invisible or unspeakable space, thereby removing moral charges that promote stereotypes and stigmatization. yeeyan

Mutterings that Glencore’s combination of success and secrecy must mean it has something to hide are probably just sour grapes from those who have been on the wrong end of a trade with it. ecocn

But there's a dirty little secret about removable- battery laptops owned by average consumers: Hardly anybody buys extra batteries. iciba

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff implied China had a more ominous aim. yeeyan

But who can believe a man whose officials denied that the meeting was taking place, and who has spoken of the need for “ secret, dark debates” in economic policy- making? ecocn

The dirty little secret of media buying is that those buyers often don't look to where their clients can reach their target markets best; they look for where they can get the best rebates. yeeyan

The goal is to replace suspicion with trust, and help your team realize that you don't have any hidden agendas. yeeyan

Mr Putin has argued that, after the treacherous Munich treaty of1938, Stalin had no choice but to sign a secret pact with Nazi Germany that divided Poland. ecocn

The so-called strategic intention of China is in fact not as complex or unfathomable as some people may think. They suspect that we have a deeply hidden ambition of seeking hegemony. putclub

In attempting to discover the identity of the real murderer, though, the mother finds herself a part of the previously unknown dark side of her small Korean town. yeeyan

He now saw everything a bit more darkly, and they too imagined that he harbored dark secrets and dark thoughts too unpleasant to reveal. yeeyan

He will doubtless seek other means of satiating his dark passion. hjenglish

He accused the government of having a hidden agenda. kekenet

They suppose that he have made the ulterior deal with the contractor; the contractor could have bribed him in order to get this contract of repairing the road and bridge of the city. kekenet

They considered that he made a hidden deal with contractor who bribed him in a private way to get the agreement of constructing urban highway and bridge. kekenet

同时必须指出,应全面和正确理解民族自决原则。 少数别有用心的人怀着不可告人的目的,以民族自决为幌子,公然鼓吹分裂主权国家。
At the same time we should be aware that there are some people, who, with their evil intention, openly advocate the splitting of sovereign states under the cloak of self-determination.

My dark secret made me the best friend I’d ever been. yeeyan

We tracked down three U.S. pilots and squeezed out some of their dirty little secrets. yeeyan

Extradition from Britain to Sweden is normally a formality, though Mr Assange’s lawyers argue that“ ulterior motives” are at work.

This study was done by the National Institutes of Health, not by anybody with any ulterior motive. hjenglish

The only product reviewers who need to cower behind an alias are those with an undeclared interest or with something to hide.

Another unedifying reason for the lack of closure is that the war’s architects are busy refighting it in a barrage of self- serving memoirs. ecocn

People familiar with the inner workings of intelligence suggest a more ambiguous story. ecocn

The dirty secret is that it turns out lots of programmers actually enjoy writing tests. ibm




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