

单词 Cain
释义 Cain 英keɪn美ken;keɪn 高COCA¹⁶³⁷⁰BNC²⁰⁸⁶⁵

Old Testament Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve born after the Fall of Man; Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and was exiled by Godraise cain引起骚乱(闹事…The Mark of Cain《该隐的记号》(电影…the brand of Cain谋杀罪mark of Cain杀人罪what in Cain到底 …pay the cain受罚

用作名词The seventh from Adam in Cain's line was Lamech.从亚当始,该隐的家系中第七世孙命叫拉麦。
Who gave eulogies at Admiral Cain's funeral?谁在该隐上将的葬礼上为她歌功颂德?
Cain was the first murderer in the Bible.该隐是圣经中第一个杀人凶手。 Cain has never held office and does not have a record to defend, but says he opposes all abortion rights, even in cases of rape or incest, a position he has held publicly since2004.
Cain从未在任职期间有过为堕胎行为辩护的记录,但自从2004年他就公开称自己反对任何堕胎行为,即使是强奸和乱伦也不例外。 yeeyan

Cain was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve. He was banished, with a mark, from the land of his parents because he killed his brother in a jealous rage.
该隐是亚当和夏娃的第一个儿子,他背负着一个记号,禁止他生存在他父母的土地上,因为他由于妒火杀害了他的弟弟。 yeeyan




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