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the Military Academy短语⁷⁴⁷⁹¹ 基本例句 陆军军官学校 The website of the military academy has opened a military forum, where students can talk about military science. 军校网站上开设了讲武论坛,让学生们自由讨论军事兵法。 nciku Hunan army officer admitted to the military academy in1922, after graduating from Hunan Renying Chang, the head. 一九二二年考入湖南陆军军官讲武堂,毕业后在湘军任营长、团长。 tianya Now the military academy's logistics social supply should be reformed, and it is adapted to the army's development in the new century. 但是,后勤社会化保障是势在必行,改革传统的后勤保障模式,是适应和履行我军新世纪新阶段历史使命的必然要求。 fabiao President Thomas Jefferson signed legislation to establish the military academy. 总统签署法案建立西点军校。 kuenglish |