

单词 Namibian
释义 Na·mib·i·an 英nə'mɪbiən美nə'mɪbiən 高iWeb³⁸⁴⁶⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a native or inhabitant of Namibia
of or relating to Namibia or its peopleThe City of Windhoek is the showcase of Namibia.温得和克市是纳米比亚的国家窗口。
Teachers'Use of Textbooks: practice inNamibianscience classrooms.教师如何运用教科书:纳米比亚理科课堂实践。
He accepted last year to become the UN Commissioner in Namibia.去年他非常乐意地出任了驻纳米比亚的联合国专员。 At the invitation of the Namibian Foreign Ministry, Zhai arrived in Namibia on August23 for a visit.
应纳米比亚外交部邀请,翟隽于23日抵纳访问。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The Chinese people fought side by side with the Namibian people during Namibia's struggle for national liberation and both sides have forged profound friendship.
早在纳米比亚人民争取民族解放斗争时期,中国人民就与纳米比亚人民并肩战斗,团结协作,双方结下了深厚的友谊。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The concerns raised above are shared by the ordinary Namibian on the street, since smokers are still lighting up anywhere they want.
大街上的普通纳米比亚人也有以上提及的担心,因为吸烟者还是在他们想吸烟的任何地方吸烟。 tobaccochina

The white sulfur reflects light, tinting the water bright green along the Namibian coast.
白色硫磺反光,将纳米比亚沿岸的水着成碧绿色。 yeeyan

The Namibian mist rapidly dissipates once the sun rises, so the beetle has just a brief opportunity to collect water.
太阳一升,纳米比亚的雾气迅速消散,因此甲虫仅有一点儿时间集水。 ecocn

The Namibian visited restaurants and bars around Windhoek to ask how informed they were with regard to the law.
《纳米比亚人报》访问了温得和克附近的饭店和酒吧,询问它们对于这项吸烟法的了解程度如何。 tobaccochina

A cheetah uses the light of a full moon to scan the Namibian savannah for prey.
月亮图片集。印度豹利用月亮的光线去寻找纳米比亚大草原为了捕捉猎物。 omcfs

Hours after Wednesday's discovery, Namibian investigators had not said whether the bag could have exploded.
星期三在发现这些电池几小时过后,纳米比亚的调查人员还没有说这个行李袋是否会爆炸。 tingvoa

I thought I was at the end when I shook hands with a giant Namibian official, who towered over me.
我本以为最后一位是一个身材高大的纳米比亚官员,他挡住了我的视野。 yeeyan

It doesn't take much to get rolling down a Namibian dune.
不需要花费太多时间滚下一个沙丘。 ngpod

So far,100 MFCs have been buried in dirt and can provide power for several months to Namibian families who lack access to electricity.
到目前为止,已有100枚 MFC电池被埋在泥土中,它们能为用不上电的纳米比亚家庭提供数月的动力。 yeeyan

The officer worked at the police aviation security unit of the airport at the Namibian capital Windhoek.
这位官员在纳米比亚首都 Windhoek机场航空安全警察部门工作。 tingclass

The beam funneled positrons from the Namibian storm to the Fermi spacecraft.
那道光线把来自纳米比亚暴风雨的正电子传到费尔米太空船。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Wind frequently pushes dust plumes seaward along the Namibian Coast.
大风频繁的沿着纳米比亚海岸把沙尘吹向大海方向。 yeeyan

Namibian Ambassador said he got a deep impression after visiting Yiwu International Trade Mart and local well-known enterprises.
纳米比亚驻华大使说,在参观了国际商贸城和当地知名企业后,义乌给自己留下了深刻的印象。 ywnews

Namibian President Sam Nujoma has decided to become a student when he steps down after three terms at the helm of his country.
纳米比亚总统萨姆-努乔马决定在第三个任期结束后离开政坛,重返校园。 edu.sina.com.cn




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