

单词 Namie
释义 NamieCOCA¹²⁸⁰⁴⁵
n.浪江在日本;东经 140º58' 北纬 37º28'
As she emerged, a quake later measured at magnitude6.3 shook Namie.
她出来的时候,一次余震——后来测定为6.3级——撼动了浪江町。 yeeyan

Since you mention that a few of your coworkers have also been on the receiving end of your boss's screaming fits, try sounding them out about the problem, Namie suggests.
你前面提到,有几个同事也是这位上司间歇性暴脾气的受害者,因此不妨试着征求他们对这个问题的看法。 fortunechina

“ Bullies sneak into companies disguised as high performers and desirably ambitious go-getters, ” Namie says.
纳米表示:“混进公司的职场恶棍总是把自己装扮成行动高效、雄心勃勃的能人。” fortunechina

Debris was strewn in Namie, within the exclusion zone around Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.
福岛核电站隔离区中的 Namie地区到处洒满了废弃物。 yeeyan

Another, “ Let's Keep Trying, Namie.”
另一个是“浪江,让我们继续努力。” blog.sina.com.cn

Curtains at one Namie hotel flapped in the wind, licking out through broken windows.
一家宾馆的窗户已经破碎了,窗帘伸了出来,在风中飘摇。 yeeyan

Evacuees from the area around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant receive a meal at an evacuation center in Namie.
福岛第一核电站附近被疏散人员在疏散中心接受配餐。 newssgo.com

Even as a group of like-minded fellow sufferers, Namie warns, you probably can't transform a bully's behavior.
但纳米警告,即便一群志同道合的受压迫者团结起来,可能也无法改变恶霸上司的行为。 fortunechina

Namie's town hall has decamped to makeshift offices in Nihonmatsu.
奈美惠的镇办公大厅撤到了二本松的临时办公室。 yeeyan




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