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词汇 researcher
释义 re·search·er 英rɪ'sɜ:tʃə美ri'sɝtʃɚ 高四六4COCA¹²⁷⁵BNC⁶⁴²⁸iWeb¹⁷⁵⁵Economist⁵⁰¹⁶
a scientist who devotes himself to doing researchscientific researcher科研人员market researcher市场调查专家…research研究
词根记忆research研究+er表人→研究者research研究+er者⇒研究者,研究员。近义词 scholar学者student学生academic学院的scientist科学家investigator调查者research worker研究人员assistant助手,助理,助教…

用作名词Researcher redefines the physics of photons.研究人员重新定义光子物理学。
Vendors would give public credit to theresearcher.销售商则将给予研究人员公开好评。noun.research worker
同义词 analyst,investigator,scientistanalyzer,clinician,experimenter,tester
examinernoun tester
fact findernoun researcher of facts
finder of fact,research worker,researcher,researchist
inquirernoun questioner
Sherlock Holmes,agent,analyst,attorney,auditor,detective,examiner,gumshoe,hound,inquisitor,inspector,investigator,plainclothes officer,police,private detective,private eye,prober,prosecutor,querier,quester,researcher,reviewer,sleuth,snooper,spy,tester,undercover cop
inquisitornoun questioner
interrogatornoun inquisitor
investigatornoun person who checks thoroughly
Sherlock Holmes,agent,analyst,attorney,auditor,detective,examiner,gumshoe,hound,inquirer,inspector,plainclothes officer,police,private detective,private eye,prosecutor,researcher,reviewer,sleuth,snooper,spy,tester,undercover cop By contrast, no one yet knows how to measure the impact of a blog post or the sharing of a good idea with another researcher in some collaborative web- based workspace.
但另一方面,没有人知道如何去衡量一篇博客日志或是通过某种网络合作与其他研究者分享一个好的研究思路的影响力。 ecocn

If medical research was to be the weapon, the Laskerites needed a medical researcher to give the campaign credibility and to identify strategic targets.
要把医学研究当成武器,拉斯科精英团需要一位医学研究员给这项运动有可信度,寻找战略性的目标。 yeeyan

The man, by the way, has lived in the US longer than I have, and is a university researcher on climate change, hardworking and honest.
顺便说一句,这位伙伴居住在美国的时间比我要长,他是一位大学里勤奋、诚实的气候变换研究员。 yeeyan

The Cloud Mouse is a project of Microsoft researcher Richard Harper and his collaborators at Microsoft Research Asia.
云鼠标是微软研究员理查德哈珀和他的合作者在微软亚洲研究院的一个项目。 yeeyan

“ As you transition from being a postdoc to having your own lab, you start to rely on other people and their efforts more and more, ” notes Richard Bucala, a researcher in rheumatology at Yale.
“当你从一个博士后过渡到拥有自己的实验室,你开始越来越多地依赖于其他人以及他们的努力。”耶鲁大学的风湿病研究员理查布克拉是说。 yeeyan

“ The rich are never happy, no matter what they have, ” said Frank James, a researcher.
“富人从不快乐,不管他们拥有什么。”研究员弗兰克·詹姆斯说道。 putclub

“The new device can cloak a much wider spectrum of waves-- nearly limitless,” senior researcher David R. Smith said in a statement.
资深研究员戴维• R.史密斯在一份声明中说:“新装置能够遮挡范围更广的光波——接近于无限。”

A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.
另一方面,一个高质量的研究计划,不仅确保了研究项目的成功,你作为一个研究者的潜力也会给论文委员会留下一个好印象。 yeeyan

A knife- wielding researcher is bearing down on your right hand— or is it your hand?
一个挥舞着刀的研究员正在给你的右手施压——或者说这真的是你的手? yeeyan

After a few minutes of preparation, researcher Kevin Bache settles into the brain scanner, where he can look up and see a screen.
经过几分钟的准备,研究员凯文-贝奇被放进大脑扫描仪,在那里他可以抬起头来看到一个屏幕画面。 yeeyan

At left, a third robot tests technology for navigating through a house, controlled by the movements of the researcher in the baseball cap.
左边还有一个机器人正在测试穿越房间的技术,头戴棒球帽的那个研究者通过动作控制着它。 yeeyan

At every other lab I've visited, to get to a senior researcher's office, you've got to go through a door, a secretary, and another door.
在我去过的别的任何一间实验室,若要进入资深研究者的办公室,你得通过一道门,一个秘书,还有另外一道门。 yeeyan

At the end of the day, in this digital era, it is the individual researcher's responsibility to stay ethical.
在这个数字时代,每一位个体研究者都要有遵守道德准则的责任心,这一点相当重要。 yeeyan

Eilperin notes the dictum of Christopher Neff, a shark researcher in Australia: we're in the way of sharks as they scour the oceans for food, but we're not on their menu.
艾颇琳还提到根据澳洲鲨鱼研究者克里斯托弗.耐夫的名言:虽然我们在鲨鱼海洋觅食的道路中挡了道,可我们并不是它们的想要猎物。 yeeyan

Erick Janssen, a researcher and associate scientist at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, said that some need sex and sexual novelty more than others.
艾利克.杰森是金赛性和生育研究所的研究员和助理科学家,他说有些人的性欲更强一些,也比其他人更喜欢新鲜的性花样。 yeeyan

For the first test, each dog was taken to a room where a researcher interacted with it for20 minutes.
在第一个测试中,每只狗都被带到一个房间。在那里,研究者与它互动20分钟。 yeeyan

I looked at photographs of the inside of burning carriages, and collaborated with a Korean researcher who interviewed survivors.
我看过当时燃烧着的车厢内的照片,然后与一名采访过生还者的韩国研究员一起合作。 yeeyan

Lead researcher Professor Tim Church said it was clear that inflammation played a key role in heart disease and other illnesses, but the factors which drove it were still relatively unclear.
首席研究员悌姆.邱尔却教授说,炎症在心脏病和其它疾病中起关键性的作用,这一点很清楚,但是引发炎症的因素相对还不是很清楚。 yeeyan

Most people consume far too much salt, and a University of Iowa researcher has discovered one potential reason we crave it: It might put us in a better mood.
很多人每天摄取太多的盐,爱荷华大学的研究者最近发现,我们如此渴求盐,可能有这样一个原因:盐可以改善我们的情绪。 yeeyan

Prior studies have also linked colony collapse to different viruses and pathogens, but one researcher says viral sicknesses may be just one of the threats that bees face.
先前的研究也把蜂群的衰竭归因于不同的病毒和病原菌,但是有一个研究员称病毒性疾病只是蜜蜂面临的威胁之一。 yeeyan

Ron has been an excellent researcher since he joined this institute ten years ago.
罗恩十年前来到这个研究所工作以来一直是一个非常出色的研究员。 putclub

Some people would call this a work- life balance, but for a researcher there is no clear separation between the two.

Thanks to this chip and its array of sensors, a researcher was able to control it, using a laptop to cause it to fly around the room.
有了这个芯片和它的一系列传感器,研究员就可以通过一台笔记本电脑控制巨甲虫,让它在房间里转圈。 yeeyan

The result is a massive saving in time, since without the atlas each researcher could spend a lifetime trying to gather complete gene- expression data for his or her work.
这样做的结果是大大节省了时间。因为没有图谱,每个研究者为了他或他的研究,可能会花费一生的时间来搜集完整的基因表达数据。 ecocn

The building blocks of DNA can be made to assemble themselves, piece by piece, into a structure designed by the researcher.
DNA这一构建单元可以实现自组装,可以一个单元一个单元地构建成由研究员设计的结构。 yeeyan

The researcher's videos show that if the descending swatter comes from in front of the fly, the fly moves its middle legs forward and leans back, then raises and extends its legs to push off backward.
从研究者录制的视频显示来看,如果苍蝇拍是从苍蝇的前方拍过来,苍蝇便会将中间两条腿前移,同时身体后倾,然后抬起身体,将腿伸展开,便向后飞走了。 yeeyan

What is actually happening however is that the participant may be unwilling to say that they experienced nothing out of fear of failure or of disappointing the researcher.
有些样本人员认为药物总是会有负效应的,然而事实上,他们无需恐惧和害怕实验失败,也不用担心研究结果会让研究者失望。 yeeyan




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