

单词 certainties
释义 cer·tain·ty 英'sɜːtnti美'sɜːrtnti COCA⁴⁰⁸²⁶BNC²¹⁸²¹Economist¹⁶¹⁷⁸

sth that is certain to be true or certain to happen


the state of being certain; freedom from doubt

the state of being certain;

his certainty reassured the others

something that is certain;

his victory is a certainty

certainly, for certain, of course


certainly可位于句首或句末,表示强调,有时位于动词前,修饰全句,表示确有把握,深信不疑; of course通常用于表示自然的或不可避免的结果; for certain指确有把握,经常用于否定句中。例如:

She certainly thought that this doctor was overestimating her case.她确实认为这医生夸大了她的病情。
You could of course have criticized him, but,instead,you cried him down rudely.你批评他当然是可以的,可你却粗暴 地把他贬低。
I can't say for certain when he will arrive.我说不准他什么时候到达。certainty,assurance,conviction





用作名词 n.
形容词+~fair certainty相当的肯定moral certainty靠得住的事absolute certainty绝对肯定的事介词+~in the certainty必定with certainty的确,确信~+介词certainty about it这事的实情certainty of success成功的把握
近义词 factrealityassurance反义词 doubt怀疑mistrust不信任uncertainty不确定
用作名词n.It's a dead certainty that this horse will win the race.这匹马在比赛中获胜是必定的。
I know for a certainty that the company has been bought up.我确实知道公司已经被人收购了。
I can't say with certainty what my plans are.我无法肯定地说出我都有些什么计划。
用作名词I can say withcertaintythat this is true.我可以很确定地说这是真实的。
Too greatcertaintydestroyscertaintyitself.过于确定就会破坏确定本身。 Allan Barger tried living the certainties of his faith, but when that conflicted with who he really was, he chose to embrace the uncertainty that came with his true identity.
艾伦·巴杰一直很确定他的信念,但一旦那与真正的自己发生冲突,他会选择接受真实身份的不确定性。 putclub.net

So neither religion nor reason can establish moral certainties.
因此,不管是宗教还是理性都无法建立道德确定性。 fyfz

The French see themselves as the only truly civilised people in the world, with a duty to lead and illuminate the world with their certainties.
法国人认为自己是世界上唯一真正开化的民族,因而确信自己负有统领和启蒙世界的职责。 blog.sina.com.cn

What if these certainties failed more, or even most, of the time?
如果这些确定性更多次乃至大多数时候都失灵又会怎么样呢? yeeyan

With the last midnight trams all human hope seemed drained away, all the certainties of city noises gone.
最后几班深夜的街车开过后,人间的一切希望好像都被带走了,因市井嘈杂而生的实在感也一扫而空。 yeeyan

All the certainties of the age of globalization—about the virtues of free markets, trade, and technology— were being called into question. Faith in the American model had collapsed.
自由市场,全球贸易,和技术发展都曾经是全球化发展时代被充分肯定的特点,但是现在这些却全部面临人们的质疑。 yeeyan

America will find it impossible to recapture the grand certainties of the post-war era.
美国将会发现,战后时期的那种大局在握的感觉已经一去不回了。 ecocn

Among those who grew up under the certainties of old system there is regret over the loss of free education, housing and health care.
这些在旧体制下生活惯了的人们对于失去免费的教育、住房和健康保险总觉得很遗憾。 yeeyan

Beneath all of Einstein's theories, including relativity, was a quest for certainties and absolutes.
实际不然,爱因斯坦所有理论包括相对论背后对必然和绝对的追求。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Businessmen are bracing themselves for a transition from the certainties of military rule to a civilian- flavoured administration.
商人们正在努力振作精神以迎接将从专职军人统治到平民味政府的过渡。 ecocn

But there are two certainties.
至少有两点是肯定的。 yeeyan

Cold war certainties have given way to an international climate that is mixed up, unpredictable, contrary, and quite corrupt.
冷战早已让位于一个复杂的,难以捉摸的,对立的以及堕落的国际大气候。 yeeyan

Just occasionally, the power of ordinary people can overturn the certainties of the experts.
普通大众的力量推翻专家们的论断只是偶尔发生的情况。 ecocn

Likewise, for all the new freedoms and certainties the web has created, numerous old ones have disappeared. Consider copyright.
与此类似的是,在网络所创造的“自由”和必然性背后,有些东西正在消失。 ecocn

TELL a Greek or an Italian that the only certainties in life are death and taxes and they will laugh—and not because they believe in immortality.
告诉希腊人或者意大利人,说生活中有把握的事情唯有死亡和税收,他们就会发笑-------这可不是因为他们相信人会长生不老。 ecocn

There are many un- certainties and complex problems in the fields of geology and engineering for drilling complex well under complex geological condition.
在复杂地质条件下钻复杂结构井及特殊工艺井时,在地质和工程方面存在许多不确定性因素和复杂性问题。 cnki

There were also pugnacious certainties guaranteed to incite the war's critics.
其中好战的言论肯定能激怒战争评论家。 topsage

Yes, but one can't always work on certainties.
是的,但是人不可能做什么事都那么有把握。 hotdic




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