

单词 snrs
释义 snrsCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
abbr.分段信噪比segmental signal-to-noise ratio
Still, observations suggest that current scenarios fail to explain the discrepancies in associations, birth rates and distributions of the PSRs and SNRs.
观测资料表明,流行的观点不足以解释脉冲星和超新星遗迹在成协性、诞生率和分布上的分歧。 cnki

We list a sample of50 pairs of pulsarPSR and supernova remnantSNR associations which have been suggested from over230 SNRs and1300 PSRs.
从所有已被提出和发现的230多颗超新星遗迹和1300多颗脉冲星中,总结出一个共50对脉冲星与超新星遗迹成协候选体的样本。 dictall

With each user's sub- channel SNRs, the transmitter then schedules the transmission to one particular selected with proportional fair scheduling algorithm.
发射端根据反馈的信噪比,采用比例调度算法选出期望用户。 cnki

The simulation results showed that this method can be successfully applied in dealing with different kinds of signals with various SNRs and FWHMs.
仿真试验结果表明,该法不需设置参数,可方便地对各种类型信噪比和半峰宽的信号进行处理。 fabiao

The variance analysis is shown valid fir medium to high SNRs or for large data length.
该方差分析适用于中等以上的信噪比或大样本长度的情况。 cnki

This technique maximizes the sum of the instantaneous bit rate under a target BER constraint by feeding back sub- channel SNRs only.
这种方案在仅需回馈子通道信噪比的条件下,最大化系统的总比特率。 ebigear




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