

单词 SNS
释义 SNSEconomist¹⁶⁷⁸²
A subscriber could receive a message multiple times due to the distributed nature of the SNS system.
由于 SNS系统的分布式特性,用户可能多次收到同一个消息。 infoq

On July8th it was reported that the SNS was poised to begin coalition talks in the two districts with the Socialist Party of Serbia, thus bringing an end to DS rule in the district.
7月8日,有报道称进步党已做好准备在此二区内与塞尔维亚社会党进行结盟会谈,这将给民主党对这里的统治画上句号。 ecocn

The boom in social networking services SNS has meant more young people playing social games.
社交网络的流行意味着更多年轻人成为社区游戏的爱好者。 ebigear

The market is expected to see more growth with a dramatic increase of SNS and online mobile gaming in the next3 years.

Application of SNS e- commerce marketing mode also will be the direction of future e- commerce development.
应用 SNS的电子商务营销方式也将是未来电子商务发展的方向。 cnlunwen.net

For the opposition SNS, the election results were a triumphant confirmation of its arrival on the national stage.
而对另一方——进步党来说,选举结果证明了它在全国政治舞台上的登场十分成功。 ecocn

Here is China’s SNS universe for the top7 sites.
以下的是中国 SNS领域前7大网站。 yeeyan

It's setting the standard for SNS in China, but still faces challenges from other social networks, notably Tencent's Pengyou and Kaixin001.
它为中国设立了 SNS的标准,但是仍然面临来自其他社交网络的挑战,尤其是腾讯朋友和开心网。 sdo

The fact is not only that SNS is completely on cloud computing, but also that SNS is best tuned to leverage the power of cloud computing.
事实上 SNS服务不仅仅完全依托云计算, SNS还能够最大程度的调动放大云计算的能量。 yeeyan

To shed more light on how Sina Weibo is becoming a SNS by functionality, I’ve made a simple infographic comparing Renren, currently China’s largest real- name SNS, and Sina Weibo.
为了解释新浪微博是怎么样从功能上变成一个社交网络的,我制作了一个简单的信息表来给新浪微博和中国最大的实名社交网站——人人网做比较。 yeeyan

When an application wants to send a message, it sends it to the access point and SNS will take care of the delivering process.
当系统需要发送一条消息时,直接发送到接入点即可, SNS服务会处理整个传递过程。 infoq

SNS does not guarantee messages will be received in the exact order they were published.
SNS不能保证按照发布消息的先后顺序接收消息。 infoq

SNS does not guarantee100% delivery of messages to subscribers due to“ potential Internet issues or Email delivery restrictions”.
由于“潜在的网络问题或电子邮件传递限制”, SNS不能100%保证把所有消息都传递给用户。 infoq

SNS services are running on top of innovative Google cloud computing platform.
答案是显而易见的! SNS服务运行于颇具创造性的 Google云计算平台。 yeeyan

The boom in social networkingservices SNS has meant more young people playing social games.
社交网络的流行意味着更多年轻人成为社区游戏的爱好者。 ebigear

The technical co- founder of SNS understands cloud computing from inside out.
SNS的技术创始人对云计算可谓了如指掌。 yeeyan

The SNS victory may portend the eclipse of the once- mighty Radicals in the next general election.
进步党此次的胜利或许预示着在下次大选中,曾经盛极一时的激进党将会失势。 ecocn

What's the value of joining so many generic SNS?
加入如此多功能相似的 SNS的价值何在? cnblogs

Critics say he is diverting attention from questionable dealings involving his own government, many of which involve his embarrassing coalition partner, the racist Slovak National Party SNS.
批评人士认为菲科在将人们的注意力从可疑交易上转移开来,这些交易不仅涉及他所领导的政府,还涉及到他穷迫的合作伙伴——有种族偏见的斯洛伐克民族党 SNS。 ecocn

If a message cannot be dispatched, the SNS system stores the message retrying to deliver it later until the client receives it.
如果消息无法发送, SNS系统会把消息存储下来并在稍后重新尝试发送,直到客户端接收到它。 infoq

It is also adding to the competition for ad revenue in China’s crowded SNS sector.
他也加入在中国拥挤的 SNS行业中争取广告收入。 yeeyan

Through theoretical analysis, chart data, case analysis research methods, etc, this paper has a multi-angle discussion on applying SNS toe- commerce marketing of this new marketing mode.
通过理论分析、图表数据、案例分析等等研究方法,对 SNS应用于电子商务营销这一全新的营销方式进行了多角度的探讨。 cnlunwen.net




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