

单词 callings
释义 callings 英'kɔːlɪŋz美'kɔːlɪŋz COCA⁶⁸¹⁷⁶BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
名词 calling:
the particular occupation for which you are trained On the one hand, it would be foolish to deny the value in high callings such as philosophy, literature, art, and other allegedly “ useless” vocations.
一方面来说,像哲学、文学、艺术和其他一些被称为“无用”的崇高职业,否认它们的价值是愚不可及的事。 yeeyan

The public funding that was meant to encourage nobler callings will, ironically, be the undoing of it all.
公共资金的投入,本意是要促进那些崇高职业的发展,讽刺的是,效果却恰恰相反。 yeeyan

At present, this system can handle million of callings from customers all over of China. We are the most excellent service provider.
目前该中心能够大规模处理全国上百万的客户的来电,是行业中优质的服务提供商。 ccmw

Being called to be a pastor can be challenging and difficult, but it can also be the most rewarding of all callings.
蒙召作牧师,可以是既有挑战性又困难重重的工作,但也可以是最蒙福的呼召。 blog.sina.com.cn

Electric energy storage technology is an advanced application technology, which just meets up the callings for environmental protection and energy saving.
在环保要求较高、电力需求紧张的情况下,电力蓄能技术是值得重点推广的应用技术。 cnki

Following the development of computer- science and network- technology, all the callings are reconstructing themselves with new technology.
随着计算机技术,网络技术等相关技术的不断发展,各个行业都在进行数字化改造。 fabiao

Microsoft will always be a huge part of my life, and I'm lucky to have two callings that are so important and so challenging.
微软将一如既往是我生命中巨大的一部分,我很幸运我有两个如此重要和富有挑战性的职业。 ebigear

Our lives are the opportunity to find exact situations where we can fulfill our unique callings.
我们要把握人生的契机去寻找我们存在的价值。 yeeyan

The profit mode integrates many marketing methods of callings, so it has its own feature.
它的产品盈利模式,综合了多个行业的营销方式和方法,又具有自身的特色。 fabiao

Those callings, not to mention the sumptuous city itself, would have led his eye toward women, both undressed and very well dressed.
不必说巴黎这个城市本身的繁华,光是这些称呼就会使他把眼睛对准女人:不管是裸体的还是穿得非常好的。 yeeyan

Women, who have the callings from God and are recognized by the Church of their gifts, are allowed to be elected as elders, to be ordained as pastors, or to be appointed as the Senior Pastors.
凡是清楚蒙召、具备属灵恩赐、且为教会正式认可的女性,皆可被选立为教会长老、按立为牧师,或担任主任牧师。 efcga.org

Callings can be an encouragement to do a small thing with your time and energy or to pursue a radical reorganization of your life.
理想是一种鼓励你花费时间和精力来做些小事的想法,也可以是开始对你生活大幅重组的动力。 yeeyan




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