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词汇 Veronica
释义 Ve·ron·i·ca 英vəˈrɒnɪkə美vəˈrɑnɪkəAHDvə-rŏnʹĭ-kə

any plant of the genus Veronica近义词 speedwell植婆婆纳属的植物…

用作名词Sebastian andVeronicaflip through a book of wedding invitations.塞巴斯蒂安和维罗妮卡正在翻阅关于婚礼请帖的书。
Veronicafollows Michael to a jail cell in the courthouse.维罗妮卡跟着迈克尔到法院的监禁室里。 Tendenza Veronica, Veronica's Trend, is a revised edition of a book first published in2004 by journalist Maria Latella.

Veronica was less apt now, Les sensed, to be languid; she carried her wide-hipped, rangy body warily, as if it might detonate.
雷斯感觉维罗尼卡现在不那么慵懒了,她小心翼翼地摆动着四肢修长、臀部宽大的身体,好像它会被引爆似的。 yeeyan

Abruzzi, betrayed, slaps a photo of Veronica on the table.
被出卖的 Abruzzi把一张 Veronica的照片甩到了桌上。 yeeyan

After years of sunbathing— all women did it back then— Veronica developed photosensitivity, and stayed pale all summer.
经过数年的日光浴之后——所有的女人那时都这样——维罗妮卡对光产生了敏感性,整个夏天都很苍白。 yeeyan

Although Veronica still works as“ an independent” on weekends, she is studying business entrepreneurship.
尽管周末维罗妮卡仍以“独立着”的身份工作,但她也正学习商业和企业管理方面的课程。 yeeyan

As she speaks, Nick and Veronica stand by as a small crane lifts a very badly rotted coffin from the snow covered ground.
就在她讲话时,一辆小型起重机从积雪覆盖的地上提升起一具高度腐烂的棺材, Nick和 Veronica站在一旁。 yeeyan

He tells Veronica that he spoke to a friend who is a clerk at the Superior Court.
他告诉 Veronica,已经与一个朋友谈过了,对方是高等法院的一个办事员。 yeeyan

His reacquaintance with Veronica— the older, more fragile, and needy Veronica— filled him night and day with her image.
他要和维罗尼卡再续前缘,那更沧桑、更脆弱和贫困的维罗尼卡日夜萦绕在他心头。 yeeyan

His mind had been exploring the abysmal possibility of Veronica’s beauty and high spirits being removed from the world by a chemical mischance.
他的心一直在琢磨着维罗妮卡的美和活泼的精神因一次不幸的化学反映而离开这个人世的糟糕透顶的可能性。 yeeyan

If the informant Veronica is meeting has any evidence that might shed light onto Lincoln’s case, the clerk will be ready to file the necessary paperwork.
如果 Veronica在与线人的会面中得到任何证据,稍微与Lincoln案有关都行,他就可以马上安排必要的书面申请将死刑延期。 yeeyan

In the kitchen of Nick’s father’s remote cabin hideout, Veronica searches for coffee in the cabinets, but most of them are bare.
在 Nick父亲的偏远小屋里, Veronica在厨房的橱柜中寻找咖啡,但是基本上所有柜内都是空无一物。 yeeyan

In Dulles airport, Nick and Veronica disembark and head to their meeting with Nick’s contact who traced the “ eyewitness” call.
在杜勒斯机场, Nick和 Veronica下了飞机,前往与 Nick的联系人会面,就是他追踪到了“目击者”的电话。 yeeyan

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi's wife Veronica Lario has retained a divorce attorney to begin divorce proceedings, local media reported.

Last month, Veronica Rodriguez, Ms. Sturgis’s mother, paid for a full- page ad in the yearbook that is to include a photograph of her daughter in a tuxedo.
就在上个月,斯特吉斯的母亲维罗妮卡罗德里格斯为了能将她女儿穿着塔克斯礼服的照片登上毕业纪念册,支付了纪念册一整页广告的费用。 yeeyan

Mom Veronica Anderson was a bit more pragmatic and encouraged her to pursue whatever path gratified her most.
妈妈维罗尼卡·安德森则更现实一些,鼓励她去追求自己最喜爱的任何事业。 ebigear

She creeps up to a large leather chair next to a fireplace. Terrence sits asleep, but hears Veronica and slowly wakes up.
在壁炉旁,她蹑手蹑脚地靠近了一把大皮椅, Terrence坐在上面睡着了,但是听到 Veronica发出的声音后,慢慢地惊醒了。 yeeyan

Silvio Berlusconi was today quoted as saying his estranged wife, Veronica Lario, should apologise to him and not the other way around.
意大利总理希尔维奥·贝鲁斯科尼今天爆料,称应该道歉的人是目前正与他分居的妻子维罗尼卡·拉里欧,而不是他反过来向妻子道歉。 yeeyan

Tim Giles visits Veronica in her office and apologizes for being short with her at the courthouse.
Tim造访了 Veronica的办公室,向她道歉那次在法院没有多聊一会。 yeeyan

Tucci is suspicious of the evidence’s authenticity, Veronica wastes no time requesting that Lincoln’s conviction be overturned.
Tucci质疑证据的真实性, Veronica没有浪费时间,她向法官提出推翻 Lincoln有罪的判决。 yeeyan

When Veronica was12, her stepfather, a custodian, would take her into empty buildings and touch her.
当维罗妮卡还12岁的时候,她的继父也是她的监护人把她带到一间空房子里并猥亵了她。 yeeyan

Veronica is going to give a presentation next week, and I look forward to it.

Veronica and Nick stand at the front desk of a records office. They urge a bitter clerk to let them see the original tape of the murder.
Veronica和 Nick站在一个档案室的接待桌前,要求职员让他们察看一下 Lincoln谋杀案的原始录像带,那职员很难缠,不同意。 yeeyan

Veronica asks what exactly he saw that night at Lincoln’s apartment.
Veronica问他当晚在 Lincoln公寓确确实实地看到了些什么。 yeeyan

Veronica looks up from her typing with a start as someone walks into her office.
Veronica正在打文件,有个人走进了她的办公室,她向上一望,吓了一跳。 yeeyan

Veronica sits before stacks of paper, flipping pages, “ The records of every phone call to and from every contact stored in Quinn’s cell phone.”
Veronica坐在几堆纸前,翻阅着,“这是存储在 Quinn手机上的每个联系人打进和打出的每个电话记录。” yeeyan

Veronica stands before a local news van and announces that she represents Lincoln Burrows and she wants to tell her story.
Veronica站在一辆当地新闻报道车前,宣布她是代表 Lincoln Burrows的律师,她希望能就这起事件发表声明。 yeeyan

Veronica will have to apologise to me publicly.
维罗尼卡必须要公开向我道歉。 yeeyan




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