

单词 actually
释义 ac·tu·al·ly 英ˈæktʃuːəliː美ˈæktʃuəliAHDăkʹch›-ə-lē ★★★★★初高四六T牛4八COCA⁴⁰⁴BNC²⁹³iWeb³²¹Economist¹⁰⁷⁶

in actual fact;

to be nominally but not actually independent

no one actually saw the shark

large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt

used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly;

you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out

she actually spoke Latin

they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets

people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous

at the present moment;

the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air

as a sentence modifier to add slight emphasis;

actually, we all help clear up after a meal

actually, I haven't seen the film

I'm not all that surprised actually

she hasn't proved to be too satisfactory, actually







词根词缀: -act-行为的结果 ←→事实 + -ual形容词词尾 + -ly副词词尾duty actually paid实付税款
故事记忆宝玉爱黛玉 Really真正地因为男女不 Equally平等地屈尊登门是 Usually通常地感情在加深 Gradually逐渐地黛玉也爱宝玉 Actually事实上可惜有情人难成眷属。非常记忆act表演〖熟词〗+u桶〖编码〗+all所有的〖熟词〗+y树杈〖编码〗⇒事实上表演者用桶装了所有的树杈方振宇词汇奥秘actual真实的+ly副词后缀→真实地
比较记忆reallyadv.真实地as a matter of fact实际上
词根记忆actual实际的+ly表副词 →实际上actual实际的+ly副词后缀⇒实际上。近义词 truth事实really实在truly真实地in fact其实indeed真正地literally逐字地in reality实际上essentially本质上in point of fact实际上


I actually saw him yesterday.说来奇怪,我昨天竟然看见了他。


The book says she died aged 47,but her actual age was 43。‘Hello,John.Nice to meet you.’‘Actually,my name's Andy.’

他们也可以用actual来把事情表达得更清楚,精确,或者是提供意想不到的信息。I've got a new job.Actually,they've made me sales manager.

actual与actually有时会被错误使用,与present, current,now等词的意思混淆。注意actual没有“当前的,现在的”等义。

In 1900 the population of London was higher than its now.NOT…than actually is


‘How did you get on with my car?'‘Well,actually,I'm terribly sorry,I'm afraid I had a crash.’
用作副词He seems to be doing nothing, butactuallyhe is just biding his time.他看上去无所事事,其实却在等待良机。
Some patientsactuallygot worse after receiving the treatment.有些病人在接受治疗后,病情事实上反而严重了。
Iactuallywon the lottery!我居然中奖了!adv.really;literally
同义词 absolutely,for real,genuinely,in fact,indeed,literally,really,truly,verilyas a matter of fact,de facto,in point of fact,in reality,in truth,veritably
absolutelyadverb certainly, without question
categorically,come hell or high water,conclusively,decidedly,decisively,definitely,doubtless,easily,exactly,for sure,no ifs ands or buts,no strings attached,on the button,on the money,on the nose,positively,precisely,really,right on,straight out,sure as can be,sure as hell,sure enough,surely,the very thing,truly,unambiguously,unconditionally,unquestionably
de factoadverb in reality
actual,actually,existing,genuinely,in effect,in fact,real,really,tangible,truly,veritably
easilyadverb without a doubt
absolutely,actually,almost certainly,assuredly,beyond question,by far,certainly,clearly,decidedly,definitely,doubtless,doubtlessly,far and away,indeed,indisputably,indubitably,no doubt,plainly,positively,probably,really,surely,truly,undeniably,undoubtedly,unequivocally,unquestionably
essentiallyadverb basically
actually,approximately,at heart,at the heart of,centrally,characteristically,chiefly,determinately,factually,fundamentally,importantly,in effect,in essence,indispensably,inherently,intimately,intrinsically,materially,more or less so,naturally,necessarily,originally,permanently,primarily,principally,quite,radically,really,significantly,substantially,truly,typically,virtually,vitally
for realphrase in reality;actually
actually,for sure,in reality,indeed,really,seriously,verily
genuinelyadverb really
absolutely,actually,admittedly,as a matter of fact,assuredly,authentically,beyond doubt,categorically,certainly,de facto,easily,fairly,for fair,honestly,in actuality,in effect,in fact,in point of fact,in reality,indeed,indub And I think once we ask that question we have to go back, actually, to life.
我认为,一旦我们问这个问题我们必须实际上回到生命。 hjenglish

And I actually say in my acknowledgements that I wrote this book, above all, for the next generation, for my children.

And one of the questions we would like to answer is when do we actually create this dream?
我们希望能回答的一个问题是,我们实际上是在什么时候做这个梦的? ebigear

And you know what? One of them was actually right.
但是,你知道吗,其中一个实际上是对的。 yeeyan

So what will it actually do?
它实际上能够做什么? yeeyan




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