

释义 XVII ˌsevnˈtiːn 高COCA⁴³⁶⁷⁰BNC⁵⁴¹⁸²

the cardinal number that is the sum of sixteen and one
being one more than sixteen 近义词 seventeen十七17seventeen,十七…
And how should they have suspected it, they who fancied that Louis XVII. Reigned on the9th of Thermidor, and that Louis XVIII. Was reigning at the battle of Marengo?
他们这伙在热月九日还以为路易十七是统治者,在马伦哥胜利之日也还以为路易十八是统治者的人,又怎能见到这一点呢? chinabaike

The Bidden Easter charity dates at very least to the beginning of the XVII century, as proven by the Archdeacon of Canterbury's letter.
比登登的复活节慈善会至少在十七世纪初就已经开始,这一点可以由坎特伯雷领班神父的信件可以证明。 yeeyan

The launch takes place at the XVII International AIDS Conference.
发布会将在第17届国际艾滋病大会期间举办。 worldbank

A heart located in a royal French crypt is thought to belong to the king's son, Louis XVII, who died when he was just10 years old.
在法国皇家墓室中,有颗心脏被认为是路易十六儿子---路易十七的,他年仅十岁就离开了人世。 yeeyan

Article XVII, for whatever reason, not on behalf of the other credit card, or they will be fired from the company.
第十七条不论任何原因,不得代他人刷卡,否则将被公司开除。 docin

CANON XVII: Whoever has entered into two marriages after baptism, or has possessed himself of a concubine, cannot be a Bishop, or a Presbyter, or a Deacon, or anything else in the Sacefdotal List.
法令十七:凡在受洗后结过两次婚、或有小妾的人,不得成为主教、司铎、执事,或担任任何属于司祭之列的职务。 douban

The San Felipe launched in1690, was one of the most beautiful Spanish ships of the XVII century.
圣菲利普号于1690年下水,凭借其强大的战斗力而成为西班牙无敌舰队的头领船。 umbdf

The Salviati family remained the proprietor of the villa throughout the XVI and XVII centuries.
该萨尔维亚蒂家庭仍然是整个别墅业主十六和十七世纪。 catalogue.horse21.cn

Tourists visiting friends and relatives asked questions XVII should pay attention to what matters?
第十七题旅游者要求探视亲友应注意哪些事项? blog.sina.com.cn




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