

单词 burnishing
释义 burnishing 英'bɜːnɪʃɪŋ美'bɜːnɪʃɪŋ COCA⁸⁵⁶⁸⁸BNC⁷³⁵⁴⁶
动词 burnish:
polish and make shinyball burnishing钢珠滚光,钢球抛光,…burnishing wheel磨光轮,摩擦抛光轮…burnishing brush磨光辊,抛光辊…burnishing die整形冲模,挤光模…burnishing lathe抛光车床grease burnishing脂膏抛光burnishing paste抛光膏burnishing stick磨光条,抛光条…burnishing roll磨光辊,抛光辊…burnishing barrel抛光滚筒burnishing powder研磨粉burnishing roller刷光辊burnishing machine辊光机burnishing surface磨光面
burn-ish…的-ing动名词⇒n.抛光³¹用作名词Polish media.A ceramic media without any abrasives.For Burnishing,polishing and light deburring.不含砂粉的磨块,用于一般抛光及轻微的去毛刺。
This was the third stop on a foreign tour designed to gather information whileburnishingthe Democratic contender's foreign policy credentials.这是第三站,一个外国旅行团,旨在搜集资料,而抛光民主党竞争者的外交政策的全权证书。
But Huaneng is only one of many Chinese companies snapping up assets overseas, and it would be wrong to suggest such purchases are aimed solely atburnishingtheir corporate egos.但华能只是众多抢购海外资产的中国公司之一,如果你以为这不过是为了擦亮公司的招牌,那你就错了。 Almost everyone says Mr Kikwete is spending too much time burnishing Tanzania’s image abroad and not enough fixing problems at home.
几乎每个人都认为 Kikwete总统将太多时间花费在提升坦桑尼亚的国际形象上却没有切实地充分解决国内问题。 ecocn

At the CBI's annual conference on November28th, Mr Brown was once again burnishing his credentials as a long-term planner, saying that investment in infrastructure was vital for Britain's future.
11月28日,在 CBI一年一度的大会上,布朗再一次展现了他从长计议的架势,他表示,基础设施的投资攸关英国的未来。 ecocn

For some things, like burnishing a company’s image or stimulating consumers’ desire for an expensive pair of shoes, there may be few free options.
对某些目标,例如美化一家公司 的形象或者刺激消费者购买一双昂贵鞋子的欲望,可供选择的免费广告可能还很少。 yeeyan

Hemingway set the modern gold standard for inventive self- branding, burnishing his image with photo ops from safaris, fishing trips and war zones.
海明威用狩猎、钓鱼和战地镜头来装饰自己的形象,为创新式自主品牌设定了当代黄金标准。 ecocn

In any event, the army has done itself no harm: burnishing an image sullied during the turbulent end to the regime of Pakistan’s last military dictator, Pervez Musharraf, who stepped aside in2008.
无论如何,军队如此行动对自身毫无害处,倒是重新树立因上一任独裁者穆沙拉夫2008年下台前混乱结局而玷污的军队形象。 ecocn

In what feels almost like a mini- MBA programme, we sit through presentations on search engine optimisationSEO, burnishing one's online reputation and marketing.
在这样一种类似小型 MBA项目中,我们坐在那里听各种有关搜索引擎优化,提高个人在线声誉和市场营销的演讲。 yeeyan

Instead the visit is more of a nice photo opportunity, burnishing the presidential image in the lead-up to a tough election campaign.
相反这次访问更像是一次塑造好形象的机会,为即将到来的激烈大选再次擦亮一下总统形象。 yeeyan

Kolkata is bent on burnishing its modern image—and banning a potent symbol of India's colonial past.
柯尔喀塔市专注于擦亮它现代化的形象,同时逐渐消除过去印度殖民时期的有力标志。 huaxia-ng

Outside Japan, where it offers a broad cosmetics line-up, the company has focused on burnishing its reputation for luxury products.
在资生堂提供广泛化妆品系列的日本以外地区,该公司一直注重于塑造自身作为奢侈品品牌的声誉。 bbs.fesco.com.cn

This paper introduces the disk projection formation and its burnishing technique, the discussion centres on the design static characteristics for burnishing head and its experimental research.
阐述了磁盘高点的形成及其铲刮技术,并着重论述了铲刮头的静特性设计和实验研究。 cnki

WA8109 is suitable for pull up leather, the finishing of polishing and burnishing effect.
WA8109适合作用于各种油脂变色革,以及抛光打蜡效果的涂饰。 tanoa-lhg.com




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