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词汇 awakes
释义 a·wake·s 英ə'weɪk美ə'weɪk COCA⁶³⁸⁸⁶BNC⁶⁰¹¹⁰
vi. & vt. 使醒; 弄醒

make sb wake up

vi. & vt. 唤起,使觉悟,激起

make you remember sth or begin to experience a particular feeling


not asleep especially immediately before or after sleeping; not sleeping


alert; vigilant

not in a state of sleep; completely conscious;

lay awake thinking about his new job

still not fully awake

mentally perceptive and responsive;

an alert mind

alert to the problems

alive to what is going on

awake to the dangers of her situation

was now awake to the reality of his predicament

stop sleeping;

She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock


❌ I awoke up at dawn.

✔️ I awoke at dawn.


awake, awaken, wake, waken


1.wake是最常用词,也是最不正式的用语, awake则比wake正式些。如指“醒来”“使醒”,最好用wake。

2.waken和awaken常用作及物动词,多用于书面和被动语态中,表示“被唤醒”。awaken和awake多用于比喻说法,表示“觉醒; 提醒”“开始意识到”等意思。


4.以-en结尾的两个词只用作动词, awake除用作动词外还可用作形容词, wake还可用作名词。








用作动词 v.
~+名词awake one's desire唤起某人的欲望awake one's interest唤起某人的兴趣awake old memories唤起回忆awake sb唤醒某人awake sorrow勾起悲伤~+副词awake late醒得很迟awake accidentally偶然觉醒awake breathlessly匆忙唤醒awake consequently因此唤起awake joyfully愉快地醒来awake manifestly明白地觉察到awake mechanically呆头呆脑地觉察到awake rudely猛然醒悟awake singularly单个醒来awake spiritually心灵上觉醒awake usually通常…醒来~+介词awake by被…弄醒awake from从…中醒来awake from a sound sleep从酣睡中醒来awake sb from ignorance使某人从愚昧中觉醒awake sb from illusion使某人从幻想中醒悟awake from sleep从睡梦中醒来awake in sb涌上某人的心头awake to意识到awake to sense of duty唤起责任感awake with由于…而醒来用作形容词 adj.副词+~fully awake睡意全无half awake半睡半醒quite awake十分清楚scarcely awake刚醒thoroughly awake完全清醒wide awake完全醒着
awake from v.+prep.

从…醒来,把…从…中唤醒 become, cause sb conscious again after sleep

awake from sthAsia is awaking from her long sleep.亚洲正从长眠中觉醒。
In the morning I awake from a deep sleep.早晨我从熟睡中醒来。
I was glad to awake from such a nightmare.我庆幸终于从噩梦中醒来了。
He awoke from a restless sleep to find that all his fears were unfounded.他一夜未能安睡,醒来时发现自己的一切忧虑都是没有理由的。awake sb from sthThe noise awoke me from my sleep.喧闹声使我从睡梦中醒过来。
The affair awoke them from the false belief.这件事使他们从迷信中清醒过来。
Father awoke me from ignorance.父亲给了我启蒙教育。
Brooks was roughly awoken from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with $100,000.当他的合伙人卷走了10万美元,布鲁克斯才从发财梦中猛然惊醒。
awake to v.+prep.

觉察到,领悟到 begin to understand; aware of

awake to sthShe awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.她醒来时听到电铃在响。
He likes to awake to the sound of a radio.他喜欢在广播声中醒来。
I awoke to bright sunlight filling my room; it was already midday.我一醒来就看见屋里阳光灿烂,原来已是中午了。awake to sthShe is awaking to the grim realities of life.她开始意识到生活中的种种严酷现实。
I wonder if they awoke to need for improvement.我不知道他们是否意识到有改进的必要。
They at last awoke to the danger.他们终于意识到危险。
It's time you awoke to the realities of the situation.现在是你明白实际情况的时候了。
It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation.过了一些时间她才意识到她处境的危险。
You should awake to your responsibilities.你应当意识到自己的职责。
You must awake to the fact that failure will mean disgrace.你必须觉悟到,失败即是耻辱。
You must awake to the truth/fact that an objective law is independent of man's will.你必须认识到客观规律是不以人们的意志为转移的。
We must awake to the dangers facing our country.我们必须认识到我们的国家面临的危险。
Young people need to awake to the risks involved in casual sex.青年人必须意识到性放纵的危险。awake sb/sth to sthWe have at last awaken John to the fact there's no easy way to success.我们终于使约翰认识到成功之路无捷径可走。
The teacher's advice awaked her to her faults.老师的意见使她意识到自己的错误。
They must awaken the people to the dangers facing their country.他们必须让国民认识到国家所面临的危险。
awake with v.+prep.

由于…而醒来 wake because of

awake with sthThe child awoke with a start.孩子惊醒了。
He awake with the ringing of an electric bell.一阵电铃声使他从梦中醒来。用作形容词 awake to

意识到; 对…警觉realize; become conscious of

wide awake

头脑清醒的; 反应灵敏的able to think clearly and react quickly

近义词 wake
raise from sleepuponadj. open-eyed反义词 napdozedozingnappingsleepingv. sleepgo to sleepput to sleepmake unawaredulladj. sleep
S+~+AEby awoke late today.伊比今天醒得很晚。
She slept badly, awoke late.他睡得不好,很迟才醒。
I awake at six every morning.我每天早上六点醒来。
I awoke two hours ago.我两小时前醒来。
“Alice! Awake!” cried her father.她父亲喊道“艾丽斯,别睡了!”
When she awoke Imes was beside her.当她醒来的时候,艾姆斯正在她的身边。
When I awoke it was broad daylight.我醒来时已是大白天了。
She awoke when the nurse entered the room.护士进屋的时候她就醒了。
Jacelin awoke in an evil temper.杰斯林怒气冲冲地醒来。
Gara awoke in a bad mood.加拉醒来了,情绪很不好。
I have been awoken for an hour.我醒了一个小时了。
The national spirit awoke.民族精神觉醒了。
Old memories awoke in her when she read the letter.读了那封信,勾起了她对往日的许多回忆。
He awoke to find her gone.他醒来发现她已经走了。
Byron awoke on morning to find himself famous.拜伦一朝起来发现自己已经成名。
Brooks awoke to find himself in a hospital.布鲁克斯醒来时发现自己在一家医院里。
The drunken man awoke to find himself in a ditch.这个醉汉酒醒时发现自己掉进了沟里。
He awoke to find himself in the emergency ward of a hospital.他醒来时发现自己在医院急诊病房里。
Mike awoke to find that he was lying on the beach.迈克醒来发现自己躺在海滩上。
I awoke to find that it was raining.我醒来后才发现正在下雨。
They awoke to find that several inches of snow had fallen.他们醒来发现已下了几英寸深的雪。
S+~+ adj.He awoke cold and sick.他醒来时感到很冷,身体也不舒服。
She slept badly, awoke tired and pale.她睡得很不好,醒来时满身疲倦,面色苍白。
S+~+ n./pron.Don't worry!I shall awake you on time.不用担心,到时候我会叫醒你的。
He awoke the sleeping child.他把那个睡着的孩子弄醒了。
She awoke me at seven.她7点钟把我叫醒。
The noise of the wind did not awake her.风声没有弄醒她。
Her voice awoke the sleeping child.她的声音惊醒了睡着的小孩。
The sound of the heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog.沉重的脚步声惊醒了看门狗。
The sound of voices awoke me.说话声把我吵醒了。
The alarm awoke everyone in the house.警报声把屋子里的人都惊醒了。
The alarm clock awoke me.闹钟把我惊醒了。
Her letter awoke old memories.她的信唤起了对许多往事的回忆。
Going back to the house awoke memories that thought long forgotten.回到那所房子唤起了他遗忘很久的记忆。
Nothing can awake his interest in this subject.没有什么能够唤起他对这个问题的兴趣。
The chance meeting awoke the old passion between them.不期而遇使他们旧情复燃。
The music awoke my imagination.这音乐唤起了我的想象力。
His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities.他的发言必然要激起昔日的恐惧和敌对情绪。
He was awoken by the noise of the wind.他被风声弄醒。
The parents were awaked by the child's crying.孩子的哭声把父母惊醒。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.The wide awake patients heard the strange sound.那些十分清醒的病人听到了这奇怪的声音。n. +~Cage was the only one girl awake at that time.凯奇是当时唯一醒着的孩子。
Ade is the man keenly awake to the change.艾德是一个对变化异常敏感的人。
S+be+~I'm fully awake.我非常清醒。
Give him the letter as soon as he's awake.他一醒就把这封信给他。
He is always awake early.他总是很早就醒了。
Is he awake or asleep?他是醒着的还是睡着了?
Is he awake yet?他醒了吗?
The dog was awake and barking all night.狗整夜没睡,一直在叫。
I was still awake when he came to bed.他上床时我还没有入睡。
He was scarcely awake when he heard the knock at the door.他刚刚醒来就听见有人敲门。
He lay awake all night, thinking about his new job.他彻夜不眠,想着他的新工作。
I find it so difficult to stay awake during history lessons.我觉得上历史课不会打瞌睡实在太难了。
I managed to stay awake long enough to watch the video.我强忍着不睡看完了录像。
The campers lay awake listening to the night sounds.宿营者睡不着,在谛听夜间的声音。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseHe lies awake at night worrying about his job.他担心自己的工作,夜晚躺在床上睡不着。
She used to lie awake at night worrying about how to pay the bills.她过去常常晚上睡不着觉,担心如何结账。
She was awake during the operation on her leg.她在腿部动手术时一直醒着。
I've been awake for hours,我已经醒了好几个小时。
The explorer was ever awake for the dangers that surrounded him.这个探险家时刻提防着周围的危险。
She lay awake for hours thinking about him.她醒着躺在那儿好几个钟头想念着他。
S+V+O+~The noise was keeping everyone awake.喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。
I drink a lot of coffee to keep me awake.为了保持清醒我喝许多咖啡。
This thought kept me awake all night.这种顾虑使我通宵未曾合眼。
We've been kept awake all night by the noise.我们整夜被噪声吵得睡不着觉。
I could hardly keep myself awake.我几乎不能使自己保持清醒。

awake用作不及物动词的基本意思是“醒来”,引申可表示为“醒悟”; 用作及物动词则表示“唤醒…”或“使…觉悟”。

awake用作不及物动词时主语通常是人,偶尔也可用spirit, memory等抽象名词; awake用作及物动词时宾语通常是人,偶尔也可用hope, memory等抽象名词。 awake 表示“醒来”时是瞬间动词,其现在完成时肯定式不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。

awake的过去式可以是awoke或awaked,但常用awoke。过去分词可以是awoken或awaked,自20世纪后在英国和美国口语中过去分词普遍使用awaked; 在书面语中, awaked 和 awoken 两种形式美国都用。




awake在句中用作表语,偶尔也可用作定语或宾语补足语; 在其前没有修饰语时,作定语只能后置。


awake不受very修饰,但可受wide, full, thoroughly修饰。


awake作“醒着的”“醒悟到的; 意识到的”解时不用于比较等级。

awake,awaken,wake和waken意思和用法都相似,既作及物动词,也作不及物动词。表示“唤醒”,“醒”时,习惯上用wake,而表示“醒悟”时,习惯上用awake和awaken。若是表示“醒着的”,只能用wake。waken和awaken比较少作为不及物动词。wake和waken后可加up,wake up唤醒,醒来比较常用,waken较少加up,而awake和awaken后不加up。不过文学著作上,常用waken替换wake up。

The princess did not waken for a hundred years.公主已经一百年没有醒过来了。
用作形容词The children are still wideawake.孩子们仍然完全醒着。
The smart of his wound kept himawake.伤痛使他无法入睡。
A pilot must beawaketo the changes in the weather.飞行员必须警觉天气的变化。
He isawaketo the serious problem.他已意识到这个严重的问题。
You should be moreawaketo the danger of your position.你应该更加意识到你处境的危险。用作动词Nothing canawakeher interest in this trip.没有东西可唤起她对这次旅行的兴趣。
Don't worry! I shallawakehim on time.不用担心!到时我会叫醒他的。
He likes toawaketo the sound of a radio.他喜欢在广播声中醒来。
I was glad toawakefrom such a nightmare.我庆幸终于从噩梦中醒来了。 And in the same way as a dreamer awakes.

The intensive development of market economy provides people with more free time, moreover, it awakes individuals to aesthetic culture.
市场经济的纵深发展给人们带来了更多的自由时间,并且促成了个体审美意识的普遍觉醒。 cnki

The writing inspiration like wind, was fantasizing awakes daily is sleepwalking.

“ WHEN China awakes, ” Napoleon is said to have warned, “the world will tremble.”
据说拿破仑 Napoleon曾经就发出过这样的警告:“当中国觉醒,世界都将为之震颤。” yeeyan

“ WHEN China awakes,” Napoleon is said to have warned, “ the world will tremble.” For more than a century and a half after his time, that prospect seemed remote.
“当中国这头雄狮苏醒时”据说拿破仑曾告诫过“世界将为之一颤。”在他的时代结束的一个半世纪后,这个预言看上去是那样的遥不可及。 yeeyan

“ WHEN China awakes,” Napoleon is said to have warned, “ the world will tremble.”
“当中国这头雄狮苏醒时”据说拿破仑曾告诫过“世界将为之一颤。” yeeyan

A woman three months pregnant falls into a deep coma. Six months later, she awakes and asks the nearest doctor about the fate of her baby.
一位怀孕三个月的妇女陷入深度昏迷,六个月后她醒来,问她身旁的医生她孩子的情况。 yeeyan

After this vision, it is time for Adam and Eve to leave Paradise. Eve awakes and tells Adam that she had a very interesting and educating dream.
看完这些幻影后,亚当和夏娃便离开了伊甸园,夏娃醒来时告诉亚当昨晚她做的那有趣且富有教育性的梦。 jlpzj

Along with sets pen to paper the pen genuine and fake sound taking turns, the sound height fluctuation, the writing inspiration like wind, fantasized that awakes daily is sleepwalking.

And when he awakes on the fragrant grass.

Eve awakes and tells Adam about a dream she had, in which an angel tempted her to eat from the forbidden tree.
夏娃醒来便告诉亚当昨夜的梦,梦里有一名天使诱惑她吃知识之果。 jlpzj

Grandfather awakes and sees that Peter is in the forest. Very angry, he grabs his gun and, as fast as his stiff, old legs will carry him, rushes outside.
爷爷醒来了,发现彼得在森林里,因此非常生气,带上他的枪,用他那双年老而僵硬的腿,奔走着赶到外面去。 blufans

In a world of shifting past, one morning the quarryman awakes and is no more the boy who could not hold it in.

It dispels the constraint of material to human nature and awakes human's principal consciousness.
这种幸福,消除了物质对人性的压抑,唤醒了人的主体意识。 cnki

Jack awakes in a holding cell inside the underground facility.
在这个地下机构中,杰克在一间拘留房中醒了过来。 yeeyan

Let the second hand suspend, awakes from the samsara, loves thorough.

Morrow he awakes in jail, rave: Ah!
次日他在狱里醒来,叫道:啊! google-web

Then a clumsy- footed crow awakes in them, stirring the branches and croaking mournfully.
然后笨足乌鸦醒过来了,摇晃着树枝哀哀叫着。 ecocn

When Elliott awakes on the island, he can't remember who or where he is.
当 Elliott在荒岛上醒来时,他忘记了自己是谁、在哪里。

When love awakes, the Lord, like a magnet, draws to Him the soul.
一旦爱被唤醒,神会像磁铁一样,把灵魂吸引到身边。 lifeilove

Whether it’s sitting with a cup of coffee as the world awakes, or sitting on a pillow and focusing on your breath, stillness is a powerful way to start your day.
无论是在天色既白的时候坐着与一杯咖啡相伴还是坐在垫子上全神贯注于自己的呼吸。静始终是开始新的一天的一种很棒的方式。 yeeyan




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