

单词 翻山越岭
释义 翻山越岭 fān shān yuè lǐng 常用成语
tramp over hill and dale繁体飜山越嶺近义跋山涉水;梯山航海正音“越”,不能读作“yào”。
法文par monts et par vaux李准《马小翠的故事》:“想贴个春联,往往要跑几十里,翻山越岭到山下请人写。”联合式:作谓语;定语;宾语;形容长途跋涉的辛苦;中性词。姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第六章:“他的腿脚好,只要肚子里填饱了瓤子,翻山越岭,跟年轻人一样。”解释: 翻高山,越峻岭。形容长途跋涉的艰辛。清·胡林翼《札各统领》:“该县东北各路山少田多,马步各队进征尚易,西南各路翻山越岭,道途丛难,溪涧甚多。”
张爱玲《倾城之恋》:“那车驰出了闹市,翻山越岭,走了多时,一路只见黄土崖,红土崖,土崖缺口处露出森森绿树,露出蓝绿色的海。”近义词 跋山涉水风餐露宿风尘仆仆奔走风尘到处奔走抗尘走俗四处奔波仆仆风尘梯山航海
反义词 一路顺风朝发夕至旅途平安
我们雇了个向导带领我们翻山越岭。We engaged a guide to show us the way across the mountians.该餐厅有一个大的露天阳台,翻山越岭的全景。
The Restaurant has a large open-air terrace offering panoramic views over the mountains. hotel-all.net

The evening I stand tall hills, hoping to repair the railway in my hometown, one of the dragon fled over sent to the snow-covered plateau Ankang. kuenglish

Today, a lot of hills to climb, over the mountains, very puzzled why the home of the tomb are buried at the summit, leading me through the mountain path, green taste of the bamboo. enwaimao.cn

The policemen spent several days trekking through trees and over mountains looking for the lost boy. blog.sina.com.cn

No one can really pull you up very high — you lose your grip on the rope. But on your own two feet you can climb mountains. blog.sina.com.cn

The people live in this cave that can only be approached by hiking through a series of stairs up the mountain. yeeyan

Merchants sold salt mainly through the market, others often cross over mountains and go remote village to sell salt directly. fabiao

Thus, tramping over hill and dale to cut firewood was the task of my elder brother and me. blog.sina.com.cn

He crossed no more hills or divides, but automatically followed a large stream which flowed through a wide and shallow valley. chinaedu

He crossed no more hills or divides, but automatically followed a large stream, which flowed through a wide and shallow valley. zftrans

He struggles on the steep climb back home, a punishing scramble through woods and fields, on an empty stomach.42qu

They went from mountain to mountain personally promoting and selling their products to retailers and other winter sports enthusiasts. fortunechina

She went across the mountains and at last came to the house of the seven dwarfs. topsage

She went across the mountains and stood in front of the house of the seven dwarfs. blog.zjol.com.cn

Thus, I risked a danger on my hurt feet and spent an hour to decide joining this activity which is of self-abused and needs crossing mountains. xiphoto

He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time with the aim of conducting a real and careful exploration. hjenglish

In order to get a detailed and truthful picture of the places he visited, he seldom traveled by cart or boat but would walk across hills and dales, and trudge long distances.

For careful research, he seldom traveled by carriage or by boat, but on foot, tramping over hill and dale and trudging all roads. putclub

I understood that all those tiring days Mama spent climbing hills through remote villages were nothing compared to what she could still do. www.teacherclub.com.cn

We engaged a guide to show us the way across the mountains. websaru

Following the West Valley, we climbed more peaks and ridges, passed through the fragrant apple orchard, and lingered for a while by Black Dragon Pool. jukuu

After five years he was home. He was never again the healthy young man who climbed mountains and carried heavy bags of fossils for miles. edu.sina.com.cn

A farmer led Ma He a dog to climb mountains goes hunting, walks one day not to be able to project on, but the farmer continued.24en

Taking pains to climb over ridges, I was deeply shocked at what was in sight when I finally arrived at Shanbai Village of Yuli Town on the mountain where in the woods Tao Fujun's home was located. blog.sina.com.cn

努尔斯坦省的一位高级警官——阿希扎德上校指出: “以前,叛乱分子为了进入努尔斯坦地区,需要翻山越岭;可是如今,他们却可以通过主干道,开车长驱直入。”
“ Before, the insurgents had to climb over the mountain to come to Nuristan. But now they are just driving in, using the main road,” says Colonel Ashirzad, a high-ranking police officer in Nuristan. ecocn.org

On such occasions, the assistant magistrate would pack his things on a donkey, and just take off across the mountains, with one or two of his followers. chinashakestheworldbook




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