词汇 | 偃旗息鼓 |
释义 | 偃旗息鼓 辨形“偃”,不能写作“揠”。 辨析参见“销声匿迹”。。 辨形“偃”,不能写作“揠”。 辨析见“销声匿迹”。 法文rouler ses drapeaux et faire taire ses tambourscesser toutes activités 俄文со свёрнутыми знамёнамиуходить в подполье 曹操没有善罢甘休,指挥大队人马追杀赵云,直扑蜀营。赵云的副将张翼见赵云已退回本寨,后面追兵来势凶猛,便要关闭寨门拒守。赵云下令大开营门,偃旗息鼓,准备放曹军进来;一面又命令弓弩手埋伏在寨内外,然后自己单枪匹马站在门口等候敌人。 生性多疑的曹操追到寨门口,心想,寨门大开,必有伏兵,即匆忙下令撤退。就在曹操调头后退的时候,蜀军营里金鼓齐鸣,杀声震天,飞箭如雨般向曹军射击。曹军惊慌失措,夺路逃命,自相践踏。赵云趁势夺了曹军的粮草,杀死了曹军大批兵马,得胜回营。 反义词 Those criticisms are unlikely to go away after the quarterly results Cisco posted on February9th. But activists on either side of the gay- rights divide do not have time to hold their breath. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Cecilia have divorced, the president's office said on Thursday, ending rampant speculation about the state of their11- year old marriage. Moreover, Reagan knew from personal experience in making movies that once he was in the highest tax bracket, he'd stop making movies for the rest of the year. The love of war has gone AWOL at National Review. This year could be the one when talk of Asia's export- led development begins to give way to a realisation that much of the region's future growth will be self-generated. Joy also means accepting your human emotions, experiencing the ups and downs of life, while learning to breathe and let things pass in their own time. The Wright brothers' legal skirmishes were put to rest only by the outbreak of the first world war. Cultural diplomacy died down after the cold war ended. With the opposition out of action, the most potent criticism of Mr Tusk and his government is coming from the media and think- tanks. As for border security, the fight against terror, keeping the extremists and Taliban down? I yelled my ex's name in pleasure and my hubby was very frustrated hearing another man's name. At Woodstock hippiedom simultaneously reached its public peak and opened itself to imitation and trivialization — one more glimmer of rebellion to be deflated into a style statement. For the moment, at least, the naysayers are in retreat. Significantly, Fitzgerald opts to trumpet his presence with a lavish fanfare and then introduces him with barely a murmur. Lately a lull seems to have descended on that struggle. The few groups to raise objections, such as caterers and restaurateurs, have been criticised in the press and have retreated. |
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