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词汇 bull
释义 bull 英bʊl美bʊlAHDb‹l

C公牛; 雄兽

that adult male form of cattle, supposed to be fierce and hard to control, kept on farms to be the parent of young cattle


a person who buys business shares or goods in expectation of a price rise or who acts to cause such a rise

uncastrated adult male of domestic cattlea large and strong and heavyset man;

he was a bull of a man

a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got

obscene words for unacceptable behavior;

I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk

what he said was mostly bull

a serious and ludicrous blunder;

he made a bad bull of the assignment

uncomplimentary terms for a policemanan investor with an optimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to rise and so buys now for resale laterastrology a person who is born while the sun is in Taurusthe second sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about April 20 to May 20the center of a targeta formal proclamation issued by the pope usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bullamature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow'; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle
push or force;

He bulled through his demands

try to raise the price of stocks through speculative buyingspeak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths;

The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it

advance in price;

stocks were bulling







用作名词 n.
动词+~milk the bull做徒劳无益的事shoot the bull吹牛~+名词bull elephant公象bull market多头市场bull neck短粗的脖子介词+~like bull凶猛的
用作名词n.a bull in a china shop

笨手笨脚到处闯祸之人 a rough and careless person in a place where skill and care are needed

联想记忆芝加哥公牛队的标志就是Chicago Bulls钱博士bul膨胀+l→体型庞大的动物⇒公牛非常记忆full满的⇒公牛队招满人啦bul膨胀+l→体型庞大的动物⇒公牛近义词 ox牛cow母牛copper铜fake假的edict法令fuzz细毛…decree法令buffalo水牛Taurus金牛座bullshit胡说Samson大力士instruction指令horseshit 胡说…bruiser彪形大汉encyclical传阅的proclamation宣言strapper彪形大汉dogshit狗屎pig猪bull through硬挤papal bull教皇印玺cop纺锤状线团、管纱…crap废话bull's eye靶心Irish bull自相矛盾的说法…official statement正式声明shit表示愤怒、厌恶等的感叹词…talk through one's hat胡说八道反义词 cow
用作名词n.This is a bull.这是一头公牛。
He was a great bull of a man.他是一个体壮如牛的人。
The bull elephant is attacking us.这头公象正要攻击我们。
We can see through all thatbull.我们能识破那套胡诌。Pbullshitn.胡说Pbullwhipn.牛鞭Pbulldogn.喇叭狗Pbullfightn.斗牛Pbulltroutn.欧鳟Pbullwhackn.牛鞭Pbull-fightn.斗牛Pbullringn.斗牛场Pbull-bear多头买空Pbull-roarern.吼板Pbullous大疱大泡的Pbulldozern.推土机Pbull-punchern.牛仔Pbullfrogn.牛蛙喧蛙Pbullneckeda.粗颈的Pbullfinchn.红腹灰雀Pbullockn.阉牛小公牛Pbullwhackern.赶牛者Pbullboatn.牛皮浅水船Pbullcalfn.小公牛笨蛋Pbullworkn.牛马活苦活Pbull-calfn.小公牛笨蛋Pbullheadn.大头鱼顽固的人Pbullheadeda.顽固的愚笨的Pbullhornn.手提式电子扩音器Pbullisha.似公牛的看涨的上扬的Pbulldozevt.强迫用推土机推平/削平用推土机清除压倒威胁


bull的基本意思是未阉割的公牛。用于比喻时,可指“体壮如牛的人”; 也可指某些陆地或海洋中躯体庞大的“雄性动物”。



用作名词Thebullbellowed angrily.公牛怒吼起来。
Hisbullwill come to serve our cows tomorrow.明天我们用他的公牛与我们的母牛配种。
Abullmarket is a situation in which share prices are rising.牛市是指股价不断攀升的行情。用作名词He likes to throw thebull.他喜欢吹牛。
Don't listen to his cock andbullstory.别听他那荒诞的故事。
Get along with you. It's a cock andbullstory.去你的, 这是无稽之谈。用作名词The pope issued abulldeclaring that abortion was not approved by the church.教皇发布训令,宣布堕胎不被教堂认可。用作形容词Still another depicted Europa deceived by Jupiter under the disguise of abull.再一幅是描写欧罗巴尼如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺骗。
A slow exposure blurs the charge of abullat a bullfight in Arequipa, Peru.在秘鲁阿雷基帕一场斗牛赛中,相机的缓速曝光将这张公牛的攻击姿势拍得模糊不清。
He is abullman.他是个鲁莽的人。noun.nonsense
同义词 balderdash,baloney,bilge,bunkum,claptrap,crap,hogwash,rubbish,trash
反义词 sense,truthfact
balderdashnoun nonsense
baloneynoun nonsense
bilgenoun rubbish
bucknoun male animal
bullshitnoun(vulgarnonsense, lies)
crapnoun(vulgarnonsense, drivel)
baloney,bosh,bull,bullshit,bunk,bunkum,claptrap,drivel,foolishness,gibberish,guff,hogwash,hokum,hooey,idiocy,ludicrousness,malarkey,moonshine,nonsense,phooey,poppycock,posh,ridiculousness,rigmarole,rubbish,shit,tomfoolery,twaddle A bullock is a castrated bull.

Has the adviser performed well in bull and bear markets?
这位顾问是否在牛市和熊市都表现出色? ebigear

Prized bull and stallion sperm have been stored for years and have been shown to produce viable little horses and bulls.
维恩说,“优选的牛和种马精子贮存多年,并已被证明能够繁殖出可以存活的小马和小牛。” yeeyan

The times that come are worse, with the family reunited only to be roasted alive in a brazen bull.
接下来的情况更糟了,只有被裹在厚厚的牛皮里,要被活活烤熟时,一家子才能团聚。 yeeyan

The intact figure of the bull looks upon the violence without emotion.

Any dairy farmer will also note the rather unimpressed reaction of cows when a bull is introduced to the herd!
任何职业牧民也会注意到当公牛被引入牛群时,母牛那种相当漠视的反应。 ebigear

Austria is the home to the popular energy drink Red Bull.
奥地利是受欢迎的功能饮料红牛的产地。 yeeyan

Bucking straps and spurs can cause the bull to buck beyond his capability and his legs or back can be broken.

But no one knows where Red Bull Cola's coca leaves come from or where they are processed.
但是没有人知道红牛可口可乐古柯叶来自哪里或他们是否进行过处理。 yeeyan

But the nostrils ran ahead, twitching like a bull in a rodeo or a frisking wild horse, hinting at danger to come.
然而他的鼻孔却始终跃跃欲动,如同竞技场中的公牛,或是发情的野马,预示着会有危险到来。 ecocn

He glared at me like a bull at a red rag.

He was tossed by the bull.

In Germany, the Red Bull spokesman insisted that his company's product, along with others containing the coca leaf extract are considered safe in Europe and the U.S.
在德国,红牛发言人坚称,在欧洲和美国,他们公司的产品,同其他含有古柯叶的提取物的产品一样被认为是安全的。 yeeyan

In Portugal and the south of France the bull is not killed in the ring.
在葡萄牙和法国南部的斗牛中,斗牛场上公牛不会被杀死。 yeeyan

It was not Christmas Eve then, but it came into his head to play a trick upon the bull.
不过那时候不是圣诞节前夕,但是他突然想到要同那头公牛开个玩笑。 hjenglish

Mere child as I was I could hardly have bellowed like a bull.
我那时还只是个孩子,不可能像公牛一般吼叫。 yeeyan

My brother was a strong as a bull. Now he looked like a hospital patient.
“我弟弟原来强壮如牛,现在看起来却像是一个医院里的病人”。 yeeyan

Of course, for every China bull, there is a bear.
当然,每一个中国牛市,都会有一个熊市伴随。 yeeyan

The matador and the bull performed wonderfully in the ring.
斗牛士和公牛在斗牛场中进行着精彩的表演。 kekenet

The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.
当时那公牛正忙于对付斗牛士,但突然它看见了醉汉,只见他正大声说着粗鲁的话,手里挥动着一顶红帽子。 tingvoa

There's plenty of bull in the fish story, as an angler and bison share a stretch of Wyoming's Yellowstone River.
在鱼的故事中有大量的公牛,就像钓鱼人和野牛共享一段怀俄明州的黄石河。 yeeyan

This is a rational bull market in real assets, with room to run.
这是一轮实物资产的理性牛市,仍存在上行空间。 bloglegal

Well, as a last thought, he pulled out his fiddle as he runned, and struck up a jig, turning to the bull, and backing towards the corner.
唉,后来他急中生智,一边跑,一边把提琴拿出来,转身对着公牛拉起一支跳舞的曲子,一边倒着向角落里退去。 hjenglish

When the hunting season arrived in the spring, the tribes moved out to join Sitting Bull's encampment on the Little Bighorn River in Montana.
每当春天狩猎季节到来之时,这些族群就会搬出并且加入坐牛苏族首领在蒙大拿小巨角河边的营地。 yeeyan




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