

单词 shampoo
释义 sham·poo 英ʃæmˈpuː美ʃæmˈpuAHDshăm-p›“ ★☆☆☆☆高四六研4八COCA¹⁴¹²⁶BNC¹⁶⁹¹⁶iWeb⁶²⁷²Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

C U 洗发剂,洗发香波

a soapy or other substance for washing the hair

C 洗头

an act of washing the hair with shampoo

vt. 用洗发剂洗头

wash the hair with shampoo

cleansing agent consisting of soaps or detergents used for washing the hairthe act of washing your hair with shampoo
use shampoo on hair来自印度语,本意是“按摩、揉搓”。印度人喜欢在洗发时做局部按摩:用手轻轻揉搓头发,同时对头皮进行按摩。18世纪英国殖民者入侵印度后,将这种洗发方式带入英国,从而产生了shampoo这个英语单词,表示“按摩洗头”。又因为按摩洗头一般需要涂抹一些油脂,所以shampoo又可以作为名词,表示按摩洗头所涂抹的油脂。后来,shampoo被用来泛指洗发时所使用的各种材料,如洗发皂、洗发水、洗发露等。liquid shampoo洗发液dry shampoo头发乾洗剂cake shampoo块状洗发剂
近义词 wash洗soap肥皂lather肥皂水的泡沫…
用作名词n.What shampoo do you prefer?你喜欢哪种洗发香波?
I want to have a shampoo.我想洗个头。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.How often do you shampoo your hair?你多久用洗发剂洗一次头?
用作名词She wetted her hair and then putshampooon it.她把头发弄湿后抹上洗发剂。
I rinsed theshampooout of my hair.我把头发上的洗发剂冲洗乾净了。
He sponged down the car to remove theshampoo.他用海绵把汽车上的洗涤剂擦掉了。
I want a haircut, and ashampoo.我要理发并洗头。
Kenny is washing his hair withshampoo.肯尼正在用洗发精洗头。as in.wash
同义词 cleaning,washingablution,bathe,cleansing,laundering,rinse,scrub,showerdirty clothesas in.clean
同义词 bathe,brush,cleanse,clear up,disinfect,dredge,dustflushmop,pick,pick up,rinse,scrape,scrub,soak,spruce up,sweep,vacuum,wash,wipebath,blot,cauterize,clarify,deodorize,deterge,edulcorate,erase,expunge,expurgate,hackle,launder,lave,neaten,polish,purge,purify,rake,rasp,refine,sanitize,scald,scour,soap,sponge,sterilize,swab,whisk,winnowabsterge,clear the decks,depurate,do up,elutriate,rout out,shake out,straighten up,tidy upas in.lave
同义词 bath,bathe,bubble,cleanse,dip,douse,drench,float,hose,imbue,immerse,lap,launder,moisten,rinse,scour,scrub,shine,shower,slosh,soak,soap,sponge,starch,swab,wet,wipebrush up,clean up,do the dishes,do the laundry,freshen up,fresh up,take a bath,take a shower,tub,wash upas in.wash
同义词 douse,drench,float,hose,moisten,rinse,scrub,shower,soak,wash up,wet,wipebath,bubble,cleanse,dip,imbue,immerse,lap,launder,lave,scour,shine,slosh,soap,sponge,starch,swab,tubbrush up,clean up,do the dishes,do the laundry,freshen up,fresh up,take a bath,take a shower
cleanverb to free of dirt and clutter
absterge,bath,bathe,blot,brush,cauterize,clarify,cleanse,clear the decks,clear up,deodorize,depurate,deterge,disinfect,do up,dredge,dust,edulcorate,elutriate,erase,expunge,expurgate,flush,hackle,launder,lave,mop,neaten,pick,pick up,polish,purge,purify,rake,rasp,refine,rinse,rout out,sanitize,scald,scour,scrape,scrub,shake out,soak,soap,sponge,spruce up,sterilize,straighten up,swab,sweep,tidy up,vacuum,wash,whisk,winnow,wipe
laveverb wash
bath,bathe,brush up,bubble,clean up,cleanse,dip,do the dishes,do the laundry,douse,drench,float,fresh up,freshen up,hose,imbue,immerse,lap,launder,moisten,rinse,scour,scrub,shampoo,shine,shower,slosh,soak,soap,sponge,starch,swab,take a bath,take a shower,tub,wash up,wet,wipe
washnoun laundry, bath
ablution,bathe,cleaning,cleansing,dirty clothes,laundering,rinse,scrub,shampoo,shower,washing
washverb bathe, clean
bath,brush up,bubble,clean up,cleanse,dip,do the dishes,do the laundry,douse,drench,float,fresh up,freshen up,hose,imbue,immerse,lap,launder,lave,moisten,rinse,scour,scrub,shampoo,shine,shower,slosh,soak,soap,sponge,starch,swab,take a bath,take a shower,tub,wash up,wet,wipe It crops up in everything from bread and ice cream to soap and shampoo.
从面包到冰激凌,从肥皂到洗发精,几乎所有的东西都要用到棕榈油。 yeeyan

The Americans were more likely than the Chinese to say that shampoo and conditioner go together because they're both hair care products.
和中国人相比,美国人更倾向与认为洗发水和护发素更为接近,因为他们都是护发产品; yeeyan

They freed markets for products, so that vibrant competition reigns from shampoo to ringtones.
产品在市场可以自由流通,从洗发水到手机铃声竞争激烈。 ecocn

To give your dandruff the brush-off, follow up each shampoo with a rinse of2 cups apple cider vinegar mixed with2 cups cold water.
按照下面的方法去做,就可以告别头皮屑:在洗发水里混合2杯苹果醋和2杯冷水,然后进行进行漂洗。 kekenet

After this, rinse the shampoo off.
然后,将洗发水冲洗掉。 kekenet

Bathe him with anti- fungal shampoo.
用抗真菌香波给他洗澡。 yeeyan

Cover your scalp with a shampoo cap or a plastic bag, wait15 to30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
用洗发帽或一个塑料袋覆盖在头皮上,等15到30分钟,然后彻底清洗干净。 kekenet

FOR the past three years, travellers around the world have had to surrender their drinks, toothpaste and shampoo to merciless airport- security guards.
在过去的三年里,全世界的旅客们都不得不向无情的机场安检人员交出他们饮料、牙膏和洗发水。 ecocn

Halve the amount of soap, toothpaste, shampoo, and detergent you use- you probably won't notice a difference.
把肥皂、牙膏、洗发水和清洁剂的用量减少一半——你大概不会注意到有什么差别。 kekenet

His firm operates through a network of locals who knock on doors and pester their acquaintances to buy lipstick and shampoo.
他的公司通过当地人的关系网络运营,这些人敲开熟人的门,然后纠缠熟人来购买他们的唇膏和洗发水。 yeeyan

I am not talking about using coupons or discounts to buy what you will eventually use such as toothpaste or shampoo.
我不是在和你谈关于使用优惠券或折扣券来购买诸如牙膏或香波之类的产品。 yeeyan

In one instance, hundreds of residents appeared to be fighting over shampoo.
其中一起事件中,数百名居民似乎是在争抢洗发水。 hjenglish

In due course, the company hopes to add the treatment to an ordinary shampoo or conditioner.
公司希望在适当时候把这种疗法加进普通洗发水或护发素里。 yeeyan

I've rinsed the shampoo out of my hair.

Not a shampoo smell.
不是香波的味道。 yeeyan

Similarly, the emissions of shampoo depend on how long you spend in the shower, how hot the water is and the quality of your boiler.
同样道理,洗发精的二氧化碳排放量的决定因素是你洗澡的时间长短、洗澡用水的冷热情况与热水器的功效强弱状况。 ecocn

So how does your shampoo measure up?
好了,现在如何来衡量你的香波呢? yeeyan

They also have a special rinse- less shampoo to keep their hair clean.
他们使用少用洗发水的特殊冲洗来保持头发的清洁。 yeeyan

Unilever and Procter & Gamble started selling shampoo and washing powder in small sachets more than two decades ago to cater for customers with cramped living spaces and even more cramped budgets.
联合利华和宝洁公司早在二十多年前就开始以小袋的形式出售香波和洗衣粉,来吸引那些生活空间狭小甚至生活费用较少的消费者。 ecocn

What kind of shampoo are you using?
你用什么牌子的洗发水? ebigear

What shampoo do you prefer?
你要什么洗发水? ebigear

You can achieve the same effect by simply shaking a bottle of dilute shampoo or detergent solution.
摇晃一瓶稀释过的洗发水或者清洁剂溶液也可以得到同样效果。 yeeyan

Shampoo and rinse your hair as usual.
像平常一样用洗发水清洗头发。 kekenet




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