

单词 bulked
释义 bulked 英bʌlk美bʌlk COCA⁷¹²¹³BNC⁷³⁵³⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

largeness of size, shape, or mass


the main or largest part

vt. & vi. 变得巨大〔重要〕

appear important or play an important part

the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part;

the majority of his customers prefer it

the bulk of the work is finished

the property of something that is great in magnitude;

it is cheaper to buy it in bulk

he received a mass of correspondence

the volume of exports

the property possessed by a large mass
stick out or up;

The parcel bulked in the sack

cause to bulge or swell outwards
bulk, size


1.bulk不指准确的度量,只表示相当大的量; size则相对准确些。例如:

Great bulk does not always mean great weight.体积大并不意味着分量重。

2.size可指“尺寸,号码”, bulk没有这种用法。例如:

What size shoes do you want?—I want size seven.你要哪号码的鞋子?——我要7号的。bulk, the larger part

这两个词组的共同意思是“大部分”。后者只用于看得见、摸得着的东西; 前者适用于无形物质。

用作名词 n.
动词+~break bulk开始卸货形容词+~great bulk庞大的体积huge bulk庞大的体积man of large bulk块头大的人~+名词bulk memory大容量记忆体介词+~by bulk按体积in bulk大批,桶装load in bulk散装入船sell goods in bulk整批出售货物~+介词bulk of book书的篇幅bulk of inhabitants大部分居民bulk of population人口的大部分bulk of property大部分财产用作动词 v.~+形容词bulk large显得重要bulk small显得渺小~+副词bulk out使…更大〔更厚〕bulk up增加,积累
用作名词n.in bulk

整批,不加包装 in large quantities and not packed in separate containers

the bulk of

大部分,主要部分 main part of sth

bulk out v.+adv.

使…更大〔更厚〕 make sth bigger or thicker

bulk sth ⇔ outThey added extra pages to bulk a book out.他们增加额外页数使书更厚。
bulk up v.+adv.

增加,积累 increase

bulk upYour money could bulk up to a fortune if you save everything you can.如果你尽可能节约的话,你会积蓄一笔财富。近义词n. mass
用作名词n.Great bulk does not always mean great weight.体积大并不总是意味着分量重。
The elephant lowered its great bulk.大象蹲下了它那庞大的身躯。
The baby needs more bulk in his diet.这个婴儿的饮食中需要添点儿纤维素。



the bulk of的意思是“大部分,主要部分”。接可数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式,接不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。

用作名词It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry, it's theirbulk.这些袋子难以搬运,倒不是因为重而是体积太大。
He heaved his hugebulkout of the chair.他挺起巨大的身躯,从椅子上站了起来。
Thebulkof the work has already been done.大部分工作已经完成。
The greatbulkof necessary work can never be anything but painful.大量必须做的工作真令人痛苦。用作形容词We can manage somebulkcarrier within two week.我们可在两周内安排一些散装船去。
I recommend you abulkbuy.我建议你大量购买。用作及物动词A dozen petticoatsbulkedout her figure.十几条衬裙把她的身体撑得圆鼓鼓的。用作不及物动词The cakebulkedup.蛋糕发起来了。
The war stillbulkslarge in the memories of those who fought in it.对于那些曾参战的人来说,那场战争仍记忆犹新。as in.loom
同义词 brew,come on,dominate,emerge,hover,mount,overshadow,portend,soar,stand out,threatenapproach,await,bulk,dawn,emanate,figure,gather,impend,impress,issue,lower,menace,near,overhang,overtop,rear,rise,show,top,towerbe at hand,be coming,be forthcoming,be imminent,be in the cards,be in the wind,be near,become visible,break through,come forth,come into view,come on the scene,hang over,make up,seem huge,seem large,take shape
反义词 decline,fall,leave,abandon,descend,drop,neglectas in.pad
同义词 augment,embellish,fudge,inflate,overstatebulk,embroider,enlarge,exaggerate,expand,increase,lengthen,magnify,overdraw,protract,spin,stretchfill out,flesh out
反义词 abbreviate,abridge,compress,curtail,decrease,diminish,lessen,lower,play down,reduce,shorten,shrinksimplifyuncomplicateas in.stand out
同义词 emerge,loom,stick outattract attention,be distinct,beetle,be highlighted,be striking,bulge,bulk,catch the eye,jut,overhang,poke,pouch,project,protrude
反义词 obscureas in.enlarge
同义词 add to,augment,boost,broaden,build,develop,expand,extend,grow,inflate,lengthen,magnify,multiply,swell,widenaggrandize,amplify,bulk,diffuse,dilate,distend,elaborate,elongate,embroider,exaggerate,expatiate,heighten,mount,pad,pyramid,rise,snowball,spread,stretch,waxbeef up,blow up,give details,grow larger,jack up,jazz up,make larger,slap on,upsurge
反义词 abbreviate,abridge,compress,contract,cut,decrease,diminish,halt,lessen,lower,narrow,reduce,restrict,shorten,shrink,stop,constrict,decline,drop,fall,simplify,slumpcondense,curtail The technological advancement of nozzles for air- textured yam ATY, bulked continuous filament BCF and interlace processing was analyzed emphatically.
重点分析了空气变形纱 ATY、膨体纱 BCF以及网络加工用喷嘴的技术更新。 chemyq

The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulked rubber club.
当被球茎的橡胶俱乐部搅拌的时候,大部分在卵石上红宝石垃圾起泡。 exue

Their roots bulked above the ground and the branches were twisted.
地面盘根错节,树身枝干缠绕。 bab

As the muscle atrophied, the cells deflated to about40 percent of their bulked-up volume, but the number of nuclei in the cells did not change.
随着肌肉的萎缩,细胞数量与肌肉强化后的情况相比,减少了约40%,但细胞核的数量保持不变。 yeeyan

Between 1960 and2008, turkeys bulked up by around 11lb 5kg to29lb, an increase of64%, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.
根据美国农业部的数据,从1960至2008年,火鸡的重量增加了11磅5千克达到每只29磅,增长率为64%。 ecocn

For instance, Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers have bulked up their asset management businesses to offset swings in profits from trading, underwriting, and advisory work.
例如,高盛 Goldman Sachs和雷曼兄弟 Lehman Brothers已扩充了资产管理业务,以抵消证券交易、承销及咨询业务的盈利波动。 xici

HP bulked up its services division by buying EDS, for example, and has also moved more into networking.
例如惠普,通过收购 EDS扩展其服务业务的份额,并且进一步向网络方面发展。 ecocn

I don’t picture small-scale fishermen as being terribly prolific writers who’d have bulked up the word-stock before that.
我并不是指捕鱼的人都是多产的作家,在这之前他们使“net”这个词的使用频率增加。 yeeyan

In this paper, the causes are analysed for the buckled shape mixed entangled filament yarns, and a relation is established between bulked shape and bulking force.
本文分析了网络混纤丝经受加工后形成松弛起拱的原因,并建立了起拱形态和起拱力之间的关系。 cnki

It also bulked up its asset- management and private- banking arms, run by Jacques d’Estais who used to head the investment bank.
巴黎银行也壮大了由 Jacques d’Estais曾负责领导投资银行部负责运营的资产管理部和私人银行部。 ecocn

Its lightweight design allows its operator to change positions freely without being bulked down.
其轻巧的设计,允许其经营者变更,恕不膨体下来的职位,自由。 spiiker

On average, birds in central California have bulked up between two and five per cent in body weight and wingspan.
平均而言,加利福尼亚州中部的鸟类体重和翼展都增加了2%—5%不等。 huanqiu

The strongest of the Wookiees, Tarfful's towering frame was bulked out with muscle- suit padding beneath the modacrylic fur.
塔弗尔是最强壮的伍基人,所以除了高大的骨架外,在化纤毛皮下还有填充得厚厚的“肌肉服”。 starwarsfans.cn

The British firm had bulked up by buying Adams, a big gum- maker, in2003 to recover the number-one spot among confectioners that it held until the Mars/ Wrigley tie-up.
这家英国公司曾在2003通过购买一家大型口香糖制造商亚当,重返行业第一的位置,直到玛箭合并。 ecocn

The case bulked large in the lawyer's thoughts.

While the day-to- day physical work has bulked him up, he also suffers from joint pains and a cough, owing to the cold, damp and dusty environment underground.
一天又一天的体力劳作就够他遭罪了,然而此外,他还患上了关节痛和咳嗽。 这都是由于长期在阴冷潮湿,乌烟瘴气的地下环境工作造成的。 yeeyan




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