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词汇 Bulgarians
释义 BulgariansEconomist⁸⁴⁹⁴
And East German citizens still shared with the Bulgarians the reputation of being the most quiescent people in the Soviet bloc.
在苏维埃集团内部,东德公民仍与保加利亚一样,分享着最安静人民的称号。 yeeyan

Burly Mr Borisov,50, whose superhero nickname comes from his zeal for action, has won support from many Bulgarians who are fed up with two decades of slow reform under successive governments.
今年50岁的鲍里索夫身形健硕,处理事情充满热情为他赢得了超人的昵称,他获得了一些对社会党20年来缓慢改革不满的保加利亚人的支持。 yeeyan

Mr Borisov also notes the“ paradox” that Bulgarians’ trust in European institutions “actually increased when the money was frozen”.
波里索夫还指出了一个悖论:冻结了资金援助后,保加利亚人对欧盟的信任度不降反升。 ecocn

Such repatriations take place regularly: last year, 10,177 Romanians and863 Bulgarians, mostly Roma, were expelled.
遣返一直在进行着:去年,10177名罗马尼亚人和863名保加利亚人被遣返回国,这些人大都是吉普赛人。 ecocn

Young Bulgarians and Romanians were way below average see chart2.
保加利亚和罗马尼亚的学生成绩都与平均线相去甚远见表2。 ecocn

Both countries are on the edge of the EU, but whereas Bulgarians feel out of the mainstream, Romanians do not.
虽然两国都即将加入欧盟,但保加利亚人却感到自己仍处在欧洲主流文化之外。 ecocn

Despite public attempts to blame Ukraine, ordinary Bulgarians reacted differently.
尽管表面上都在指责乌克兰,保加利亚的老百姓还是反应不一的。 ecocn

EU officials and most Bulgarians believe that organised crime reaches the highest levels of government.
欧盟官员和大部分保加利亚人相信有组织犯罪已渗透到政府最高层。 ecocn

He keys in four digits and passes it my way:1878. The year the Bulgarians were finally liberated from Ottoman rule.
他在手机上键入四个数字然后递给我:1878,那一年保加利亚人终于从奥特曼统治下解放出来。 yeeyan

He went on to complain that Bulgarians were full of doubt and malice.
然后他开始抱怨保加利亚人充满怀疑、恶意。 ecocn

Last year Bulgarians voted to make Boyko Borisov, a burly former police chief, their prime minister.
去年经过选举前警察负责人 Boyko Borisov上台,成为保加利亚总理。 ecocn

Managers with experience in both countries say that Romanians are more individualistic than Bulgarians.
对两国比较了解的管理人员认为罗马尼亚人相比保加利亚人更倾向个人主义。 ecocn

Many Bulgarians used to joke that they lived in an Egyptian dynasty set up in a parallel universe.
许多保加利亚人笑侃他们过去生活的时代是平行宇宙中的埃及王朝。 yeeyan

Most Bulgarians82.6% are at least nominally a member of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the national Eastern Orthodox church.
大多数保加利亚人82.6%至少在名义上是保加利亚正统宗教,即国家东正教的成员。 ebigear

Numbers will increase when Romanians and Bulgarians are given the right to work in Britain, which must be granted before2014.
如果罗马尼亚人和保加利亚人被允许在英国工作的话,移民数量还会有所上升,而这项决定必定会在2014年之前被批准。 ecocn

One in five Bulgarians will be over65.
保加利亚有五分之一的人口将超过65岁; worldbank

Police said they arrested three of the Bulgarians and were looking for a fourth.
按照警方的说法,他们已经逮捕了3名保加利亚人,并且正在全力搜寻另外一名嫌犯。 ebigear

Smaller numbers of Bulgarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Ukrainians, Georgians and Russians also have a toehold in Greece.
少量的巴尔干人,罗马尼亚人,摩尔多瓦人,乌克兰人,格鲁吉亚人还有俄罗斯人也在希腊有立足之地。 ecocn

Surveys in the country itself, however, suggest it is the place most Bulgarians would choose to live.
保加利亚国内的调查却表明,大多数保加利亚人愿意选择在瓦尔纳生活。 yeeyan

The Aquile boss believed that the result was never in doubt against the Bulgarians.
蓝鹰军团大佬认为面对保加利亚人的比赛结果不容置疑。 laziofly

The French players collapsed in disbelief, Bulgarians rejoiced and Houllier sought a scapegoat.
难以置信的法国球员陷入崩溃,保加利亚人肆意庆祝,霍利尔则抓了只替罪羊。 yeeyan

There are incongruities: Saudis are about twice as rich per person as Bulgarians.
因为存在矛盾:沙特阿拉伯人均比保加利亚人富有两倍。 ecocn

Bulgarians dance in icy water on Epiphanya Christian festival on January6.
保加利亚人在1月6日主显节基督教的节日这一天,在冰水中翩翩起舞。 hjenglish

Bulgarians thanked Tsarist Russia for liberating them from the Ottomans, and many recall communist rule as a time of modernisation.
保加利亚人感谢沙皇俄国将他们从奥斯曼帝国解放出来,甚至许多人今天仍然认为当年保共执政时期是国家完成现代化的黄金岁月。 ecocn




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