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词汇 Potaninia
释义 Potaninia
Cantonese cuisine with a tastePotaniniaRun, do not eat greasy, etc., is added a variety of nutrients the body of the flavor of food.具有色香味美、口感绵润、多食不腻等特点,是补充体内多种营养成份的风味食品。
Qin Five statesPotaniniaMaster, the word Dexing, Later Tang chosen to defend the army so that when, under Cypriot frequency garrison.五代沁州沁县绵上人,字德兴,后唐时选为保卫军使,频戍塞下。
To make it clear that their own fault,sheng biao hero, orderedjin wen gongPotaniniacalled referral pushed up along the field, No.Jie-shan .为表明自身过失,旌表功臣,晋文公下令将绵上一带封为介推田,号为介山。
It is worth mentioning that, in investment, the World sharesPotaniniareactivate the commission's mode of financial management, that is run by fund companies in asset management.值得一提的是,在投资方式上,绵世股份重新启用了委托理财方式,即委托基金公司进行资产管理。Potaniniamongolica Maxim. 绵刺A new map of area ofPotaniniawas drawn, interpreted basic law and character of ecological geographic distribution ofPotaniniaand defined floristic geographic element ofPotaniniaas “Alashan-East Gobi” element.摘要绘制了绵刺属新的分布区图,阐明了该属的生态地理分布的基本特征和规律,确定了其区系地理成分为“阿拉善-东戈壁”成分。




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