释义 |
窰 Yáo 基本例句 kilnovenstoveYao简体窑窑用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics. 在窑里烧制陶器Burn clay pots in a kiln. 砖块在太阳下或窑里烘烤变硬的模制长方形黏土砖,用作建房和铺路的材料A molded rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln until hard and used as a building and paving material. |