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词汇 方便之门
释义 方便之门 fāng biàn zhī mén 常用成语
convenience繁体方便之門近义终南捷径反义山穷水尽;走头无路正音“便”,不能读作“pián”。正音“便”,不能读作“pián”。谁想巡捕老爷大开方便之门,放俺还俗,便成配偶。 ★明·冯惟敏《僧尼共祀》第四折偏正式:作宾语;与“开”连用;中性词。唐·王勃《广州宝庄严寺舍利塔碑》:“维摩见柄,盖申方便之门;道安谢归,思远朝廷之事。”解释: 方便:佛教用语,指用各种灵活的方式劝导人们信佛。门:法门,即修行入道的门径。佛教指随时利用机缘度人进入佛门的方法;途径。唐·王勃《广州宝庄严寺舍利塔碑》:“维摩见柄,盖伸方便之门;道安谢归,思远朝廷之事。”
巴金《随想录》六二:“还有人错把作为装饰的头衔当成发光的钥匙,要求我为他们打开一些方便之门。”近义词 后门终南捷径
反义词 走头无路山穷水尽
大开方便之门do everything to suit sb. 'sconvenience巴基斯坦从美国对印度民用核能计划的援助中解读出了弦外之音。 巴基斯坦认为,美国为印度的武器制造计划大开方便之门。
Pakistan sees a double-standard in America’s aid to India’s civilian nuclear programme freeing, as Pakistan sees it, Indian resources for its weapons programme. ecocn

But the favour system is far from altruistic or always positive: unspoken mutual back- scratching is common, note the authors. yeeyan

Lodges were prohibited from providing coverage for children. This opened the door for commercial companies to offer industrial policies in which children's coverage was standard. yeeyan

Analysts said terrorists may use the fake degrees to work as management in security departments or big companies.

Stronger patents are easier to enforce, opening the door to more lawsuits. hjenglish

The rush to “ solve” the crisis has opened the door to government actions on many fronts, most of which have little or nothing to do with the crisis or its causes. yeeyan

There is one strong upside, however: this mealy-mouthed statement leaves the door open for dialogue. ecocn

Not only do melting snow and ice flow directly into the sea, they also form torrential under- ice streams that lubricate the passage of glaciers toward the ocean. yeeyan

如果该 DN长度超过了 SSLPEER字段的容量,则需要使用通配符来匹配,这将为接受非预期连接打开方便之门。
If the DN length exceeds the capacity of the SSLPEER field, it will be necessary to match using wild cards, which opens the possibility of accepting unintended connections. ibm

If our system did not require identifying characteristics of both of these entities it would be left open to the possibility of fraud. ibm

He also attributes rapid growth to a2004 tax amnesty that opened a window for wealthy Belgians to move their money back onshore at attractive rates. ecocn

They know that those who can are going to get the kind of access they can’t imagine. yeeyan

In particular, it facilitates the execution of big capital projects such as high- speed railways, steel plants, telecommunications networks and ports. yeeyan

The tonsils might serve as a passageway through which HIV enters the body, suggests an analysis of cells from the mouth and throat. yeeyan

This opens the door to quantifying greenhouse gas emissionsmade from a variety of natural and man-made sources. yeeyan

It opens the door to managing the wealth of a team’s owners and players, or to arranging the finance for a new stadium. ecocn

This tracking or recomputation is easy to get wrong, and any mistake can open the door to a buffer overflow attack. ibm

A review of NHS recruitment methods will look at whether the health service is too easy a backdoor into Britain, as some have claimed following the arrest of the“ docs of war”. ecocn

In a world in which hacking is proliferating, no company or government agency wants to risk giving potential enemies the means to access its network by buying vulnerable equipment. fortunechina

但并购交易最后并未受到刁难, 此事实为这一保守行业今后的跨国行动开启了方便之门.
The fact that the deal has passed off without interference widens the door to further cross- border activity in an insular industry. ecocn

Leave aside the question of whether such a revolution is sensible or feasible; or the danger that a new treaty may open the way for the joint Eurobonds that Germany resists. ecocn

In other words, they want to tax content providers to guarantee speedy delivery of their data, while discriminating in favour of their own search engines, internet phone services and streaming video. ecocn




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