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词汇 ANC
释义 ANC 英ˌeɪen'siː美ˌeɪen'siː Economist²³²⁶
abbr.全数字呼叫方法=all-number callingabbr.非洲国民大会=African National Congressabbr.美国新闻社=American News Companyabbr.阿灵顿国家公墓Arlington National Cemetery
At an ANC jamboree in the Eastern Cape on January10th, a beaming Mr Zuma launched the party’s election manifesto, including a promise to tackle corruption within the party.
1月10日在东开普省举行的一场非国大的狂欢集会中,笑容满面的祖马发表竞选宣言,宣言内容包括对处理党内腐败问题的承诺。 ecocn

From that followed what a high court judge recently described as a “ titanic political struggle” for control of the ANC.
接下来发生的,便是被一位高级法院的法官称为“泰坦尼克式”的政治角逐,以争夺 ANC的控制权。 yeeyan

He may still be able to browbeat enough parliamentarians from other, smaller parties into voting for any changes the ANC wishes to pass.
祖马仍然可以恐吓来自其他较小党派的足够议员来通过非国大希望通过的议案。 ecocn

Instead of ending inequality, as the ruling African National Congress ANC promised, the country's schools are perpetuating it.
尽管执政的非洲人国民大会 ANC承诺终止这种不公平现象,但南非学校之间的差距却依然存在。 ecocn

Jacob Zuma, the ANC’s party leader, seems likely to win the job in 2009, provided that continuing court cases do not ensnare him.
只要法庭仍然不逮捕非国大主席雅各布·祖马,他很有可能赢得2009年总统大选。 ecocn

Just16 years ago the ANC inherited a country that was virtually bankrupt, riven with racial hostility and wracked by poverty.
16年前,非洲国民大会接手的是一个实际上垮碎的、被种族仇视和极度贫穷撕裂的国家。 yeeyan

Kgalema Motlanthe, an ANC ally of Mr Zuma, will serve as caretaker president until an election in which Mr Zuma is expected to win the post.
祖马的非国大盟友巴莱卡·姆贝特将出任南非代总统,直至明年全国大选。祖马预计将在明年的全国大选中获胜。 ecocn

Mathews Phosa, the ANC’s treasurer, says Chancellor House will divest from the consortium soon.
ANC的财务大臣马修斯•弗萨说道,总理府不久后将会摆脱掉日立财团。 ecocn

Matters have been made worse by the ANC’s system of“ cadre deployment”, the appointment of loyal party members to well- paid public posts for which they are not necessarily suited or qualified.
非洲国民大会的“干部分配”机制使情况变得更糟,忠诚的党员可以派往收入丰厚的公众事务岗位上,他们并不一定称职或者能够胜任。 ecocn

The same fear underpins the ANC’s system of“ cadre deployment”, under which loyal party members are given plum posts and critical ones sacked.
正是这种忧惧巩固了 ANC的“干部部署”体系,按照此体系忠实的党派成员将被委以重任而批判的成员则遭解职。 ecocn

The ANC’s dilemma is not new.
ANC不是第一次面临这种窘境了。 ecocn

The ANC's powerful National Executive Committee took this as the pretext to call on the increasingly unpopular Mr Mbeki to step down as the country's president.
非国大强大的国家执行委员会把这件事作为借口来要求名声渐衰的姆贝基从总统宝座上下来。 ecocn

“ Politically I think the power is now in the hands of the ANC,” he said.
“政治上,我认为权利掌握在非洲民族会议手中,”他说。 yeeyan

Another of Mr Zuma’s kingmakers, the powerful ANC Youth League, also appears to have fallen out of love with its former idol.
祖玛总统的另一个拥立者,即实力雄厚的非国大青年联盟似乎也已不再推崇其往日的偶像。 ecocn

As the “ leading partner” in government, the ANC was responsible for making policy, he insisted.
做为政府中的主导合作伙伴, ANC应该负责政策的制定,他坚持这样认为。 ecocn

As South Africa gears up for municipal elections, due to be held by May, the claim that God is firmly on the side of the ruling party did not go down well with non- ANC supporters.
随着南非在为定于五月举行的地方选举做准备,关于上帝坚定支持执政党的言论并未得到非 ANC支持者的认可。 ecocn

But for all their posturing, and despite lively rumours, neither group is likely to part company with the ANC for some time yet.
但从双方的所有姿态而言,除了生动的谣言,他们在一段时期内仍然都不太可能与非国大拆伙。 ecocn

Critics of the ANC say it fails to distinguish between its own interests and those of the country.
对 ANC的评论称,它不能区分自己的利益和国家的利益。 ecocn

During the struggle against apartheid, the ANC came to see itself— and was seen—as the only true representative of the disenfranchised black majority.
在与种族隔离的斗争中, ANC看清了自己——也被视为——是被剥夺了选择权的黑人多数派的真正代表。 ecocn

Even leaders of Mr Mbeki's own party, the African National Congress ANC, disagreed with him. They described Zimbabwe's state as “ dire” and called for the results to be published at once.
塔博•姆贝基所属的非洲民族会议党 ANC的领导人甚至也不赞同他的看法,认为津巴布韦目前局势“不容乐观”,并呼吁立即公布选举结果。 ecocn

Feinstein was the highest ranking ANC member of parliament's public accounts committee that later investigated those deals.
而费恩斯坦是事后调查这些军火交易的议会政府账目委员会中的最高级 ANC成员。 yeeyan

Hitachi Power Africa says the ANC has made no formal bid to sell its share in the consortium.
日立电动非洲公司称, ANC并未就出售该财团股份一事有过正式的招标。

If the ANC carries on this way, “ very soon we’ll have to call someone PresidentHelen Zille”, he said, referring to the DA’s leader.
如果非洲民族议会继续这样下去,他说,我们可能很快就要有一位齐勒总统了,他指的是民主联盟的领袖。 ecocn

It smacked of the same hubris demonstrated by Mr Zuma’s claim during the2009 general election campaign that the ANC would continue to rule“ until Jesus comes”, the alliance said.
同盟者认为,祖马的此番言论与其在2009年公共选举活动上发表的同样有狂妄自大的口气。 当时祖马称 ANC会继续执政直至“主降临”。 ecocn

It is no longer a question of whether but how this will happen, he says, despite the ANC’s repeated if unconvincing assurances that this is “not government policy”.
尽管非国大再三保证这不是“国家政策”,但根据马勒马的说法,只要找到途径,这一切必将实现。 ecocn

Long before the ANC came to power, fearful whites had begun to leave the country in droves.
早在非国大上台之前,恐慌的白人就开始成群结队地离开南非。 ecocn

Many of the new voters were young people who had little memory of the struggle to end white minority rule, which brought the ANC to power.
很多新的选举人是年轻人,他们对结束少数白人统治的斗争没什么印象,也正是这个斗争让非国大拿到了权力。 yeeyan

Motlanthe, who is believed to have been born in1949, came to the ANC through the Black Consciousness Movement of slain activist Steve Biko.
据信,莫特兰蒂生于1949年,他通过遇害的活动人士比科领导的“黑人觉醒运动”加入非国大。 ebigear

Mr Zuma frequently refers to the ANC as“the parliament of the people”, as if its decisions were more important than those of the elected national assembly.
祖马频繁把 ANC说成是“人民的议会”,好像它做的决定要比选举出的国民大会所做的更重要。 ecocn

Mr Zuma's chances rest on three things: a court case, support within the ANC, and the alternatives.
祖马是否当选有赖于三个方面:官司、非国大的党内支持以及上述二者之一。 ecocn

South Africans have been struggling to understand how a once- respected former ANC youth leader, who became a member of parliament and an ambassador to the UN, could have fallen so low.
南非的民众内心很挣扎,他们不得不接受曾经值得尊敬的 ANC的年轻领袖,曾任国会议员和联合国大使,现在竟掉下了十八层地狱。 ecocn

Three weeks ago it was the turn of Jacob Zuma, the newly elected leader of the ruling African National Congress ANC.
三周之前轮到当权的非洲人国民大会 ANC新当选领导人雅各布·祖马。 ecocn

We have got experienced ministers who are there, including the deputy president of the ANC who is part of the cabinet, who if given that task, will equal it.
我们内阁中有经验丰富的部长,其中包括担任内阁成员的非国大副主席,如果他被征召担任总统的职务,一定会胜的。 ebigear

While in jail he forged relationships with several ANC leaders, paving the way for his future in the organization.
在监狱里,莫特兰蒂和几名非国大领导人建立起关系,从而为他在这个组织里的未来铺平了道路。 ebigear

Yet many people, both inside and outside the ANC, are aghast at the thought that he might be president.
但许多非国大党内与党外的人都有一种吃惊的想法,即他可能会是总统。 ecocn




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