词汇 | 愚公移山 |
释义 | 愚公移山 辨形“愚”,不能写作“禹”。 辨形“愚”,不能写作“禹”。 一天,他把全家人召集起来,说:“我准备与你们一起,用毕生的精力来搬掉太行山和王屋山,修一条通向南方的大道。你们说好吗!” 大家都表示赞成,但愚公的老伴提出了一个问题:“我们大家的力量加起来,还不能搬移一座小山,又怎能把太行;王屋两座大山搬掉呢?再说,把那些挖出来的泥土和石块放到哪里去呢?” 讨论下来大家认为,可以把挖出来的泥土和石块扔到东方的海边和北方最远的地方。 第二天一早,愚公带着儿孙们开始挖山。虽然一家人每天挖不了多少,但他们还是坚持挖。直到换季节的时候,才回家一次。 有个名叫智叟的老人得知这件事后,特地来劝愚公说:“你这样做太不聪明了,凭你这有限的精力,又怎能把这两座山挖平呢?”愚公回答说:“你这个人太顽固了,简直无法开导,即使我死了,还有我的儿子在这里。儿子死了,还有孙子,孙子又生孩子,孩子又生儿子。子子孙孙是没有穷尽的,而山却不会再增高,为什么挖不平呢?” 当时山神见愚公他们挖山不止,便向上帝报告了这件事。上帝被愚公的精神感动,派了两个大力神下凡,把两座山背走。从此,这里不再有高山阻隔了。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Later the Heaven God, upon learning of Yu Gong's story, was GREatly moved. He then ordered another god to come down and take the two high mountains away. Jam Session of Yugong Yishan's very own big band. All musicians are welcome to hit the stage! Later the responsibility of this attachment is also a matter of fact, the minimum life of a self- responsibility and social responsibility. Things quickly foolish old man move the mountain Jade know. Two Sunday evenings each month, Cherry presents its “ Films& Filmmakers” series at Club Yugong Yishan. He does things as consistently as Yugong's moving away the mountains. My partner and I kept moving on with the mountain slowly. We did take turns to rest for lunch and bathroom breaks. There is a belief, called Jingwei. The spirit of the Foolish Old Man who removed the mountains should be encouraged in the modernization drive. It sounds like a modern version of“ Yugong Removing the Mountains”. Closing argument: we must insist on the spirit of the Foolish Old Man. |
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