

单词 brim
释义 brim 英brɪm美brɪmAHDbrĭm ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GT宝4八COCA¹⁸⁸⁰⁶BNC²¹³¹⁹iWeb¹⁴¹⁷⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺


the top edge of a cup,bowl,etc.,especially with regard to how full it is

vi. 注满

be full to the brim

the top edge of a vessel or other containera circular projection that sticks outward from the crown of a hat
be completely full;

His eyes brimmed with tears

fill as much as possible;

brim a cup to good fellowship

brim, brink, edge, margin, rim, verge


1.edge指物体两平面交接处的边缘或边线; brink指悬崖峭壁的边缘; brim指如壶、杯、碗等各种形状容器的内侧边缘,也指帽子的边; rim指任何圆形物体的缘、周或边; verge指一平面或广阔区域的尽头,也常指道路的边缘; margin指书页的空白边缘,也可指物体的边缘。

2.用在比喻中, edge指尖锐性、严峻性等; verge表示濒临某种感情或行动的状态; margin的意思是“留有余地”; brink常用于借喻中,指濒临某种危险。

词源可能同break, 分开,切开。brim over溢出pelvic brim真假骨盆界限…snap-brim hat纵褶顶前沿下垂的男帽…brim of pelvis医 骨盆上口…to the brim充满,满到边缘上…brim with洋溢着brim over with充满
brim over v.+adv.

满得快溢出来(of a cup,container,etc. be so full of a liquid that it flows over the edge)

brim overYou've filled the glass too full;it's brimming over.你把杯子倒得太满了,都快溢出来了。
brim with v.+prep.

充满,洋溢(of a cup,container,etc. be so full of a liquid that it flows over the edge)

brim with sthHis eyes brimmed with tears.他热泪盈眶。brim over with sthHer heart was brimming over with happiness.她心中洋溢着幸福。GRE红宝书rimn 边, 框, 你到了悬崖边上, 我会说‘b’不grimadj 严厉的, 坚定的, g鬼在边上rim-严厉的
同rim; b音:边 + rim 边
rim边, 框; 参考: grim严厉的, 坚定的; trim修剪
GRE难词记忆brim→bring v.拿来+him pron.他→给他拿来满满一杯水水到杯子的边沿了帽檐brim戴歪,让人讨厌grim头发修剪trim得很整齐trim,显得十分端庄prim非常记忆br病人〖拼音〗+im姨母〖谐音〗⇒病人把姨母的帽檐剪烂了参考:rimn.边,框;grima.严厉的,坚定的;trimv.修剪近义词 rim边side边lip嘴唇ridge脊top顶部edge边缘teem充满bill帐单shield盾brow前额visor帽舌brink边缘shade阴影verge接近cliff悬崖border边界abound富于throng人群margin边缘corner角落fringe流苏bristle刚毛circuit巡回overflow泛滥headland海角perimeter周长bluff虚张声势promontory海角be rich in在 … 充足be thick with充满, 弥漫着…be packed with塞满了, 挤满了…
用作名词n.The glass was full to the brim.玻璃杯中的液体已满到要溢出来了。
You can wear the hat with the brim turned up or down.你戴这顶帽子时可把帽边翻上去或翻下来。用作动词v.
S+~+ATears brimmed in her eyes.她热泪盈眶。Pbrimmern.满溢的杯满杯Pabrimad.充满着a.充满着的Pbrimlessa.无边的无边缘的Pbroadbrimn.宽边帽贵格派教徒Poverbrimvi.溢出满出vt.使满出Pbrimfula.满到边的洋溢着…的满溢的Pbrimfulla.满到边的洋溢着…的满溢的

用作名词He drank at the fountain'sbrim.他醉在喷泉边。
The heart-shapedbrimand brown velvet ribbon around the hat add a lovel accent.心形边和褐色丝绒带周围的帽子向勒沃尔口音。
Nevertheless, thebrimpart of design is not very ideal.不外,图案的边缘部门不是很完美。
With a dim triumph, she trims the swimming-suit rim at the swimming-poolbrim.她带着暗淡的喜悦在泳池边整理泳装的边缘。用作动词The tea cup was filled to thebrim.茶杯满到杯子边了。
The plum trees bloom andbrimover with prime plump plums.李树开了花,结满了上等的,圆滚滚的李子。
The pain grows stronger, watch itbrim.痛苦越来越深,从伤口溢出。
Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and poured it in until the jar was filled to thebrim.然后他又从桌子底下拿出一罐水,往瓶子里倒,直到玻璃瓶满的要溢出水来了。noun.edge of object, usually the top
同义词 border,brink,circumference,fringe,hem,lip,margin,perimeter,periphery,rim,skirt,verge
反义词 center,inside,interior,middleverb.flow over the top
同义词 fill,fill up,overflow,swell,teemspillhold no more,run over,well over
bordernoun outermost edge, margin
brinknoun edge of an object or area
edgenoun border, outline
edgesnoun border, outline
edgingnoun border
extremitiesnoun ultimate;limit
acmes,acuteness,adversities,apices,apogees,borders,boundaries,bounds,brims,brinks,butts,climaxes,consummations,crises,depths,dire straits,disasters,edges,ends,excesses,extremes,extremes,frontiers,heights,lasts,margins,maximums,nadirs,outsides,pinnacles,plights,poles,remotes,rims,setbacks,terminals,terminations,termini,tips,tops,troubles,verges,vertexes,zeniths A hat with a wide brim offers good sun protection for your eyes, ears, face, and the back or your neck.
宽边帽子可为眼睛、耳朵、脸部和后颈提供良好的防晒保护。 who

At a signal from the princess the prince poured the water into the hole, and the moment it reached the brim the princess flung in the four- leafed plant.
公主一发信号,王子立刻把水倒进洞里。 水就要溢出来时,公主把那片四叶草的叶子放了进去。 yeeyan

In niches upon each side stood great wine-jars filled to the brim with silver pieces.
走廊两边的壁龛中立着大酒桶,酒桶里满满地盛着银元。 yeeyan

With the brim down, she could scarcely see the gate for all the plants moving in front of it.
帽檐垂下来之后,她几乎都看不到城门了,因为那些植物都挡在了她的面前。 yeeyan

A hat with a wide brim can help shade your eyes and protect your face from the sun.
一顶有宽大帽檐的帽子能为您的眼睛遮阴并保护你的脸部不受太阳的伤害。 yeeyan

Add to this, high shoes with little irons on the heels, a tall hat with a narrow brim, hair worn in a tuft, an enormous cane, and conversation set off by puns of Potier.
此外还有一双后跟上装了小铁片的短统鞋,一顶高顶窄边帽、蓬松的头发、一根粗手杖,谈吐之中,杂以博基埃式的隐语。 ebigear

Do not roll the brim as this will highlight the ears.
不要把边缘卷起来,这样会更加突出你的耳朵。 yeeyan

Halfway up and the sweat was already pouring from the brim of my cap like a waterfall.
才骑了一半路,我的汗水从帽子边沿上像瀑布一样滚落下来。 yeeyan

He habitually wore a hat with a wide brim, and a long coat of coarse cloth, buttoned to the chin.
他经常戴一顶宽边帽,穿一身粗呢长礼服,一直扣到颔下。 ebigear

He shows me a collection of hollowed-out gourds filled to the brim with what look to be colored pebbles.
他给我展示了一批镂空的葫芦罐,里面贮满了像彩色卵石一样的东西。 yeeyan

However the situation in Iraq can not blur the fact that America perches at the brim of the Pacific Ocean, where America deploys array of warships.
然而,伊拉克问题不能改变的一个事实是,美国是一个太平洋国家,美国在此部署了大量海军。 ecocn

I want a life that is fulfilling rather than filled to the brim.
我想要的生活是充实的,而不是被杂乱的东西充斥的。 yeeyan

If you find your car filled to the brim with Styrofoam peanuts, forward all hate mail to him.
你要是看到你车里塞了满满的泡沫花生,找他算账就对了。 yeeyan

On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp— praise song for walking forward in that light.
在悬崖的边缘,在酒杯的边缘,在极点——赞美那光明中的前行。 eol

Pick a hat that will break up the line from the brim to the tip of your nose.
挑一顶能你的鼻子与帽沿部分的线不那么长的帽子。 yeeyan

Purses get bigger and bigger and we always fill them to the brim.
钱包越来越大,我们总是想把它填的满满的。 yeeyan

Russians often trim off the brim and place it in the centre of a serving plate.
俄罗斯人通常会将 kulich的边缘切掉,然后将蛋糕放在盘子的中央。 forbeschina

She added, “ He always wore a hat with a sizable brim and a black band, and he’d push it off his face when he talked to you, and looked you right in the eye.”
她补充说,“他总是戴那种大宽边黑带的帽子,和人说话里他总是把帽子往脸上压,眼睛总是注视着你。” yeeyan

Sparks may still fly on the assembly line and the two towers, each holding400 cars, are stacked to the brim, but customers are hard to find.
装配线上也许仍是火星四射,两座塔中也堆满了汽车每座400辆,然而顾客却很难发觉这其中的危机。 ecocn.org

Tang's enjoyment of her work is evident in the fascinating trinkets that fill her small shop to the brim.
唐小姐的工作乐趣很明显在于充斥她小店里每一个角落的迷人的小玩意儿。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

The Quran speaks affectionately of Christian monks, saying their eyes brim with tears at the recognition of God's truth.
古兰经娓娓动人地提到,那些基督教僧侣说他们在这里看到上帝的真实之后眼角洋溢泪花。 yeeyan

The Saudi response to the recent knee- jerk buoyancy of oil futures was to hold prices and hope to work off brim- full inventories.
沙特回应了最近自动上浮的原油期货价格,以保持价格的稳定并希望提供更为充足的原油库存。 yeeyan

The Universe is filled to the brim with dangerous, nasty things, all jostling for position to be the one to wipe us off the face of the planet.
其实,整个宇宙都充满着危险,充满险恶的事物,它们相互冲撞争夺地位,都是为了将我们扫出地球表面。 yeeyan

Then she became aware of the spectacle she presented to their surprised vision: roses at her breast; roses in her hat; roses and strawberries in her basket to the brim.
接着,她终于意识到在他们惊异的目光里,她表现出来的是怎样一种滑稽的情形了:胸前戴着玫瑰花;帽子上插着玫瑰花;篮子里也装满了玫瑰花和草莓。 hjenglish

There was an article in the Financial Times last week that said we need more maths, yes, more, lots of it, until we are stuffed to the very brim.
上周的金融时报上有篇文章声称我们需要更多的数学。是的,更多数学,多到快要溢出来为止。 yeeyan

Wear a hat. A hat with a brim can be your best friend during a rainy run. It will keep the rain off your face.
戴一顶帽子。一顶带帽檐的帽子将会是你雨天跑步时最好的朋友,它可以帮你的脸挡雨。 yeeyan

With a dim triumph, she trims the swimming-suit rim at the swimming-pool brim.
她带着暗淡的喜悦在泳池边整理泳装的边缘。 hjenglish




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