

单词 boomerang
释义 boo·mer·ang 英ˈbuːməˌræŋ美ˈbuməˌræŋAHDb›“mə-răng' ☆☆☆☆☆高MSGCOCA³⁵⁶⁷³BNC⁶⁸⁷⁰⁸iWeb²¹⁶²⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a curved piece of wood; when properly thrown will return to throwera miscalculation that recoils on its maker
return to the initial position from where it came; like a boomerang来自澳大利亚土著语。现主要用于短语boomerang kid, 啃老族。boomerang baby还巢儿boomerang effect相反效果,反向效应,…boomerang sediment corer自返器boomerang needle holder前列腺缝合器…baby boomerang还巢现象
近义词 return返回rebound弹回ricochet弹飞come back回来backfire指内燃机等逆火…bounce back受挫折后恢复原状…

用作名词No, gossip is cyclical and karmic, like aboomerang.不,流言是循环的,是有因果的,就像自食其果。
Theboomerangchild phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale.啃老族现象已成为全国性的社会问题。
He bought aboomerangmade in France.他买了个法国制造的回飞棒。
They hunt game with spears or a curved woodenboomerang.他们用长矛或木制曲形飞镖猎取野味。用作动词If one of these children died, this whole plan is liable toboomerangon us.如果孩子们中有一个死了,这整个计划可能使我们反受其害。
His attempt to discredit his opponentboomerangedwhen he was charged with libel.他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果,被控以诽谤罪。verb.backfire
同义词 backlash,react,rebound,recoil,return,reverse,ricochetbounce back,come back,come home to roost,kick back
反义词 meetwork
backfireverb have an opposite effect
backlash,bounce back,disappoint,fail,flop,miscarry,rebound,recoil,ricochet,spring back
backlashnoun adverse reaction
bounceverb spring up;rebound
bob,boomerang,bound,buck,bump,carom,fly back,glance off,hop,hurdle,jerk up and down,jounce,jump,leap,rebound,recoil,resile,ricochet,saltate,snap back,spring back,thump,vault
reactverb respond;conduct oneself
acknowledge,act,answer,answer back,backfire,be affected,behave,boomerang,bounce back,counter,echo,feel,function,get back at,give a snappy comeback,give back,have a funny feeling,have vibes,operate,perform,proceed,rebound,reciprocate,recoil,recur,reply,return,revert,take,talk back,turn back,work
reactionnoun response
acknowledgment,answer,attitude,back talk,backfire,backlash,boomerang,comeback,compensation,counteraction,counterbalance,counterpoise,double-take,echo,feedback,feeling,hit,kick,kickback,knee-jerk,lip,opinion,reagency,rebound,reception,receptivity,reciprocation,recoil,reflection,reflex,rejoinder,repercussion,reply,retort,return,reverberation,revulsion,sass,snappy comeback,take,vibes,wisecrack
reactionsnoun response
acknowledgments,answers,attitudes,back talks,backfires,backlashes,boomerangs,comebacks,compensations,counteractions,counterbalances,counterpoises,double-takes,echoes,feedbacks,feelings,hits,kickbacks,kicks,knee-jerks,lips,opinions,reagencies,rebounds,receptions,receptivities,reciprocation,recoil,reflections,reflexes,rejoinders,repercussions,replies,retorts,returns,reverberations,revulsion,sasses,snappy comebacks,takes,vibes,wisecracks The rise of the so- called“ boomerang generation” is laid bare in official figures showing that almost one in five graduates in their late 20s now live with their parents.
官方数据显示,目前英国有近五分之一年龄在20多岁的大学毕业生和父母同住,由此可见,被称为“回巢族”的一代正在兴起。 iciba

The success of the campaign against methamphetamine suggests the boomerang effect is overdone, at least for older teenagers.
反甲基安非他命战役的成功揭示着逆反心理效应已经被克服了至少对于较大的十几岁少年来说. yeeyan

A few days ago my mom e- mailed me a series of articles about the “ boomerang generation”: young adults who move home and never become financially independent.
几天前我妈妈发了一些有关于婴儿潮的文章的电子邮件给我,内容主要是这样的:那些搬回家住的年轻人从此便再也没有在经济上独立。 yeeyan

A new ice cream van with tasty treats specifically for canines makes its debut appearance at The Boomerang Pets Party in Regents Park, London, July 17.
一辆为狗狗提供美味冷饮的冰激凌车于上周六现身在伦敦摄政公园举办的“回飞棒宠物聚会”。 cri

But Mr Turnbull might have thrown a boomerang, making him victim of his own attack.
不过,特恩布尔先生抛出的回力镖可能将最后使他自己成为受害者。 ecocn

But the Boomerang Nebula's expansion creates a kind of cosmic refrigerator, allowing the gases to maintain their unusual cool.
然而回飞棒星云的扩张却创建了一种特定类型的宇宙的冷冻器,它能容许气体维持它们原来的异常冷却温度。 yeeyan

EOD boots have soles reinforced with soft armor and boomerang- shaped titanium plates to reflect blast pressure away.
爆炸品处理靴使用柔性装甲和回旋镖形状的钛板强化了靴底以便反射爆炸产生的压力。 yeeyan

He learns that buck-passing acts as a boomerang.
他知道,推诿责任往往会自食其果。 blog.sina.com.cn

I will not ask my master to play fetch with a boomerang.
我不会要求主人去跟飞去来器玩。 tianyablog

If one of these children died, this whole plan is liable to boomerang on us.
如果孩子们中有一个死了,这整个计画可能使我们反受其害。 iciba

In either case, this will exacerbate the problems of the ailing U.S. economy, which in turn will boomerang back to China.
不论是哪种情况,都会加重病息奄奄的美国现有的经济问题,而反过来对于中国而言,这都将成为自食其果的行为。 yeeyan

In an MRI picture, the penis looks distinctly boomerang- like, as noted by a French researcher who studied men and women having sex inside an MRI scanner.
在 MRI照片上,阴茎看起来与飞去来器极端相似,这为一个在 MRI上研究男性和女性内生殖器的法国学者所首先描述。 dxy

In this world, “ if you take one action, it can boomerang and harm something else, ” says Hassner.
在这个世界上,“如果你采取一步行动,接下来可能反受其害,并因此伤及无辜”,哈斯内尔说道。 yeeyan

No, gossip is cyclical and karmic, like a boomerang.
不,流言是循环的,是有因果的,就像自食其果。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

The boomerang flap not only preserves the proper palmar digital artery but also provides an extended and innervated skin paddle.
此皮瓣不仅提供了合适的指掌侧总动脉,也提供了广大的带神经的皮岛。 adoop.cn

There is also a less good reason. Educators worry about the “ boomerang effect”, in which talk about drugs feeds curiosity about them.
还有一个原因是教育者们恐怕逆反心理作祟, 提及毒品会让人对它更加好奇. yeeyan

Young professionals in their late 20s or early30s have been nicknamed the“ boomerang generation” because of the trend toward returning to the family home having initially left to study.
那些“奔三”或三十出头的年轻职场人士被称为“回巢族”,因为这些人在离家求学后又重新回到父母身边。 edu.sina.com.cn

Your penis is shaped like a boomerang.
你的阴茎外形类似飞去来器。 dxy




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