

单词 bookstore
释义 book·store 英ˈbʊkˌstɔː, -ˌstəʊr美ˈbʊkˌstɔr, -ˌstorAHDb‹kʹstôr', -stōr' ★☆☆☆☆小高八TCOCA⁸³⁶⁷BNC⁶³¹⁵⁴iWeb⁹⁴⁶⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a shop where books are soldbookshop书店
蒋争熟词记忆book书本store店⇒书店book书本store店⇒书店近义词 bookshop书店bookstall书报摊

用作名词He never went to thebookstorewithout buying some books.他没有一次到书店而不买一些书。
He sold a bundle of old magazines to the second handbookstore.他把一捆就杂志卖给了旧书店。
I spent hours browsing in thebookstore.我花了几个小时在书店里浏览图书。 Judging by the standing-room only crowd greeting the Miami Herald columnist recently at the World Bank’s bookstore, his assessment of the region resonates outside of Latin America.
最近在世界银行书店站立欢迎这位《迈阿密先驱报》专栏作家的人群表明,他对该地区的评论在拉丁美洲之外引起了共鸣。 worldbank

The purpose is to store the book authors in a separate table by extracting the data from the XML documents in the bookstore table.
目的是通过从书店表的 XML文档提取数据以将书的作者信息存储到单独的一个表内。 ibm

Browse the technology bookstore for books on these and other technical topics.
请浏览技术书店,查看关于上述和其他技术主题的书籍。 ibm

But there are also superb restaurants, specialty groceries large and small, and a landmark bookstore and performance space.
当然那儿也有高级餐厅,大小土产百货,一家地标性质的书店和演出场地。 yeeyan

Buy a notebook and a pen at your local bookstore.
在当地书店买一个笔记本和一支笔。 yeeyan

Finally, we analyze the potential for additional enhancements to the bookstore site stress test environment.
最后,我们分析对书店站点压力测试环境的额外增强的潜力。 ibm

He lit upon some jest books in the bookstore.

I ordered some new books from the bookstore.

If you are into reading books, I suggest you go to a bookstore and meet women.
如果你爱好读书,我建议你去书店,在那里会遇到合适的女人。 yeeyan

If you went in a bookstore, which section do you naturally gravitate toward?
如果你走进一个书店哪一部分会自然地吸引你? yeeyan

Or flip through the books at your local bookstore.
或者在当地的书店查找这些书籍。 ibm

So you need to pick that up. It's at the Yale bookstore.

Some months after the novel about my father was published, I was out walking and came to a bookstore near Washington Square Park.
在关于我父亲的小说出版几个月之后的一天,我外出散步,来到了华盛顿广场公园附近的一个书店。 yeeyan

Take yourself out to lunch or to a movie, or simply spend an afternoon reading, browsing in a bookstore, or antiquing.
自己外出享用一顿晚餐或看一场电影,或只是花一下午的时光来阅读、逛书店或古董店。 yeeyan

These are just some of the wonderful benefits of reading books. Why don't you drop by the bookstore or library and pick a book up?
这些只是阅读能带来的绝妙好处中的一部分,你为什么不蹲在书店或图书馆里拿起一本书呢? yeeyan

Today, I can walk into a bookstore and look at whatever I want.
现在我可以大方地走进书店,爱看什么就看什么。 blog.sina.com.cn

Visit the technology bookstore for books on these and other technical topics.
访问技术书店,查找有关这些主题和其他技术主题的图书。 ibm

We have been using WPT to simulate millions of bookstore could find and resolve software, hardware, and integration problems before the real customers do.
我们已经使用 WPT来模拟拥有上百万书籍的书店,在真实客户使用之前找到并解决软件、硬件,以及集成问题。 ibm

You are at the bookstore, and you suddenly glimpse an attractive person near you in the same aisle.
假设你正在一个书店,忽然发现一个很有魅力的人正和你站在同一个过道,而且离你不远。 yeeyan

You can find these books in any local bookstore.
你在当地的任一所书店都能找到此类书。 yeeyan

You could work at the bookstore, for example, but not for a construction company that is building something on campus.
举例来说,你可以在书店工作,但不能为在学校里进行修建的建筑公司工作。 hjenglish




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