

单词 quartiles
释义 quartiles ˈkwɔːrtaɪlz COCA⁸⁰⁴⁷³BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
n.四分位数医四分值;四分线原型quartile的复数 Participants in the highest vs. the lowest quartile demonstrated a 4.3- fold greater risk of death, and the intermediate quartiles demonstrated intermediate risks, “ the researchers write.”
处于最高四分位的患者的死亡风险比最低四分位患者的死亡风险要高4.3倍,而中间两个四分位的患者的死亡风险则处于中间水平。 biodiscover

The distribution of bonuses will be skewed towards top performers, leaving little or no money for those in the lower quartiles.
奖金的分配是偏向业绩的佼佼者,业绩差的部分极少或更本就没有。 ecocn

The probability of clonal evolution was higher in patients in the first quartile24.5 percent than in quartiles2 through4 8.4 percent.
在第一个四分位数的患者4.5%比第二至四个四分位数的患者8.4%克隆演变的发生率更高。 dxy

“ Survival between these2 groups differed, with 66 percent surviving6 years in the first quartile compared with83.8 percent in quartiles2 through4, ” the researchers write.
研究者写道:“两组间的生存率不同,第一个四分位数的患者于第二至四百分位数患者的6年生存率分别为66%、83.8%。” dxy

After adjustment for age and gender, gastric cancer rates rose significantly with descending quartiles of serum cholesterol level.
在调整年龄和性别的作用后,胃癌的发病率与血清胆固醇水平处于第1四分位数以下之间存在统计学差异。 dxy

Applying the median, lower and upper quartiles as measures of location.
根据度量的程度来应用中等、低级和高级质量。 ibm

Each group of statistics are indicated with medians and quartiles;
各组内数据描述用中位数和四分位数表示; cnki

If you divide the20th century into quartiles, the period when the initial yield gap was highest ie, bonds yielded more than cash saw a subsequent ten-year real return from gilts of just0.3%.
如果你把二十世纪分成四个时期,初始收益差最高的时期例如,债券比现金收益大之后会遇到十年金边债券净收益只有0.3%的情况。 ecocn

It appears on these three scenarios that higher tolls can bring more gain to those in higher income quartiles, but also more severe losses to those in lower quartiles.
它表明在这三种情况下在高四分数收入中高收费带来高收入,但在低四分数收入中它却会带来严重的亏损。 totoso

It is the difference between the upper and lower quartiles.
它是上四分位数与下四分位数之间的差异。 ibm

Odds ratios were calculated for the association between childhood adiposity, expressed as “ overweight” or as BMI z- score quartiles at7 yrs of age, and asthma development after that age.
计算以7岁时“超重”或 BMI总得分的四分位数为表现的儿童期肥胖和之后出现哮喘间关系的优势比。 www.med66.com

People in the two highest quartiles had a2.2 times increased risk of heart disease compared to those in the lowest.
有两个最高四分位数的人比那些最低的人患心脏病的风险增加2.2倍。 www.51nxtz.com

Pulse pressure was calculated as the difference between the average24- h systolic and diastolic blood pressure and studied as a continuous variable and according to quartiles.
由于24小时的平均收缩压和舒张压之间存在差异,因此计算脉压,并将之作为一个连续的变量来研究至四分位。 hulan8.com

There already exist Median, Quartiles and Tenth Quantile etc. Based on this, the authors put out the concept and calculation method for tri-sectional quantiles in this article.
统计中已有确定中位数、四分位数、十分位数等的方法,文章在此基础上提出三分位数的概念及其确定的方法。 cnki

We will also discuss alternate measures of location, the median and quartiles and discuss how they are more resistant to dispersion.
我们还会讨论位置的其他度量手段,中间值和质量,并讨论它们对分散度有更大的抵抗力。 ibm




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