词汇 | 因祸得福 |
释义 | 因祸得福 辨形“祸”,不能写作“锅”。 辨形“祸”,不能写作“锅”。 歇后语塞翁失马 法文à quelque chose malheur est bontirer le bien du mal 德文aus Unglück folgt Glück 管仲很善于在不利的形势下扭转败局,变被动为主动,最后一举获得成功。有一次,齐桓公跟夫人蔡姬在湖里划船游玩。蔡姬识水性,她也经常划船游乐,所以坐船就像坐车一样行动自如。但齐桓公不懂水性,平时也很少坐船。蔡姬一时兴起,就与他开起了玩笑,使劲晃动小船。小船荡来荡去,齐桓公一时吓得脸都白了,大叫“别晃!”蔡姬毫不理睬,还哈哈大笑,齐桓公气得要死,上岸后,就打发蔡姬回娘家蔡国。齐桓公这么做只不过是因为一时生气,并没有说要废了她。但蔡国却认了真,很快就把蔡姬改嫁出去了。齐桓公大怒,想立刻率兵去扫平蔡国。但是,一个堂堂诸侯霸主,就因为夫人的一个玩笑闹翻了脸,然后去灭掉夫人的娘家,是在是很不光彩的事。于是管仲就出主意说:“可以先进军楚国,质问他们为什么不按时向周天子纳贡。而蔡国一直亲近楚国,这样侵蔡也就名正言顺了。”于是齐国大军南下到楚边境。 管仲为了扩大齐国的影响,还建议齐桓公兴兵阀鲁,结果大获全胜,占领了鲁国的遂邑今山东省宁阳西北。鲁将曹沫趁鲁君和齐桓公签约时,抓住齐桓公,威胁他退还占领的土地。齐桓公没法,只得签约归还战争中夺取的土地。过后,齐桓公觉得受了侮辱,就要杀了曹沫。管仲立刻劝阻说:“不能杀。几座鲁城,只不过是一点小利;在诸侯中树立威望,才是大利。如果各地诸侯知道您连在被劫持的情况下订立的盟约都不肯背弃,那就一定会立大信于天下!” 果然,经过这件事情之后,各个诸侯国都认为齐桓公是一个信守诺言的人,都愿意尊他为霸主,不久齐桓公就成了各个诸侯国的霸主,成为春秋五霸之一。 反义词 A blessing in disguise, then? Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise. Indeed, a strong theme of the tea-party circuit is that even Mr Obama’s election as president was a blessing in disguise. Being laid-off from that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Good fortune followed him from the cradle to the grave; occasionally it appeared to fail him; but its absence always turned out to be a blessing in disguise. However, the unusual phenomenon may be a blessing in disguise. Any delay in your plans will probably frustrate you, but this opportunity to rethink your options could be a blessing in disguise. Losing the job was a blessing in disguise, she is able to spend more time with her children now. It turned out that losing his job was a blessing in disguise, because it forced him to start his own company and it was successful. Missing my bus turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The bus got a flat tire on the highway and all the passengers were stuck. Our unit has spread the story which turns misfortune into a blessing, the lead is myself. Maybe being laid off was a blessing in disguise. Maybe, it is time for you to conquer your fears and go for broke. The companies involved suffer little harm to their reputation and, in some instances, may actually win praise from customers who feel their concerns have been acted upon promptly. This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise? Lossing the job was a blessing in disguise, she is able to spend more time with her children. WHEN Winston Churchill lost the1945 election, his wife remarked that the defeat might be a blessing in disguise. |
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