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词汇 blanch
释义 blanch 英blæntʃ美blæntʃAHDblănch ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA²⁶²³⁰BNC⁷⁰⁹²⁰iWeb²⁴⁸⁷⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

turn pale, as if in fearcook vegetables briefly;

Parboil the beans before freezing them

来自词根bl-k变白,k-ch相通。词根bl-k燃烧,发光,照耀,变白来自日耳曼语。它和希腊词根phleg-燃烧、拉丁词根flagr-燃烧最终都源自原始印欧语词根*bhel-1发光,照耀,燃烧,ph-f-b相通,g-k相通。参考同源单词blank空白的。blanch blight枝枯病
GRE红宝书1)blanc白-脸色变白2)读: 不烂吃. 烂吃就是什么都吃, 容易发胖. 但是, 不烂吃就是什么都不吃, 容易脸色苍白.
源自 blank, bleach
GRE难词记忆blanch=blank a.空白的→变白blanch=blanka.空白的⇒变白钱博士bl+an+ch⇒使变白词根记忆blanc的变体形近词blankn.空白近义词 chalk粉笔blench回避pale苍白的bleach漂白剂discolor变色parboil煮半熟lighten使轻松,变得轻松…

用作动词Heblanchedwith shock.他吓得脸都白了。
Heblanchedat the sight of the snake.他看见蛇脸色煞白。
Youblanchalmonds to remove their skins.你把杏仁焯一下,烫去表皮。verb.become afraid
同义词 flinch,recoil,wincepale,shrink,start
反义词 face,meet,be brave
bleachverb whiten
achromatize,blench,decolor,decolorize,etiolate,fade,grow pale,lighten,make pale,peroxide,wash out
cookverb prepare food, usually using heat
bake,barbecue,blanch,boil,braise,brew,broil,brown,burn,coddle,decoct,deep fry,doctor,escallop,fix,french fry,fricassee,fry,grill,heat,imbue,melt,microwave,nuke,panfry,parboil,percolate,poach,pressure-cook,reduce,roast,sauté,scald,scorch,sear,simmer,sizzle,steam,steep,stew,toast,warm up
etiolateverb weaken
fadeverb lose color
achromatize,become colorless,blanch,bleach,blench,clear,decolorize,dim,disappear,discolor,dissolve,dull,etiolate,evanish,evaporate,grow dim,lose brightness,lose luster,muddy,neutralize,pale,tarnish,tone down,vanish,wash out
fearverb feel alarm;be scared of
anticipate,apprehend,avoid,be afraid,be anxious,be apprehensive,be disquieted,be frightened,be in awe,blanch,break out in a sweat,cower,crouch,dare not,dread,expect,falter,feel concern,flinch,foresee,fret,have butterflies,have qualms,lose courage,quail,quaver,shrink,shudder,shun,shy,start,suspect,tremble,wilt,worry
fearingverb feel alarm;be scared of
anticipating,apprehending,avoiding,be disquieting,being afraid,being anxious,being apprehensive,being frightened,being in awe,blanching,breaking out in a sweat,cowering,crouching,daring not,dreading,expecting,faltering,feeling concern,flinching,foreseeing,fretting,having butterflies,having qualms,losing courage,quailing,quavering,shrinking,shuddering,shunning,shying,starting,suspecting,trembling,wilting,worrying All that notwithstanding, argues Francisco Blanch, of Merrill Lynch, as long as economic growth holds up in the developing world, the price of commodities should too.
美林证券的佛朗西斯·布兰奇提出,尽管如此,只要发展中国家能支撑经济增长,大宗商品也能支撑其价格。 yeeyan

For fresh ones, blanch using salted water.
新鲜毛豆用盐水焯一下。 yeeyan

In fact, to get Wurmser, it sufficed to blanch the hair of Wellington.
的确,要打败维尔姆泽,只需使威灵顿的头发变白就是了。 ebigear

Nor age, to blanch thy vermeil hue.

One sure sign, based on pattern recognition, is that those that talk tough and are full of bluster are predictably those that are the first to blanch in the face of adversity.
根据模式识别,有一点是可以确定的,那就是,那些嘴上强硬,夸夸其谈的家伙,在面对逆境的时候,通常是最先退缩的人。 fortunechina

To blanch involves plunging food into boiling water, usually very quickly.
漂白是将食物放进开水里,通常非常快。 tingroom

“The commodity supercycle is not over, just resting, ” says Mr Blanch.
布朗齐说:“商品的超级周期并没有结束,现在是中场休息。” ecocn

Blanch shrimp and rinse with cold water. Set aside.
虾仁烫熟后冲凉水备用。 iciba

And whatever the rules say, European governments, Spain's and Italy's among them, tend to blanch at foreign control of prized national assets.
而且,不管协约是怎么写的,包括西班牙和意大利在内的欧洲国家的政府都担心优质的国有资产会沦为外国控制。 ecocn

As Francisco Blanch of Bank of America Merrill Lynch points out, OPEC has not yet responded with extra supply to tame prices.
正如美林证券的弗朗西斯科•布兰奇指出的那样, OPEC还没有通过增加供给做出回应,以降低石油价格。 ecocn

As Francisco Blanch of Merrill Lynch puts it, they must find another Saudi Arabia’s worth of oil every two years just to maintain their production at today’s levels.
就像美林证券的弗朗西斯科•布朗齐说的那样,若要把产量维持在目前的水平,它们必须每两年就找到相当于另一个沙特阿拉伯的新石油储量。 ecocn

Bagged greens can save a lot of time in the kitchen, but be sure to blanch them soon after bringing them home so they don’t spoil in the bags.
袋装蔬菜可以为你省去许多时间,但是别忘了尽快将它们煮掉,否则它们很可能会在袋子里面变质。 yeeyan

But according to Francisco Blanch of Merrill Lynch, the rising cost of capital is likely to outweigh all these benefits.
但美林的 Francisco Blanch称:资本成本的上升有可能超过其收益。 ecocn

Francisco Blanch, an analyst at Merrill Lynch, calculates that a 50% increase in the wholesale price of petrol reduces demand by only1%.
据美林证券公司分析师 Francisco Blanch估计,汽油批发价上涨50%,其需求只会减少1%。 ecocn

If Mr Blanch is right the Federal Reserve's latest cuts will only spur faster growth in demand in emerging markets, and so higher commodity prices.
如果 Blanch的逻辑对的,联储会最近的降息仅会促进新兴市场的需求快速增加,大宗商品的价格也会升高。 ecocn

In the meantime, bring a pot of water to a boil. Salt the water and blanch the vegetables very briefly, just long enough to take the raw edge off, no more than a minute.
同时,烧开一壶水,在水里放点盐,将蔬菜焯一下,只要让蔬菜外缘收一下就好,不要超过一分钟。 yeeyan

No doubt the coffee snobs will blanch at the prospect.
勿庸置疑的是批评家肯定会对前景不看好。 ecocn

Politicians in both Europe and America continue to blanch at foreign takeovers.
无论欧洲还是美国,仍都对外资控股避之不及。 ecocn

That means it need carry no advertising, and can instead carry levels of sex, violence and bad language at which advertisers would blanch.
那意味着它不能播放广告,但能掺杂些广告避之不及的有关性、暴力和脏话的东西。 ecocn

Trim and briefly blanch one bunch of asparagus; slice the stalks into thirds.
修剪芦笋并漂白,再将其的茎切成三薄片。 yeeyan

We blanch almonds by soaking off their skins in boiling water.
我们把杏仁泡在沸水中去皮弄成白色。 iciba

Wildlife lovers will blanch: Mr Lane Fox is a rabid fan of pesticides and herbicides. He laces an oversexed rabbit’s milk with weedkiller and recommends eating squirrels.
令野生动物热爱者发狂的是,福克斯狂爱杀虫剂和除草剂,用割草机捆住发情的兔子奶,甚至建议食用松鼠。 ecocn

Wildlife lovers will blanch: Mr Lane Fox is a rabid fan of pesticides and herbicides.
野生生物爱好者们将惊惧于他们自己的想象力:“莱恩.福克斯是杀虫剂和除草剂的狂热支持者! ecocn

BLANCH: And how dense does the wool pile have to be?
伯朗什:羊毛的密度达到多少才算合格? iciba

Blanch frozen edamame over boiling water for1-2 mins.




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