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词汇 blackened
释义 black·ened 英'blækən美'blækən 高COCA²¹⁸³⁷BNC²²⁰⁵⁰iWeb²³¹¹⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
make or become black;

The smoke blackened the ceiling

The ceiling blackened

burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color;

The cook blackened the chicken breast

The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece

the flames scorched the ceiling

近义词 cloud云smoke烟slur诽谤dirty脏的sully玷污smear涂抹shade阴影shame羞愧lower低的black黑的darken变暗defame诽谤vilify诽谤smudge污点begrime弄脏slander中伤addle使腐坏nigrify使黑besmirch弄污malign有害的impute归罪于denigrate诋毁asperse洒圣水sear使 … 干枯melanise使黑化char使烧成炭melanize使黑化libel诽谤的文字speak ill of诽谤scorch使烧焦反义词 whiten使 … 白

用作动词The smoke hadblackenedthe white walls of the kitchen.烟把厨房白色的墙壁熏黑了。
The skyblackened.天空变得一片漆黑。
Don'tblackenmy name by spreading rumours.别散布谣言败坏我的名声。
She attempts toblackenher ex-husband's character.她企图毁谤她前夫的品格。 And these belonged to a man whose name was not blackened like his own, a man whose life was not hunted.
这些东西的主人不像自己,名声还没有被抹黑,也不会一生被通缉追捕。 yeeyan

In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil.
一片片的绿草开始出现在这片烧焦的土地上,代替了多少世纪以来一直生长在那里的参天大树。 kekenet

A nurse showed footage on a mobile phone of an Uzbek man who had been doused in kerosene and set alight. His head and arms were blackened stumps.
一位护士用手机展示一个被浇了煤油而后点燃的乌兹别克男子,他的头部和胳膊都是黑糊糊的斑块,眼睛已经没有了。 yeeyan

Arson attacks spread to new areas, and gun battles erupted in the blackened underpass beneath an expressway, not far from a port slum that has begun staging its own red- shirt rally.
纵火袭击蔓延至新地区,高速公路下漆黑的地下通道中爆发了枪战,而就在距该处不远的港口贫民窟,此前曾为集会运送过红衫军。 ecocn

Behind them is the blackened oven of the family's bakery. It was the only item to withstand the force of the tsunami.
他们身后是自家面包店烧得发黑的烤炉,这是他们家中在海啸中唯一幸免遇难的唯一物件。 worldbank

Bits of blackened flesh lay on the road and a piece of blue cloth hung from a bush.
一块块烧焦变黑的人体碎片躺在马路上,旁边的灌木丛上还挂着一片蓝色的布。 yeeyan

China's press said this month that cigarette makers would be told to put larger health warnings on their packets, including images of skulls, blackened teeth or diseased lungs.
据中国媒体报道,烟草业制造商将根据要求在香烟盒上印刷更显眼的警告标志,包括骷髅头,熏黑的牙齿和病变的肺。 ecocn

During a1606 voyage from Mexico the ship carrying the image caught fire— but the statue survived, blackened.
1606年,运送塑像的墨西哥船在航行中着火,但它仍然保留了下来,只是被熏成黑色而已。 yeeyan

He glanced at his watch again, then stared toward the blackened windows.
他又朝他的手表看去,然后望向那漆黑的窗户。 yeeyan

He hunkers down by the pit and rakes away the earth from a blackened flat surface with his fingers.
他在坑边盘坐下来,用手指从一个平整的暗色表面上把土扒开。 yeeyan

Here, hundreds of feet up, the redwood's massive limbs are fused into flying buttresses and carved by forest fires into blackened chambers called “ fire caves”.
在这里上百尺的高处,红杉繁茂的枝杈碰触到飞崖绝壁,而曾经的森林大火又为它雕蚀出个个黝黑的“火洞”。 ecocn

I’ve seen photographs: the church’s blackened posts jutting like the ribs of a felled mammoth.
我看过那些照片:教堂烧黑了的柱子戳在那里,像一只坍倒的长毛象的肋骨。 yeeyan

I'd soon get used to the Heian ideal of feminine beauty, which demanded blackened teeth, plucked eyebrows, big hair and pale faces.
我会很快习惯平安时代的女性美标准,包括涂黑牙齿,拔除眉毛,巨大发髻以及涂白脸颊。 ecocn

Log cottages are sinking into a soil which gives up evidence of the siege: cannon shot, wooden shovels, barley blackened by fire.
在带随木屋沉降的土地上,当年围困的证物仍依稀可见:火炮弹坑、木铲、被火烧黑的大麦田。 ecocn

Marrows, courgettes, peppers, cucumbers and beans all become mushy or blackened much faster in a domestic fridge and all should be kept out in the bowl with the fruit.
葫芦、南瓜、胡椒、黄瓜和豆类在家用冰箱中贮藏都会很快地变得柔软或者发黑,他们应该和水果一起放到盘子里,而不应该放在冰箱里。 yeeyan

Nationwide there are dozens of places like Liukuaizhuang, where factories have blackened streams, poisoned farmland and choked the air.
全国范围内有太多像刘快庄这样的地方,工厂染黑了溪流,毒害了农田和窒息了空气。 yeeyan

Rimjingang produced a shocking video late last year of a homeless young woman, her face blackened with dirt, foraging on a mountainside.
去年年底从《临津江》流出的一段视频,一位满脸乌黑,脏兮兮的流浪妇女在一座山坡上寻找食物。 ecocn

Scores of livestock and other animals died from the oily mist, their lungs blackened by the liquid.
大量的牲畜和其它动物因石油烟雾而死,它们的肺部充满了黑色的液体。 yeeyan

Shrouded in white smoke, the peat soil still smoulders under the blackened tree- stumps.
笼罩在白烟中的泥炭土仍闷在一个个烧黑的树桩下。 ecocn

Some34 square miles have been blackened since Thursday.
自周四以来已有大约34平方英里被烧黑。 putclub

The Cossack village has been shrinking since Stalin’s purges. Log cottages are sinking into a soil which gives up evidence of the siege: cannon shot, wooden shovels, barley blackened by fire.
自斯大林的清洗运动以来,这个哥萨克村庄一直在败落,木屋正在朝地下沉降,而当年围困的证物仍依稀可见:火炮弹坑、木铲、被火烧黑的大麦田。 ecocn

They had blackened bark, but were otherwise looking rather well, many of them wreathed in new young leaves.
它们的树皮烧黑了,但看上去还不错,其中许多还长出了新的嫩叶。 yeeyan

This conclusion of mine comes from the fact that before a bride is to marry the love of her life, she must endure public humiliation by being“ blackened”.
我得出这个结论是基于以下事实,在新娘跟她生命中的爱人结婚之前,她必须忍受在大庭广众之下被弄黑的羞辱。 yeeyan




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