

单词 marvelously
释义 mar·vel·ous·ly 英'mɑːvləslɪ美'mɑːvələslɪ 高COCA³⁵⁶¹⁹iWeb³²¹⁷⁵

used as an intensifier extremely well;

her voice is superbly disciplined

the colors changed wondrously slowly

近义词 superbly壮丽地amazingly惊奇地toppingly非常地splendidly辉煌地wonderfully绝妙地excellently优秀地beautifully美丽地brilliantly辉煌地wondrous令人惊奇的marvellously很好地terrifically非常地outstandingly醒目地remarkably显著突出地fabulously难以置信地wondrously令人惊奇地impressively令人难忘地extraordinarily非常格外
同义词 magically,unusuallywondrouslyadv.excellently
同义词 admirably,superbly,wonderfullyvery well
excellentlyadverb very well
admirably,distinctively,divinely,exquisitely,extremely well,famously,fine,flawlessly,incomparably,ingeniously,magnificently,masterfully,nobly,notably,perfectly,remarkably,sensationally,skillfully,splendidly,superbly,supremely,swimmingly,well,wonderfully
tremendouslyadverb wonderfully
wonderfullyadverb extremely well
admirably,amazingly,beautifully,excellently,extraordinarily,magnificently,marvelously,miraculously,remarkably,spectacularly,strikingly,stunningly,well Praised be the Lord, God of Israel, who alone works so marvelously.
愿上主天主,以色列的天主享受赞颂,因为只有他独自作出了奇妙的化工。 ccreadbible

That launch- first, fix-it- later strategy has worked marvelously for Google in the past.
在过去,对于谷歌来说,这种先发布再完善的战略是奏效的。 yeeyan

The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.
没有选择的余地,对清理思绪具有神奇的效力。 www.59edu.com

The forest is fragrant, damp, and resonant. Someone’s distant voice, someone’s protracted call or response reverberates marvelously in the far distant thickets.
森林散发着芬芳,湿气里,有声音在回响,是一个人拉长了声音的呼喊或是应答,回声从遥远的灌木丛那边传来。 yeeyan

This marvelously illustrated survey showcases 591 contemporary rings that have been created by nearly300 international designers. It is divided into five sections—one for each finger.
本书收集了近300名国际设计师、共591项戒指作品,依照配戴的位置分为五个章节。 sungoodbooks

Apache is a marvelously customizable daemon.
Apache是一个可高度定制的守护进程。 ibm

By contrast, Reagan had a variety of life experiences, and mastered the difference between domestic opponents and foreign enemies marvelously.
对比起来,里根有丰富的生活经验,对于国内政敌与外国敌人之间的差异,更是拿捏自如。 yeeyan

Chilly on England's west coast. Marvelously tacky here.
英国西海岸非常寒冷,还有不可思议的俗气。 ngpod

For particularly long cables, the figure8 method works marvelously and it's easy to learn, unlike those knots you struggled with in Boys Scouts.
对于很长的耳机线,8字型法特别有效,并很容易学习,不像在童子军时学的打那么复杂的结。 yeeyan

He is a marvelously able author.
他是一位才华出众的作家。 www.59edu.com

I am ready,' said the emperor. ' Does not my suit fit me marvelously?
我的服装不是非常适合我吗? iciba

It's an election hall of idiots, for idiots, and by idiots, and it works marvelously.
这是一个白痴的选举大厅,由白痴选举白痴,但是,其产生的效果却极为惊人。 yeeyan

Living a marvelously rich, carbon-intensive life, however, he could do much more in emission reduction. I am afraid his behaviours do not have reference significance for the ordinary people.
不过他这种过着高碳富裕生活的人,减排空间很大,他的行为对普通人恐怕没有多大借鉴意义。 chinadialogue

Since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be.
因为我们发现,自己都是被奇妙的塑造成现在的样式,在基督的身体中互相作肢体,照着各自的功能来发挥作用,所以,就让我们继续前进,作我们所要作的吧。 yeeyan

That's the case marvelously in this poem, and I'd be happy to talk about particular examples with any of you who'd like to work through it.
这个是在诗歌中非凡的例子,我很乐意谈论这个独特的例子,和你们中任何想研究这个的人。 v.163.com

The host, who also runs a cooking school, is marvelously entertaining, and the preparation of food and choice of wine are celebrated here with near religious fervor.
主人开一家烹饪学校,他奇迹般地让人愉快,准备食物和选酒都接近宗教热情。 yeeyan

The necklace matches your dress marvelously.
这项链跟你的衣服搭配得真协调。 blog.sina.com.cn

This code is marvelously compact.
这个代码惊人的紧凑。 ibm

Whenever people watched him playing marvelously at concerts at both home and abroad, many would have wondered how he could have achieved that much.
他在国内外音乐会上出色的演出让人难以相信他小小年纪何以能取得如此成就。 ourtra

With tail- recursion optimization, this idiom is a marvelously concise way to iterate over a list.
由于尾部递归优化,这种方式是对列表进行迭代的一种非常简单的方式。 ibm




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