词汇 | 不寒而栗 |
释义 | 不寒而栗 辨形“栗”,不能写作“粟”;“票”。 辨析不寒而栗和“毛骨悚然”;都形容害怕;恐惧。但“毛骨悚然”语义重;并可形容非常冷;不寒而栗不能形容冷;可表示内心的害怕。 辨形“栗”,不能写作“粟”;“票”。 辨析不寒而栗和“毛骨悚然”;都形容害怕;恐惧。但“毛骨悚然”语义重;并可形容非常冷;不寒而栗不能形容冷;可表示内心的害怕。 歇后语夏天发抖;六月天全身发抖 法文frissoner sans avoir froidtrembler de crainte,de peur,d'effroi 俄文морóз продирáет по кóже 当时,南阳城里居住着一个管理关税的都尉名叫宁成,这人很残暴,利用手中的权力横行霸道,百姓们都很害怕他,甚至连进关;出关的官员都不敢得罪他。人们都说,让宁成做官,好比是把一群羊交给狼管。宁成听说义纵要来南阳任太守,有些不安。等义纵上任那天,带领全家老小恭恭敬敬地站在路边迎接义纵。义纵知道宁成这样做的目的,对他不理不睬。一上任,义纵就派人调查宁成的家族,凡是查到有罪的,就统统杀掉,最后,宁成也被判了罪。这一来,当地有名的富豪孔氏;暴氏因为也有劣迹,吓得逃离了南阳。 后来,汉武帝又调义纵任定襄在今内蒙古太守,那时,这个地区的治安很混乱。义纵一到定襄,就将监狱中二百多个重罪轻判的犯人重新判处死刑,同时将二百多个私自来监狱探望这些犯人的家属抓了起来,说他们想要为犯人开脱罪行,也一起判处死刑。 那天,一下子就杀了四百多人。尽管那天天气不冷,然而,住在这个地区的人们听到这个消息后都吓得不寒而栗。 义纵执法严峻,但也存在肆意残杀的问题,司马迁《史记》把义纵归入酷吏一类。 反义词 “ What if it had happened to Mrs. van der Luyden?” people asked each other with a shudder. Java developers probably still shudder at the memory of how many steps were required to get “ Hello, EJB!” going. In the dreadful days between Christmas and New Year2004, when each day brought new horrors on the massive scale of the tragedy, none of us realized how this would change our lives in the coming year. Did the director, when he shot this film, get a chill presentiment of how personal it was all going to look? Future generations may look back and shudder at the cruelty of it. The second time, it made me shudder. Jim shivers and steps into the window sun. Yet his murder has sent a chill through media and civic-minded circles. Young people today are staring at a future in which they will be less well off than their elders, a reversal of fortune that should send a shudder through everyone. She shivered. She shivers. The thought that the place could be haunted never really crossed my mind. I just thought it was a creepy old house. I considered myself fortunate to be on the Western side, for there was something chilling and forbidding about the East. It all looked so grey and drab. Governments in many poor countries react with a shudder to this sort of news item— and indeed to any news that seems to expose the fragility of newly urbanised economies. That fear proved misplaced, but non-profit leaders still shudder privately at the thought of what a big scandal might do to Americans’ traditional generosity. One can only shudder at the thought that the humaneness of our societies would depend on the whims of politics, culture or religion. The very thought of an expansion of public management of industries makes even the most bigoted socialist politicians shudder. Yet Wall Street shudders. |
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