

单词 acquaint
释义 ac·quaint 英əˈkweɪnt美əˈkwentAHDə-kwāntʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝6八COCA¹⁴⁴⁶⁷BNC⁴⁰³⁷¹iWeb¹⁰³⁸⁶

vt. 使熟悉; 使了解

oneself make sb/oneself familiar with or aware of sth

cause to come to know personally;

permit me to acquaint you with my son

introduce the new neighbors to the community

make familiar or conversant with;

you should acquaint yourself with your new computer

We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings


Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move

acquaint, advise, inform, notify, tell



2.在“通知”的手段上, acquaint主要指向某人提供资料; tell是指将某事直接告诉某人或把某些内容向他人讲述,即口头通知; inform既可指提供有关资料或信息,也可指直接告知某事; notify指正式用书面通知; advise则常用于商业活动,既可指书面通知,即通告,电告,也可指口头告知或电话通知,但不一定是正式的。

3.在通知的内容上, acquaint常用于范围广泛的内容复杂的信息; tell多指一个故事或一件事; inform既可指重要的信息,也可指普通的一件事; advise多指商业活动中对方应知晓的信息; notify则指严肃的事或对方应知晓的事,暗含事情紧迫,需立即答复或处理的意味。

4.在用法上,这组词均为及物动词,可跟简单宾语或“间接宾语+that/wh-从句”, acquaint还可跟with短语,常用于被动结构; advise还可跟of短语; inform还可跟含“带疑问词的动词不定式和含介词as to或about的复合宾语”; notify还常跟of短语和含动词不定式的复合宾语,常用于被动结构。







发音释义:ə'kweɪnt vt. 使熟悉;使认识
结构分析:acquaint = ac=ad,使) + quaint(认识→使认识→使熟悉
用作动词 v.
~+名词acquaint information about sth介绍; 使认识; 使了解~+副词acquaint entirely完全了解acquaint fully十分熟悉acquaint imperfectly不完全了解acquaint intimately很快熟悉acquaint minutely迅速了解acquaint really真正了解acquaint slightly略知皮毛acquaint sufficiently足够地了解acquaint thoroughly彻底了解acquaint widely交际甚广~+介词acquaint oneself with one's new duties熟悉自己的新职务acquaint sb of one's intention把自己的意图告诉…acquaint sb with使某人熟悉,把…告知某人acquaint sb with the art使…对艺术略知一二acquaint sb with the facts使某人熟悉事实acquaint sb with the situation使某人熟悉情况
词根quaint-认知来自 古法语,源自拉丁语,=cognit=前缀com+词根gno知道+it过去分词后缀→完全知道。
非常记忆acAC米兰〖编码〗+qu娶〖拼音〗+ai矮〖拼音〗+nt奶糖〖拼音〗⇒AC米兰娶了矮人后了解了奶糖的制作方法ac=ad,趋近,驱使+quaint完全知道→使完全知道⇒使熟悉,使认识。词根记忆ac + quaint知道⇒使…熟知,通知词根记忆acc使+quaint=使人们知道=告知词根记忆ac+quaint知道→使熟悉近义词 make做teach教tell告诉notify通知inform通知orient东方advise劝告apprise通知explain说明present礼物let know告知enlighten启发introduce介绍familiar熟悉的familiarize使熟悉familiarise使熟悉run by时间逝去, 跑过…let in on告诉,让…知道,让…参与…
S+~+ n./pron.We're already acquainted.我们已经互相认识了。S+~+ pron./n. +with n./pron.Acquaint him with your plans.把你的计划告知他。
I will acquaint you with the facts.我会把事实告诉你的。
Travel will acquaint you with new customs.旅行会使你熟悉一些新的习俗。
Please acquaint me with the facts of the case.请把这事的实情告诉我。
I acquainted him with the date of our departure.我把我们动身的日期通知了他。
The scenes of the operas acquainted me keenly with the terrible and agonizing sufferings inflicted on the Korean people by the 36 years of Japanese colonial rule.我看了这些歌剧后,进一步了解了历时36年的殖民统治给朝鲜人民带来多么大的苦难。
This book acquaints the students with the ancient cultures of Europe.这本书帮助学生了解欧洲的古代文化。
They acquainted western readers with recent happenings in China.他们向西方读者介绍了中国最近发生的事情。
We aim to acquaint policy makers with some of these issues.我们旨在让政策制定者们认识到这些问题中的一部分。
He acquaints himself with the training of the units.他经常了解部队的训练情况。
I had acquainted myself with their customs.我已经熟悉他们的风俗习惯。
She had failed to acquaint herself with the facts.她没有了解到事实情况。
The lawyer acquainted herself with the facts of the case.律师了解了案件的事实。
We should first try to acquaint ourselves with the new job.我们先要设法熟悉这新工作。
We should acquaint ourselves with this advanced technique.我们应该使自己熟悉这种先进技术。
You must acquaint yourself with the details of the new design.你必须熟悉新设计的细节。
You will first need to acquaint yourself with the filling system.你首先需要熟悉文件归档方法。
They asked the master worker to acquaint themselves with various new technological processes.他们请工人师傅给他们介绍各种新的工艺过程。
I'm acquainted with the girl.我跟这姑娘见过面。
Are you acquainted with the president of the university?你认识这个大学的校长吗?
I have heard about your friend but I'm not acquainted with him.我听说过你的朋友,但同他不熟。
I am acquainted with the names of at least eight such people.我至少已经获知这些人中间八人的名字。
Are you fully acquainted with the latest situation there?你对那儿的最新情况充分了解了吗?
He got acquainted with the market situation there.他熟悉了那儿的市场情况。
He quickly got acquainted with the new regulations.他很快就熟悉了新规章。
She became acquainted with these facts.她开始对情况有所了解。S+~+ n./pron. +that-clauseI acquainted him that I would travel.我告诉他我要去旅行。
I wish to acquaint you that your friend has already left.我想告知你,你的朋友早已走了。Pacquaintancen.认识相识者Ppreacquaintvt.预先通知预告Pacquaintanceshipn.相识认识交往关系Punacquainteda.不知道的不认识的陌生的





用作及物动词We should first try toacquaintourselves with the facts.我们先要想法了解事实。
These booksacquaintChinese readers with the ancient cultures of these lands.这些书帮助中国读者了解这些地区的古代文化。
You mustacquaintyourself with your new duties.你必须熟悉自己的新职务。
Pleaseacquainthim with my arrival.请通知他我到了。verb.inform oneself or another about something new
同义词 accustom,advise,apprise,enlighten,familiarize,informclue,disclose,divulge,habituate,introduce,notify,post,present,reveal,tell,warnbring out,come out with,fill in,fix up,get-together,intro,knock down,let know,make familiar
反义词 delude,conceal,hide,secrete,suppress,withholddeceive,falsify,hold back,mislead,misrepresent
accustomverb make or become used to
accustomsverb get used to
advertiseverb publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
acquaint,advance,advise,announce,apprise,ballyhoo,beat the drum for,bill,blazon,boost,build up,circularize,communicate,declare,disclose,display,divulge,drum,endorse,exhibit,expose,flaunt,get on soapbox for,hard sell,herald,hype,inform,make a pitch,make known,notify,pitch,plug,press agent,proclaim,promote,promulgate,puff,push,put on the map,reveal,show,soft sell,splash,sponsor,spot,tout,uncover,unmask
advertisesverb publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
acquaints,advances,advises,announces,apprises,ballyhoos,beats the drum for,bills,blazons,boosts,builds up,circularizes,communicates,declares,discloses,displays,divulges,drums,endorses,exhibits,exposes,flaunts,gets on soapbox for,hard sell,heralds,hypes,informs,makes a pitch,makes known,notifies,pitches,plugs,press agent,proclaims,promotes,promulgates,puffs,pushes,puts on the map,reveals,shows,soft sell,splashes,sponsors,spots,touts,uncovers,unmasks
adviseverb offer information
acquaint,apprise,clue,clue in,fill in,give the word,inform,keep posted,lay it out,let in on,make known,notify,post,put next to,put on the line,put on to,report,show,tell,tip off,update,warn
advisesverb offer information
admonishes,advocates,cautions,charges,commends,counsels,directs,dissuades,encourages,enjoins,exhorts,forewarns,gives a pointer,gives a tip,guides,instructs,kibitzes,levels with,moves,opines,points out,preaches,prepares,prescribes,prompts,puts bug in ear,puts in two cents,recommends,steers,suggests,touts,updates,urges,warns It is necessary to acquaint with each other in a new working environment for it helps to improve working efficiency.
在一个新的工作环境中,很有必要使各成员相互认识和了解,这样有助于提高工作效率。 blog.sina.com.cn

So is our commemoration today. Well-organized exhibitions as this will acquaint more people with the unpredictable Doctor and his inspiring stories.
今天,我们在这里纪念白求恩,让更多的人了解并记住他,也是推动两国人民加深友谊的坚实一步。 putclub

“ Investors should acquaint themselves of the GEM features and their own risk acceptability to decide whether or not participate in the GEM shares trading,” warned the SSE.
对此,深圳证券交易所也提醒大家,“投资者们应该全面了解创业板企业的真实特点以及全面分析其风险承受能力后,再决定是否参与到创业板的交易中来。” yeeyan

Among the many tasks that auditors can choose from, the first one is often to acquaint themselves with your software development process.
在审核员可选的各种任务中,他们往往首先选择熟悉您的软件开发过程。 ibm

As a young person grows up, Socrates tells us, he has an ample opportunity to acquaint himself with the way of life in his community.
苏格拉底告诉我们,当一个年轻人成长时,他有充分的机会去熟悉所在社会的生活方式。 jukuu

Each hierarchical layer has to settle down; lateral causes have to slosh around and come to rest; a million autonomous agents have to acquaint themselves.
每一个层面都必须安定下来;横向起因必须充分传播并归于平静;上百万自治成员必须相互了解。 yeeyan

Each of the next four sections will acquaint you with one of our classes, as well as the RDBMS feature onto which it maps.
下面的四节中,每一节都会帮助您熟悉我们的一个类,还有这些类映射到的 RDBMS功能。 ibm

I'll acquaint you with my daughter when she arrives.

In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present.
为使你了解我们从事的行业,我们随附一份出口单,关于我们目前可供应的主要商品。 iciba

In this section, we will acquaint ourselves with the practical details of the platform through development of a real-world application on a phone interface.
在这一部分中,我们将通过开发一个现实的电话界面应用程序来熟悉这个平台的实践细节。 ibm

Its purpose is to acquaint trainees with the work of department heads.
其目的是让受训人熟悉各部门主管的工作。 hjenglish

No man can acquaint himself with everything on this earth, he said.
地球上没有人无所不知,他说。 yeeyan

Objective:To acquaint pathogens distribution of lower respiratory tract infection and present conditions of the common pathogensdrug-resistance.
目的:了解下呼吸道感染病原菌分布及常见致病菌的耐药现状。 iciba

The little child tried to acquaint himself with this new school.
这个小孩试著要去认识一下这所新学校。 jukuu

There is truly so much that you need to learn before Ascension, and we shall acquaint you with quick learning methods to speed up your education.
在扬升之前你们真的有如此之多的东西需要去学习,我们必须使你们熟悉快速学习的方法来加快你们的教育。 blog.sina.com.cn

They made detailed investigations acquaint themselves with the needs of the rural market.
他们做了细致的调查,来了解农村市场的需要。 iciba

To acquaint you with our purchase terms, we are enclosing a specimen of our contract for your reference.
为使你方熟悉我方交易条款,兹随函寄上合同格式一份以供参考。 jukuu

To acquaint with this background helps to have a deeper understanding of the essence of America's foreign policy and its future trends.
了解这种背景有助于深化我们对美国有关外交政策的实质及其发展趋势的认识。 jukuu

Toadvine sat with his boots crossed before the fire. No man can acquaint himself with everything on this earth, he said.
托德温盘着两腿坐在火堆前。地球上没有人无所不知,他说。 yeeyan

Today, we’d like to acquaint you with some of the world’s most dangerous bridges that are meant only for walking.
今天,我们将带你去认识一些对于步行来说世界上最危险的桥。 yeeyan

We run regular training courses to acquaint our staff with occupational safety matters.
我们定期组织培训课程使员工熟悉职业安全规范。 iciba

Winter will come only in some months, so we decided to show you summer Bukovel to acquaint you with such a lovely place with a great number of wooden buildings.
没几个月冬季就要来了,所以我们决定带您看看 Bukovel的夏日,让您认识一下这个拥有众多木屋的可爱地方。 yeeyan

With unbounded enthusiasm he volunteered personally to acquaint him with it.
带着无限的热情,他自告奋勇地把这首诗给我父亲看了。 yeeyan

You should try to acquaint yourself with the facts, before you express an opinion.
在发表看法前,你应该先了解事实真相。 hjenglish




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