

单词 一反常态
释义 一反常态 yī fǎn cháng tài 常用成语
reversal of past behaviour繁体一反常態近义一改故辙;急转直下;改弦易辙反义一如既往;一成不变;持之以恒正音“一”,不能读作“yì”。
法文agir contrairement à ses habitudes
俄文вопреки обыкновениюизменять себе
德文entgegen seiner sonstigen Gepflogenheit zu aller überraschung他平时总是有说有笑,今天却一反常态,默不作声。动宾式:作谓语;状语;指完全改变了平时的态度;中性词。郭澄清《大刀记》第16章:“可是而今,他却一反常态,神采飞扬地高谈阔论起来。”解释: 完全改变了平时的态度或状态。杨绛《洗澡》二部一六章:“他放下了一件大心事,居然一反常态,向丽琳开玩笑说:‘小组长你可辞不得。你们不是夫妻组吗?取消了妻权,岂不成了大男子主义呢!’”
陈祖德《超越自我》一二:“而今天这局棋他一反常态,斗志完全丧失,我想可能是他的情绪受到上一局的影响。”近义词 翻脸变色变脸改弦易辙一改故辙急转直下
反义词 一如既往一成不变持之以恒依然故我
她一反常态,向他愤怒地叫喊。She lost her usual equilibrium and shouted at him angrily. Zogby先生解释说他之所以会错是因为墨西哥裔的选民这次一反常态地大量出来投票。
Mr Zogby explained his error by saying he had underestimated turnout among Hispanic voters, which was unusually high this year. ecocn

Her temper's been very changeable this week so don't annoy her. tdict

Mr Bush has been unusually resistant to investing political capital in this particular problem. ecocn

Today, I had a rare moment of affection for my husband's dog and gave him a tummy rub.669g

He went out of his way to praise Africa’s central banks. ecocn

He did not look or act like his usual self—his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled. scientrans

He did not look or act like his usual self-- his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled. ebigear

They are not themselves today.《21世纪大英汉词典》

Its fans perversely enjoy the opprobrium it still attracts, as well as its deeply cryptic side. topsage

She used to be the most correct person, but then suddenly last year she decided to freak/span> out.《21世纪大英汉词典》

Many Americans vociferously opposed sending Mr Megrahi back. In unusually strident language, Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it would be“ absolutely wrong” to free him. ecocn

On the one hand, he argued that the “ safety of the American people” is at stake in this war. On the other, he betrayed his impatience for an exit and fretted confusingly about the cost. ecocn

It should be noted here that climate change managed to pass last week only because the Republicans, uncharacteristically, did not stick together as they had on the February stimulus bill. yeeyan

The Republicans also increased their majority in Congress that year, going against the historic trend of losses for the party of a sitting president. ecocn

It was a taunt that the president chose, uncharacteristically, not to dismiss. yeeyan

With the children in bed, if not actually asleepand a bit freaked out by my uncharacteristic generosity, I decided, inexplicably, to take a very hot bath. yeeyan

Uncharacteristic bursts of temper surprised her— he would suddenly unroll a long scroll of contempt for some person, race, class, way of life, way of thinking. blog.sina.com.cn

Even his vice- president, Joe Biden, who on the campaign trail called Mr Ahmadinejad a“ madman”, “that wacko guy” and “the crazy president”, kept his mouth uncharacteristically shut. blog.sina.com.cn




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