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词汇 Baldan
释义 Baldan
Baldanignored him, and Rick saw that the Sentinels weren't all of a single mind.巴丹没有理睬他,瑞克意识到哨兵们并不都是想法一致的。
Teal put her hands to her head in a panicked gesture and pleaded withBaldanto stop.缇尔把双手放在头上,样子惊慌失措,又恳求鲍丹快停下来。
Long-horned Burak and the crystal-brightBaldanspoke in defense of Lron's past accomplishments.“长角”巴拉克和“晶亮”巴丹为勒荣过去的功绩辩护。
“Just as he breathed life into the crystals of Spheris and createdBaldan's people, and decreed that the Praxians' should be an all-female planet.“就像他用呼吸为史菲利思的水晶注入生命创造巴丹的民族一样,也是他的裁决令普拉西斯只准成为纯女性的星球。”
When the squeal of the tortured wood had died away,Baldanthe living gemstone from the planet Spheris, spoke to fill the silence.”Will you help us?当刺耳的刮擦声消失后,巴丹,这个有生命的宝石,来自史菲利斯的哨兵,打破了会场的寂静,“你们会帮助我们吗?
Baldanand Teal had joined the Garudans to help keep count of the orbs, and with the first Alpha on its way, Jack, Karen, Rem, and Gnea appeared on the scene.鲍丹和缇尔加入了嘎鲁达人,协助他们统计圆球个数。头一架阿尔法机在飞行途中,机上杰克、凯伦、雷和妮雅出现在屏幕上。




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