

单词 Yuzhen
释义 YuzhenBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Bi Yuzhen1. acupuncture and massage college;
广州中医药大学针灸推拿学院; kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Heshan is the Laoshan Mountains, Taoism culture and long history, there Yuzhen Palace, Laojun oven, touch the money stream or Sendai, Juxian doors and other Taoist sites.
鹤山是崂山余脉,道教文化源远流长,有遇真宫、老君炉、摸钱涧、升仙台、聚仙门等道教古迹。 qite8

Meanwhile, the queen feels suspicious as Yuzhen forbids the royal physician to treat the Crown Prince. She decides to investigate the matter secretly.
皇后对玉贞竟不要御医,并指定让南医官替世子诊治感到不解,于是派人暗中调查。 mediacorptv

Out of the Drug Addiction Treatment, Liu Yuzhen, in full knowledge of AIDS cases has begun to engage in prostitution, then arrested by the police.
走出戒毒所后,刘玉珍在明知有艾滋病的情况下开始从事卖淫活动,随后被警方抓获。 zyynb

Yesterday afternoon, Chengdu Jinniu District People's Court case, Liu Yuzhen has been accused of the crime spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
昨日下午,成都市金牛区人民法院开庭审理此案,刘玉珍被指控犯传播性病罪。 zyynb




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