

单词 well up
释义 well up短语⁴³⁷⁷⁶

come up as of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things;

Strong emotions welled up

Smoke swelled from it

go well up to the bridle服从驾驭be well up to the average完全达到一般水平…well up on熟悉well up in精通cut up well死时留下巨款…well up眼泪等涌上…well up for对…满有把握,对…有…
近义词 swell使膨胀
Joy welled up in his heart.喜悦涌上他的心头。
Tears welled up in her eyes.泪水涌上她的眼眶。as in.swell
同义词 accumulate,add to,balloon,bloat,bulge,enlarge,expand,fatten,grow,increase,mount,rise,surgeaggravate,amplify,augment,belly,billow,blister,dilate,distend,enhance,extend,heighten,intensity,plump,pouch,pout,protrude,puff,tumefy,uprisebe inflated,become bloated,become distended,become swollen,fill out,grow larger,puff up,round out
反义词 abridge,decline,decrease,diminish,drop,fall,lessen,lose,lower,reduce,shrink,slump,compress,condense,contract,curtail,shortenconcentrate
swellverb become larger
accumulate,add to,aggravate,amplify,augment,balloon,be inflated,become bloated,become distended,become swollen,belly,billow,blister,bloat,bulge,dilate,distend,enhance,enlarge,expand,extend,fatten,fill out,grow,grow larger,heighten,increase,intensity,mount,plump,pouch,pout,protrude,puff,puff up,rise,round out,surge,tumefy,uprise
swelledverb become larger
accumulated,added to,aggravated,amplified,augmented,ballooned,be inflated,became bloated,became swollen,become distended,bellied,billowed,blistered,bloated,bulged,dilated,distended,enhanced,enlarged,expanded,extended,fattened,filled out,grew,grew larger,heightened,increased,intensitied,mounted,plumped,pouched,pouted,protruded,puffed,puffed up,rose,rounded out,surged,tumefied,uprised,well up Out their window, beyond a garden that covers a couple of acres, the mountains well up in gossamer light.
他们的视野,穿过了他们一亩的小小花园,向微光下的山川延展。 yeeyan

The jobless rate, meanwhile, stayed at 7.8% of the labour force— well up on the5.2% recorded in late2007, before the recession had begun, but still lower than feared last spring.
同时失业率仍占劳动力的7.8%居高不下——要比2007年晚些时候5.2%的记录高得多,当时衰退还未开始,但仍然比去年春季担心的要低。 topsage

I nodded back and felt the tears begin to well up.
我回应地点了点头,感觉眼泪开始涌出。 yeeyan

I saw her eyes well up with tears.
我看见她热泪盈眶。 ebigear

Just summoning the memories caused a number of them to well up with emotion and shed tears.
就是想想这些回忆都让他们中的一些人情绪激动甚至留下眼泪。 yeeyan

Looking at the boy in front of her, tears well up in Lin’s eyes. This is the person who had killed her son three years ago, stabbing him in the chest with a knife.
看着面前的男孩儿,林的眼泪夺眶而出,这就是三年前刺杀她儿子的凶手,用刀子直接刺杀了腾德胸部。 yeeyan

Sooner or later, the anger will once again well up. The crisis has weakened the government almost to the point of collapse.
迟早有一天,这些愤怒将再次喷发,危机已将政府临时政府推至崩溃边缘。 yeeyan

The thing that is really surprising is that it has taken this long for public anger to well up.
真正奇怪的是为什么经过了这么长的时间公众的怒气才开始爆发。 fortunechina

There is a spring well up cool water.

Unemployment is well up throughout the countrysee map, though it declined slightly in February.
失业率在全国范围内突飞猛进,尽管二月曾有小幅下降。 ecocn




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