释义 |
yagami 基本例句 n.矢上在日本;东经 129º56' 北纬 32º47' He proved without a doubt, that fellow genius Yagami Light is KIRA, but at a terrible price.他的智慧毫无疑问,追踪到KIRA原来就是天才少年夜神月,并为此付出了生命的代价。 Even though the Orochi has godlike powers, it could not resist the power of those who sealed it 1800 years ag the Kusanagi and the Yagami.尽管大蛇有着神一般的力量,但还是没能抵挡1800年前曾封印它的力量,那就是“草剃”和“八神”。 The Battle Continues.L is still Suspicious about Light Yagami. which he believes to be Kira and on the other Hand Light Yagami met a Girl who is believe to had a Death God Eyes and a Death Note.与死神硫克个性迥异的死神雷姆把另外一本“死亡笔记”扔到人间,得到它的是极度崇拜“基拉”的少女弥海砂户田惠梨香饰,她还以一半性命为代价得到了夜神月所没有的死神之眼。 Yesterday, the Shenzhou V rocket system-in-chief Huang Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, said after the manned space program will be implemented here, God will Yagami nine in the Jiuquan launch.昨天,神五火箭系统总指挥黄春平在酒泉卫星发射中心表示,以后载人航天计划还将在这里实施,神八神九也将在酒泉发射。 |