

单词 nail
释义 nail 英neɪl美nelAHDnāl ★★☆☆☆高四六研T牛4COCA⁴⁶⁸⁵BNC⁹⁶³⁵iWeb³¹⁴³Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰


a thin pointed piece of metal for hammering into a piece of wood, usually to fasten the wood to sth else


a fingernail or toenail

vt. 钉住,钉牢

make a door, window, etc. secure with nails

vt. 抓住,逮住

catch up

horny plate covering and protecting part of the dorsal surface of the digitsa thin pointed piece of metal that is hammered into materials as a fastenera former unit of length for cloth equal to 1/16 of a yard
attach something somewhere by means of nails;

nail the board onto the wall

take into custody;

the police nabbed the suspected criminals

hit hard;

He smashed a 3-run homer

succeed in obtaining a position;

He nailed down a spot at Harvard

succeed at easily;

She sailed through her exams

You will pass with flying colors

She nailed her astrophysics course

locate exactly;

can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?

The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome

complete a pass来自PIE*nogh,指甲,爪子,词源同unguent,onyx.引申词义钉子。拼写比较rule,regulate.
用作名词 n.
动词+~draw a nail拔钉子draw out a nail拔出钉子drive in a nail把钉子敲进去drive the nail home彻底探究fight tooth and nail尽全力攻击hammer a nail把钉子敲进去hammer in a nail把钉子敲进去hit the nail on the head击中要害,一针见血knock in a nail把钉子敲进去loose a nail松动钉子pull out a nail拔出钉子remove a nail拔掉钉子bite one's nails咬指甲,束手无策break a nail折断指甲clip one's nails剪指甲cut one's nails剪指甲do one's nails修剪指甲dye one's nails染指甲file one's nails锉指甲gnaw one's nails咬指甲have one's nails long留长指甲have one's nails pared请人修指甲manicure one's nails修剪〔洗净、涂染〕指甲pare one's nails修剪指甲pave one's nails修指甲polish one's nails修饰指甲trim one's nails修剪指甲形容词+~concave nails凹形指甲loose nail已松动了的钉子pink-tipped nails尖端涂红的指甲名词+~bamboo nail竹钉finger nails手指甲iron nails铁爪toe nails脚趾甲~+名词nail clippers指甲刀nail file指甲锉nail scissors指甲剪介词+~on the nail立即,马上,当场fasten sth with nails用钉把某物钉牢scratch an itch with nails用指甲搔痒~+介词a nail in sb's coffin催命的东西用作动词 v.~+名词nail a cover钉上盖子nail a label钉上标签nail a lid钉上盖子nail a rabbit击中一只兔子nail a shelf钉架子nail the boards钉木板~+副词nail accurately准确地钉nail alternately轮流钉nail assiduously持之以恒地钉nail delightedly高兴地钉nail immediately立即钉nail incessantly持续不断地钉nail reluctantly勉强地钉nail slowly慢慢地钉nail down钉牢,钉住,要求履行诺言,要求把…讲明nail up把…钉牢〔钉死〕nail the window up把这窗子钉牢~+介词nail on把…钉在…上nail a label on a box给箱子钉上标签nail a lid on the box给箱子钉上盖子nail to把…钉到…上nail a lie to the counter揭露谎言nail one's colors to the mast决不让步〔投降〕nail a shelf to the wall把架子钉在墙上nail the plaque to the wall把匾钉在墙上nail sb with the goods人赃俱获
用作名词n.a nail in sb's/sth's coffin

使某人早亡〔死、完蛋、垮台等〕 one of several cumulative mistakes that contributes to sb's downfall

fight tooth and nail

激烈争斗 fight fiercely

hit the nail on the head

说得中肯; 击中要害 do exactly the right thing; do sth in the most effective and efficient way

nail back v.+adv.

用钉子把某物反钉住 fasten (sth in a backward position with a nail or nails)

nail sth ⇔ backIf you want the cupboard door open all the time, why don't you nail it back?如果你想让柜子门总开着,为什么不用钉子把门反钉住?
nail down v.+adv.

迫使某人作出决定,讲明意图或采取行动 force (sb to make a decision, state his intentions, or take action, etc.)

nail sth ⇔ downWill you nail down that loose board in the floor?请把那块松动的地板钉牢好吗?
I can't get this lid off, it seems to be nailed down.我打不开这个盖子,好像是被钉住了。nail sb ⇔ down to sthWe shall have to nail him down to his promise.我们将不得不迫使他履行自己的诺言。
I never nail her down to anything.我不想让她明白地说出她打算做的任何事。
We've been trying to nail him down to a precise agreement.我们一直想让他说出他的确切协议。
Before they repair the car, nail them down to a price.在他们修理这辆汽车之前,要他们把价钱讲明白。
nail onto〔to〕 v.+prep.

用钉子将某物钉在某物上 fasten (sth on with a nail or nails)

nail sb/sth onto〔to〕 sthNail the boards onto the fence posts, they will make a good fence.把这些木板钉在立柱上,这样围墙就牢固了。
Nail the sign to the post.把招牌钉在柱子上。
Surprise nailed him to the spot.惊愕使他呆立不动。
The letter was nailed to the wall with an arrow.一支箭把信钉在了墙上。
nail up v.+adv.

将某物钉牢,钉紧 fasten (sth in a closed position with nails)

故事记忆名字叫 Snail蜗牛要去发 Mail邮件正翻过 Rail栏杆没想到 Fail失败脚绊上 Nail钉子被警察 Tail跟踪捉进了 Jail监狱交许多 Bail保释金放出后 Hail欢呼非常记忆tail尾巴⇒狗尾巴撞到门n上的钉子近义词 fixv. fasten
用作名词n.The nail caught her dress.钉子钩住了她的衣服。
The picture is attached to the wall by a nail.这张图画被钉子钉在墙上。
In order to hang the picture, he had to hammer a nail.为了挂画,他必须钉根钉子。
We had to fasten the notice to the door with a nail.我们必须用钉子把通知钉到门上。
The carpenter will drive every nail home before he pronounces the work finished.木匠要把每根钉子钉好了才会说工作做完了。
I would have been early enough, but I caught my coat on a nail just as I was leaving.我本来会早来,没想到我正要离开时,外套被钉子钩住了。
Magnets attract nails.磁铁吸引铁钉。
Help me to hammer in these last few nails,I'm tired!帮我把最后这几个钉子钉上,我太累了。
He took some nails and bits of wood, and built them into a rough cupboard.他拿了钉子和木头,做了一只粗糙的食品橱。
Do not throw these nails away, they may come in use one day.不要把这些钩子扔了,也许有一天能用着它们。
The tail won't come off the toy plane, it's fixed on with nails.玩具飞机的机尾掉不下来,它是用钉子钉住的。
Their fists were clenched so tightly that their nails dug deep into their palms.他们紧握着拳头,指甲深深地捏进了手心。
We must break the child of his habit of biting his nails.我们必须使这个孩子改掉咬指甲的习惯。
She cleans her nails with anailbrush every week.她每星期用指甲刷把自己的指甲弄干净。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He nailed boards together to make a box.他把几块木板钉在一起做了一个箱子。
He nailed a rabbit with his first shot.他第一枪就打死了一只兔子。
They finally nailed the thief.他们最终抓住了小偷。
The boy was nailed by the toy.那个孩子被一个玩具吸引住了。Pdoornailn.门钉Ptreenailn.木栓Phangnailn.倒拉刺Ptrunk-nailn.饰钉Phang-nail逆剥甲刺Pnailbrushn.指甲刷Pnaileryn.制钉工厂Pfingernailn.手指甲Phobnailn.鞋钉乡下佬Ptoenailn.脚趾甲斜钉Pnailholen.钉眼指甲槽Pnail-clippersn.指甲刀Pnail-headeda.钉头状的Phobnaileda.土里土气的Pnailheadn.钉头钉头状装饰Pnaillessa.没指甲的不用钉的Pnailsicka.因钉眼过多而疏松的Pnailinga.敲钉用的极好的出色的Pnailern.制钉者敲钉者自动敲钉机Pnail-bitingn.咬指甲没有办法的状态束手无策Pthumbnailn.大拇指指甲极小之物a.极小的极短的






nail常在宾语后接down,作“迫使某人明确表态; 强迫某人明确说出意图或心愿”解,是一种比较正式的用法。

用作名词He hit thenailinto the wall with a hammer.他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。
I found anailsticking in the tyre.我发现轮胎上扎着一根钉子。
You can try thisnailpolish on yournails.您可以在指甲上试试这种指甲油。
She was paring hernailswithnailscissors.她正在用指甲刀修指甲。用作及物动词I willnailup the new pictures on the wall.我会把这些新的图画钉在墙上。
It's the best chance we have tonailthe crime.这是我们抓住罪犯的最好机会。
Policenailedthe suspect.警察抓住了嫌疑犯
Signing the contract willnaildown our agreement.在合同上签字将使我们的协议成为定案。
See if you cannailhim down to an exact date.看能否使他决定个确切的日期。verb.fasten, fix with pointed object
同义词 attach,hit,pin,tack,whackbeat,bind,drive,hammer,hold,join,pound,secure,sock,spike,strike
反义词 detach,separate,unfasten,give up,halt,let go,loose,loosen,lose,release,stop,untieliberateunnailverb.capture, arrest
同义词 catch,hookapprehend,bag,collar,detain,get,nab,pinch,prehend,secure,seize,take
反义词 let go,release,fail,free,give,liberate,lose,misunderstand,offer,receiveunfastenunnail
apprehendverb catch and arrest
bag,bust,capture,collar,cop,grab,nab,place under arrest,run-in,seize,take in,take into custody,take prisoner
arrestnoun taking into custody
accommodation,apprehension,appropriation,bag,booby trap,bust,captivity,capture,collar,commitment,confinement,constraint,crimp,detention,drop,fall,gaff,glom,grab,heat,hook,imprisonment,incarceration,jailing,mitt,nab,nail,nick,nip,pick up,pickle,pinch,preventive custody,protective custody,pull,pull in,restraining,run-insequesteringsnare,sweep
arrestverb take into authorized custody
apprehend,bag,book,brace,bust,capture,catch,collar,detain,drop,gaff,get,glom,grab,hook,imprison,incarcerate,jail,kick,nab,nail,net,nick,pick up,pinch,pull,pull in,put the arm on,put the cuffs on,round up,roust,run-in,secure,seize,sidetrack,snag,tab,tag,take in,take prisoner,toss in jail
bagverb catch
baggedverb catch
capturenoun catching, forceful holding
abduction,acquirement,acquisition,apprehension,appropriating,appropriation,arrest,bag,bust,catch,collar,commandeering,confiscation,drop,ensnaring,fall,gaining,grab,grasping,hit the jackpot,hook,imprisonment,knock off,laying hold of,nab,nail,obtaining,occupation,pick up,pinch,pull,run-in,securing,seizing,seizure,snatching,sweep,taking,taking captive,taking into custody,trapping,trip,winning If the nail surface is rippled or pitted, this may be an early sign of psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis.
指甲表面呈现出波纹或者坑坑洼洼,可能是牛皮癣或炎症性关节炎的早期症状。 yeeyan

The nail and penny must not touch.
钉子和硬币绝对不能互相接触。 yeeyan

“ Nail houses” are the last homes left standing in areas slated for clearance, so called because they stick out when all around them have been demolished.
“钉子户”是指拆迁区域里的最后几家住户,之所以这么称呼,是因为在周围所有建筑都被拆除后它们显得格外突出。 kekenet

After all, if all one has is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.
不管怎样,如果所有人都有一把锤子,那么每个问题看起来都不过像一颗钉子而已。 ibm

As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls.
正当他在敲最后一颗钉子的时候,他觉得有人在扯他的工装裤。 ebigear

But nail guns will never replace hammers, and we'd be foolish to expect complete replacement.
但是钉子枪永远不会取代锤子,我们却愚蠢地希望能完全取代。 ibm

Can you knock this nail into the wood?

Can you get this nail out of the wood?

Can you pull the nail out of my shoe?

Chris claims to have only lost a nail once, when fixing her car engine on the freeway, and otherwise has no trouble leading a normal life.
克丽丝说只有一次她的指甲受损了,当时她在高速公路旁修理汽车的发动机,除此之外日常生活中从没有过什么麻烦。 cri

Dark lines beneath the nail should be investigated as soon as possible.
科学家应该尽早对指甲之下的暗线进行调查。 yeeyan

Each day you hammer a nail, place a board or erect a wall.
每天你都会钉个钉子,放块木板或砌一面墙。 hxen

Even if you accidentally hurt them during a grooming or nail clipping section, they always forgive you.
即使如果你在为它们剪毛或者指甲时不小心弄伤了它们,它们还是会原谅你。 yeeyan

Extracting usable advice from high promising books can be like trying to nail custard pies to the side of a barn.
从这些满是承诺的书中提取有用的建议就像是将奶油派钉到到谷仓的墙壁上一样困难。 blog.sina.com.cn

Fill in nail holes in drywall with toothpaste and baking soda.
牙膏与小苏打混合可以用来填补墙面的钉子洞。 iciba

From now on, every Friday he's going to nail my paycheck to the ceiling!
从现在起,每周五他将把我的薪金支票钉在天花板上。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Hammer and nail?
锤子与钉子? yeeyan

He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.
他对爸爸说了这件事,可爸爸却建议他每天再从篱笆上拔出一颗钉子,这样他的脾气就能控制住了。 ebigear

I guess the main problem is when people see DI as a hammer, everything becomes a proverbial nail.
我想主要问题是当人们将依赖注入看作一把锤子,所有的东西都变成了钉子。 infoq

I knocked the nail out.

Long nails on men are seen as odd or effeminate and people typically interpret nail biting as a sign of anxiety, nervousness or insecurity.
指甲长的男人看起来很奇怪或女人气,人们经常把咬指甲理解为一种紧张,烦恼或不安全的象征。 yeeyan

Palm, finger and nail are all parts of our bodies.
手掌、手指和指甲都是我们身体的一部分。 ebigear

Some of them sell galbanum and nard, and curious perfumes from the islands of the Indian Sea, and the thick oil of red roses and myrrh and little nail-shaped cloves.
他们有些人出售白松香和甘松香,还有来自印度洋岛屿上的奇异香水,浓稠的没药和红玫瑰油,以及如一枚小钉子样的丁香。 yeeyan

This is really the nail in the coffin for that.
这真的在棺材中是钉子为那。 yeeyan

We decided to play“150 nail pick up” again to see if we got the same results again. Other kids came to see.
我们决定再玩一次“捡150个钉子”来看看是否得到同样的结果。其它的孩子也跑来看。 yeeyan

We lust for power. Everyone would rather be a hammer than a nail.
权力是我们梦寐以求的,谁都想成为锤子,而不是被人敲打的钉子。 yeeyan

Yet despite all this I firmly believe a wonky grin, a chipped nail, and one or two very mild neuroses never did a look any harm.
然而,尽管发生了所有这一切,我坚信一个搞怪的微笑、削尖的指甲和一两种非常轻微的神经过敏从来不会有什么害处。 ebigear




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