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词汇 worth
释义 worth 英wɜːθ美wɝθAHDwûrth ★★★★☆初中高研牛4四八COCA¹⁶²²BNC⁸²⁶iWeb⁹⁹⁴Economist⁶²⁵


having a certain value


possessing the property, etc.

U 价值


an indefinite quantity of something having a specified value;

10 dollars worth of gasoline

the quality that renders something desirable or valuable or usefulFrench couturier born in England regarded as the founder of Parisian haute couture; noted for introducing the bustle 1825-1895
worthy of being treated in a particular way;

an idea worth considering

the deserving poor

having a specified value;

not worth his salt

worth her weight in gold

worth, worthy

这两者用法的区别在于:worth是介词,不能作定语,作表语时后面必须接名词性词组; worthy是形容词,可用作定语,作表语时后面接“of+名词”或动词不定式。

worth, merit, value, virtue

这几个词都可以表示“价值”。merit通常指人为价值,所评论的事物本身也许比真实的价值高; value指“价值,意义”,含有excellent的意味; virtue通常指对人、物的“好处,优越性”; worth通常指人们估计的价值比其本身的价值高。










来自原始印欧语*wert,弯,转,相对,词源同convert, versus。引申词义等价,对等,匹配,力量,价值。词义演变比较fit, match。 convertcon-,表强调,-vert,转,词源同versus, invert。该词主要用于宗教用语,表皈依。 versus来自拉丁语versus,转。来自原始印欧语*wer,转,弯,词源converse, toward。引申词义转向对方的,相对,相比。 fit来自古英语fit,势均力敌的对手。引申词义匹配,合身。痉挛义词源不详,也可能来自同一词源,对手,竞争,扭打,痉挛。比较match,词源同make。 match来自中古英语macche,灯芯或烛芯。来自希腊语myxa,鼻涕,灯芯。来自原始印欧语*meug,黏的,滑的,词源同mucus, mucous。比喻用法,把悬荡的灯芯比喻成小孩的鼻涕。后引申词义用于点火的浸油小木条,最后指火柴。拼写比较bake, batch。来自古英语maecca,伴侣,妻子,丈夫。来自原始日耳曼语*makon,匹配。来自原始印欧语*mag,揉,捏,词源同make, massage。后引申词义比赛,竞争等,即能匹敌的对手。for what it's worth不论真伪, 不管三七…worth one's salt胜任的for all one is worth尽力拚命worth while值得的for what it is worth不管价值如何…put in one's two cents worth发表意见comparable worth可比价值A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手…self-worth自尊Fort Worth华兹堡市worth sb.'s while值得某人花时间的…worth it值得not worth a damn一文不值not worth someone's notice不值某人一顾,不值得…not worth a doit毫无价值not worth a cuss毫无价值one's money's worth钱花得值得, 钱花得…worth one's weight in gold非常有价值的…not worth a button毫无价值not worth a farthing毫无价值
用作介词prep.for what it is worth

真伪未明但不妨暂时这样说〔听,看〕however much or little importance or value sth has

worth sb's while

值得去做profitable or interesting to sb

非常记忆wo我〖拼音〗+r小草〖编码〗+th土豪〖拼音〗⇒我把小草给了土豪是值得的wor有价值的,值得+th名词后缀→价值⇒转作形容词值得,值…的。近义词n. value反义词 worthlessnessworthless的名词…
用作介词prep.The picture is worth at least twenty pounds.这张图片至少值20英镑。
This ring is worth little.这枚戒指值不了多少钱。
The bicycle is not worth what you paid for it.这辆自行车不值得你付出那么多钱。
Her promise isn't worth a penny.她的诺言一文不值。
The novel is worth reading.这部小说值得一读。
It is hardly worth talking about.这事何足挂齿。
The matter is not worth your troubling about .这事不值得你为之烦恼。
To see for yourself is worth all the books of travels.行万里路胜读万卷书。
He is well worth sorrow that buys it with his silver.花钱买苦吃的,理应吃到苦头。
He is worth a million.他是个百万富翁。
The heiress is worth at least a million dollars.那位女继承人至少有百万家当。用作名词n.He has a jewel of great worth.他有一颗价格昂贵的宝石。
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.井干方知水可贵。
His net worth is reckoned at over a million dollars.他的财产净值估计超过百万美元。
She has just bought twenty dollars' worth of sugar.她刚买了20美元的糖。
Nearly a thousand pounds worth of cigarette were stolen.大约价值1000英镑的香烟被盗。Pself-worthn.自尊Ptrustworthya.可信赖的Pnoteworthilyad.显著地Pairworthinessn.适航性Pseaworthinessn.适航性Pcreditworthy资信可靠的Psightworthya.值得一看的Pnewsworthya.有报导价值的Pworthinessn.价值相当值得Pcombat-worthya.有战斗力的Punworthya.不值得的不相称的Pnoteworthya.值得注目的显著的Pworthilyad.相宜地可敬地正当地Ptrustworthinessn.可信赖确实性Pcredit-worthiness信用可靠性信誉Pthank-worthya.值得感谢的应感激的Ptrustworthilyad.可信赖地确实性地Pairworthya.飞行性能好的适宜航空的Pblameworthya.该受责备的应受谴责的Pquoteworthya.值得引用的值得引证的Pseaworthya.适于航海的经得起航海的Pthankworthya.应该感谢的值得感谢的Puntrustworthya.不能信赖的靠不住的Pworthlessa.无价值的无益的无足轻重的Pworthyn.杰出人物a.有价值的可敬的值得的Proadworthya.适合公路上使用的适于行路的Punworthinessn.无价值不配得到不值得尊敬Punworthilyad.不值得尊敬地可耻地不相称地Punseaworthya.经不住海上风浪的不适于航海的Pworthfula.有极大功劳的荣誉的有价值的可贵的Phalfpennyworthn.仅值半便士的东西无价值之物Ppraiseworthya.值得称赞的令人钦佩的可钦佩的Pworthwhilea.值得花时间的值得做的有真实价值的Ppennyworthn.一便士的价钱价值一便士之物少量交易



worth常用于sth is worth v -ing结构中,动名词短语在这里表示被动意义。本结构中的sth 有时可换用it,这时it是形式主语,动名词短语是真正主语。


worth用作名词时意为“价值”,其前的名词主语如具有复数意义,则应采取复数形式并加上所有格形式'或 's 。

“…pounds worth+of+复数名词”在句中作主语时,在强调“价值”时谓语动词用单数形式,强调of的宾语名词时谓语动词用复数形式。

用作名词The thieves stole 1 million pounds'worthof jewellery.窃贼偷走了价值100万英磅的珠宝。
Just 44 years old, his networthtops $20 billion.年仅44岁,他的财富纯价值已高达200亿美元。用作形容词The movie was definitelyworthseeing.那部电影真的很值得看。
Whatever isworthdoing at all isworthdoing well.任何值得做的事就值得做好。
The house iswortha lot of money.这栋房子值很多钱。noun.value, estimation associated with something
同义词 account,aid,benefit,cost,credit,price,quality,rate,valuationassistance,avail,caliber,class,consequence,desirability,dignity,equivalence,excellence,goodness,help,importance,mark,meaningfulness,merit,moment,note,perfection,significance,stature,use,usefulness,utility,virtue,weight,worthiness
反义词 hindrance,evil,hurt,imperfection,injury,insignificance,stop,triviality,unimportance,uselessness,worthlessness
assetsnoun property
beautiesnoun advantage
adorablenesses,allurements,allures,artistry,attractions,blooms,charms,classes,comelinesses,delicacies,elegance,exquisitenesses,fairness,fascinations,glamors,good looks,graces,handsomeness,loveliness,polishes,pulchritude,refinements,shapelinesses,styles,symmetries,winsomenesses
beautynoun advantage
asset,attraction,benefit,blessing,boon,excellent,feature,good thing,importance,merit,value,worth
benefitnoun advantage, profit
account,aid,asset,assistance,avail,benediction,betterment,blessing,boon,cream,egg in one's beer,extras,favor,gain,godsend,good,gravy,help,interest,perk,profit,prosperity,use,welfare,worth
calibernoun capacity; character
costnoun expense; price paid
amount,arm and a leg,bad news,bite,bottom dollar,bottom line,charge,damage,disbursement,dues,expenditure,figure,nick,nut,outlay,payment,price,price tag,rate,score,tab,tariff,ticket,toll,top dollar,value,worth And you said if I get you, then I know there’s some worth in me.
你对这个“主宰”说:“如果我得到了你,我就觉得自己还算有些价值。” yeeyan

The lowest estimate would put the worth of the jewel at $200.

What is that worth to me, or to the news organizations?
那它或那些新闻机构对我来说又值多少? yeeyan

Any of these devices can be worth the investment.
这些设备中的任何一个都是值得投资的。 yeeyan

But is all this worth the bloodshed?
但是为了这一切,就值得流血吗? ebigear

But it can be done. It is worth doing.
但是,它是可以做到的,也是值得做的。 yeeyan

But we persisted, and it was worth it, because the children fell in love with books and with reading.
但是我们还是坚持下来了,而它也值得我们坚持,因为孩子们爱上了书本和阅读。 yeeyan

But which of them are worth following?
但哪些才是值得采用的呢? yeeyan

Every one of us has a story worth telling.
我们中的每一个人都有值得讲述的故事。 yeeyan

He said carbon fiber might be worth exploring in the future because of its added strength.
他说碳纤维由于其增强的强度们在未来可能是值得探索的材料。 yeeyan

I give you what I have: the present is hardly worth accepting; but I have nothing else to offer.
我把我所有的送给你:这份礼物简直是不值得接受的;但是我没有别的可以献出来啦。 putclub

I want my face to carry the love that tells them that they and every one of us are worth more than our most terrible acts.
我想通过我的脸传递给他们一个信息,那就是他们和我们每一个人都可以更有价值,比起我们过去可怕的罪孽。 yeeyan

If you’re not finding much about it, it’s probably not worth that much.
如果你没有发现很多有关的信息,那它的价值也许不会很高。 yeeyan

If an idea or thought has any worth, you will remember it.
如果一个主意或者想法有价值,你自然就会记住它的。 yeeyan

Mastery of this line at work is key to proving your worth to those around you.
在工作中掌握好这条界线是在身边的同事中证明自身价值的关键。 yeeyan

Of course, some situations are worth improving.
当然,有些情况是值得改善的。 yeeyan

Speak up because what you have to say is worth hearing.
讲出来,因为你所要说的是值得听取的。 yeeyan

That I was powerful beyond measure, that I was worth sharing with the world and that I could be, do and have anything I wanted.
这使我觉得我是强大的,不可估量的,这值得我同全世界分享,而且我能够成为,能够做到,能够获得所有我想要的一切。 yeeyan

The proofs, for what they are worth, were, as I have said, dressed up afterwards— they were not the instrument of discovery.
那些证明,如我已说的,是为了表明那些思想是有价值的,而被装扮起来——它们不是发现的工具。 yeeyan

The stamp is not worth collecting.

The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.

This seems, therefore, to be an approach worth exploring.
因此,这似乎是一个值得探索的方法。 yeeyan

We should read books of real worth.

We then know if the idea is worth taking on to the next stage which is the feasibility study.
这样我们就会知道这个想法是否值得进行到下一步,也就是可行性研究。 ebigear

What you learn from looking at your genome is not yet worth the price you have to pay.
你要从错误中吸取教训,因为你看到有关自己的基因组不值得花那么多钱。 ecocn

You can have an idea worth millions of dollars.
你的某一个想法有可能价值百万美元。 yeeyan




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