

单词 wheels
释义 wheel·s 英wiːl美wiːl 高ICOCA⁵⁶⁸⁰BNC⁵²⁸³Economist⁶⁴⁸¹
C 轮,车轮,机轮

disc or circular frame that turns on an axle, as on carts, cars, bicycles, etc. or as part of a machine, etc.

S 驾驶盘,舵轮

the steering wheel of a car or guiding wheel of a ship

U C 旋转,旋转运动

circular movement

vi. 转动,旋转; 转身

turn suddenly or change direction; move in a wheel

vt. 推,拉

move a wheeled object with the hands

a simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes or a solid disc that can rotate on a shaft or axle as in vehicles or other machinesa handwheel that is used for steeringforces that provide energy and direction;

the wheels of government began to turn

a circular helm to control the rudder of a vesselgame equipment consisting of a wheel with slots that is used for gambling; the wheel rotates horizontally and players bet on which slot the roulette ball will stop inan instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victimsa wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
change directions as if revolving on a pivot;

They wheeled their horses around and left

wheel somebody or somethingmove along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle;

The President's convoy rolled past the crowds

ride a bicycle直接源自古英语的hweol,意为车轮
用作名词 n.
动词+~go on wheels顺利进行run on wheels靠轮子运转turn a wheel转动轮子形容词+~driving wheel主动轮front wheel前轮idle wheel惰轮,空转轮rear wheel后轮big wheel大人物名词+~balance wheel钟、表等的平衡轮mill wheel水车的轮子water wheel水力推动的水轮,水车介词+~at the wheel掌着舵的,掌握着大权的on wheels顺利,顺畅用作动词 v.~+名词wheel the bike推自行车wheel the cab拉四轮马车~+副词wheel about突然转身,来回盘旋,突然改变看法wheel around突然转身,来回盘旋,突然改变看法wheel in把…推进来,把…引入wheel off推走wheel out把…运走wheel round旋转~+介词wheel in在…盘旋wheel into转…入wheel over在…上空盘旋wheel to乘车到…
用作名词n.behind the wheel

掌管,控制 in control

set the wheels in motion

使车轮运转起来 make a start to a process

take the wheel

开车,驾驶 drive the car

wheels within wheels

错综复杂的情况 complicated setup in which small parts affect the other parts round them

用作动词v.wheel and deal

洽谈,商量,讨价还价 negotiate or bargain in a clever, often dishonest way

wheel about〔around,round〕 v.+adv.

急速转身; 突然改变主意 turn round rather sharply; change one's opinion to the opposite view rather suddenly

wheel about〔around,round〕He wheeled about and faced his opponent squarely.他突然转过身来,正视他的对手。
He wheeled around suddenly.他突然转过身来。
He wheeled round and went abruptly out of the room.他一转身突然走出房间。
The sails of the windmill were wheeling round.风车的翼在转个不停。
Whatever made the chairman wheel about like that?究竟是什么原因使主席突然变卦?
wheel away v.+adv.

把…推走 put (sb/sth away from a place)

wheel awayThe carriage wheeled away.马车辘辘而去。wheel sb/sth ⇔ awayI shall be glad when she wheels the old man away.等她把那个老头推走我就高兴了。
Someone wheeled away my bike from the front of the house.有人把我的自行车从这栋房子的前面推走了。
wheel in v.+adv.

把…推入; 引…入内 push sb/sth into sth; lead sb as enters

wheel sb inIf he's arrived at last, do wheel him in!如果他最后还是来了,那就务必引他进来!
The patient was wheeled in and the surgeon prepared to operate.病人被人用车推了进去,外科医生准备动手术。
wheel up v.+adv.

推动,拉动 move (a wheeled object with the hands)

wheel sth ⇔ upThe nurse wheeled the table up.护士把桌子推了过来。
The nurse wheeled his dinner up to the bed.护士把他的晚餐推到床边。近义词 rollspinturnswingwhirlrotaterevolverotationn. circlewhirlv. circle
用作名词n.He wound the cord round a wheel.他把绳子绕在一个轮子上。
Luckily we were not going very fast when the wheel spun off and the car crashed into the fence.幸运的是,汽车轮子脱落撞到围栏上时,我们没开得很快。
The wheel slipped from my frozen hand, and the car went right across the road.方向盘从我冻僵的手里滑脱,汽车便横着穿过了马路。
He took the wheel and steered the ship into port.他掌稳舵轮把船驶进了港口。
The driver sat patiently behind the wheel.司机在方向盘前耐心地坐着。
Those who can't afford wheels must hitch a ride.买不起汽车的人得搭便车。
How come he's such a big wheel in England?他是怎样在英国成为这样一个大人物的呢?
John put a spoke in his brother's wheel.约翰破坏了他弟弟的计划。
If you join us, everything will go on wheels.如果你愿意和我们一块干,事情就会很顺利。用作动词v.
S+~+AHe wheeled and faced his opponent squarely.他转过身来面对着他的对手。
Pigeons wheeled over the eaves.鸽子在屋檐上方盘旋。
The eagle wheeled in the sky.鹰在空中盘旋。
The car wheeled along the highway.汽车沿公路行驶。
S+~+ n./pron.Wheel the bike to the nearest repairing shop把自行车推到就近的修理店。
The beetle wheels his droning flight.甲虫嗡嗡作声地绕着圈子飞。
The patient was wheeled into the operating room.病人被推进了手术室。其他v -ed as Attrib.Wheeled cab was drawn by a horse.这辆四轮马车是用一匹马拉的。







用作名词They found her slumped over the steeringwheel.他们发现她倒伏在方向盘上。
Nobody can roll back thewheelof history.没有人能够倒转历史的车轮。
Thewheelsheared off and fell to the ground.车轮突然脱落到地上。
Awheelmust have a shaft on which it may rotate.一个轮子必须要有轴,这样它才能旋转。用作不及物动词The sails of the windmill werewheelinground.风车的叶轮正在旋转。
Its monstrous wings seem towheelin the leaden air around me.它那怕人的翅膀仿佛在我周围沉重的空气中旋转。用作及物动词Will youwheelhim away because he can't walk?他不能走路了,你把他推走好吗?
Thewheelis revolving about its axis.轮子在轴上转动。
Thiswheelengages with thatwheeland turns it.这轮子与那轮子啮合并使它转动。as in.auto
同义词 car,passenger car,vehiclemotor caras in.automobile
同义词 auto,bus,convertible,limousine,passenger car,pickup truck,sports car,station wagon,taxi,transportation,truck,vanbug,buggy,compact,crate,four-wheeler,go-cart,hardtop,hatchback,heap,jalopy,junker,lemon,ride,sedan,subcompact,tub,wreckbucket of bolts,clunker,gas guzzler,motor car,oil burneras in.bicycle
同义词 bikecycle,tandem,velocipedetwo-wheeleras in.car
同义词 auto,automobile,bus,convertible,jeep,limousine,machine,motor,pickup,ride,station wagon,truck,van,wagonbucket,buggy,compact,conveyance,coupe,hardtop,hatchback,heap,jalopy,junker,motorcar,roadster,sedan,subcompact,wreckclunker,gas guzzler,touring caras in.truck
同义词 car,crate,freighter,jeep,lorry,pickup,rig,van,wagonbuggy,carryall,dump,semieighteen-wheeler,four by eight,four by four,four-wheel driveas in.vehicle
同义词 automobile,bicycle,boat,bus,cab,car,jeep,taxi,truck,van,wagonagent,buggy,carrier,chariot,conveyance,crate,jalopy,mechanism,motorcycle,transport,vector
autonoun automobile
car,motor car,passenger car,vehicle
automobilenoun land vehicle; car
auto,bucket of bolts,bug,buggy,bus,clunker,compact,convertible,crate,four-wheeler,gas guzzler,go-cart,hardtop,hatchback,heap,jalopy,junker,lemon,limousine,motor car,oil burner,passenger car,pickup truck,ride,sedan,sports car,station wagon,subcompact,taxi,transportation,truck,tub,van,wheels,wreck
bicyclenoun pedal-driven recreational vehicle
carnoun vehicle driven on streets
auto,automobile,bucket,buggy,bus,clunker,compact,convertible,conveyance,coupe,gas guzzler,hardtop,hatchback,heap,jalopy,jeep,junker,limousine,machine,motor,motorcar,pickup,ride,roadster,sedan,station wagon,subcompact,touring car,truck,van,wagon,wheels,wreck
carsnoun vehicle driven on streets
automobiles,autos,buckets,buggies,buses,clunkers,compacts,convertibles,conveyances,coupes,gas guzzlers,hardtops,hatchbacks,heaps,jalopies,jeeps,junkers,limousines,machines,motorcars,motors,pickups,rides,roadsters,sedans,station wagons,subcompacts,touring cars,trucks,vans,wagons,wheels,wrecks
trucknoun wheeled vehicle for hauling
buggy,car,carryall,crate,dump,eighteen-wheeler,four by eight,four by four,four-wheel drive,freighter,jeep,lorry,pickup,rig,semi,van,wagon,wheels In the kitchen, non- wheeled tables fit snugly over tables on wheels which also have storage space for the stools underneath.
厨房里,无轮桌子严密地套在有轮桌子上,并在它们下面留有适合凳子的存储空间。 yeeyan

The drive wheels then rotate as necessary, to achieve both balance and propulsion.
驱动轮然后开始转动,这样既达到了平衡也有了推动力。 yeeyan

The wheels of the truck were chocked by the driver.

The wheels stopped revolving suddenly.

What is most intriguing, however, is that they balance on just two wheels.
最有趣的是,他们竟然在两个轮子上保持平衡。 yeeyan

“ If your goal is to lose fat, skipping sleep is like poking sticks in your bicycle wheels,” Penev said.
“如果你的目标是减肥,不睡觉就像是戳了根棍子在你自行车车轮里。”佩内夫说。 yeeyan

And then there is this experiment from Germany, in which researchers placed running wheels in the cages of a group of laboratory mice and let them exercise at will.
随后就德国就有了这个实验,在这个实验中,研究人员在一群实验老鼠的笼子里放了些转动的轮子,让它们随意运动。 yeeyan

Ball and socket joints let your arm bones rotate at the shoulders and also allow the wheels of your car to be turned through the steering column.
球状关节是的人类上肢骨骼可以在肩部自由旋转,这也是汽车车轮在转向柱的操控下转向的关键所在。 yeeyan

But though the legislative wheels have yet to start turning, the mood has already shifted.
但是虽然法律的轮子还没有开始转动,情绪老早就变化了。 yeeyan

Competitors will, for example, notice how Tata shrank the car into what its chairman calls a “ concise package”, with the power train at the back and the wheels at the“extremities”.
例如,竞争者会注意塔塔汽车公司如何将汽车简化为其集团主席所说的“简包装”——支撑汽车的传动系如何将动力传输到“各端”的车轮。 ecocn

Each hub is flanked by two“ wheels, ” each consisting of a three-ringed structure.
每个轮毂的两翼是两只“轮子”,每只都由一个三环结构组成。 yeeyan

He forms a machine in his thought, and before his mental vision that machine appears with the wheels revolving this way and that, as necessary to accomplish the required work.
他在思想中形成了一个机器,这个机器有轮胎,并且以这样和那样的方式运转,在他的这个精神的想象力之前需要去完成必要的工作。 yeeyan

I bought her a toy duck that ran upon little wheels.

I could see the wheels of wonder turning in their mind.
我能看到惊讶的车轮在他们的头脑中转动。 yeeyan

In movies and on TV, wheels appear to rotate in reverse.
在电影和电视中,轮子看起来似乎是反向转动的。 yeeyan

It is in essence a teleconferencing system on wheels.
它本质上是一个有轮子的远程会议系统。 yeeyan

Now, the amazing thing is, if you go to Mexico you can go to museums that have children's toys from pre- Columbian Mexico with wheels.

She had been a streetcar conductor for several years; what she liked about the job was the uniform and the constant motion, the changing scenery and the wheels rolling under her feet.
她干了几年有轨电车售票员的工作了;她所喜欢这项工作的原因是因为那身制服和频繁的移动,路经过的那些变化的景致和她脚下滚动的车轮。 yeeyan

The left motor connects to port C and the right to port B. You can specify whether to move the wheels forward or backward by selecting the correct direction below the port selection.
左侧的发动机与 C端口相连接,而右侧的发动机与 B端口相连接。您能够通过在端口选择项中选中正确的方向,指定轮子的移动方向是向前还是向后。 ibm

The accumulator delivers that pressure to a hydraulic motor that turns the wheels.
这个蓄压器将那个压力传送给液压发动机而转动车轮。 yeeyan

The indigenous peoples of North America, however, would not use wheels for transportation until the arrival of European settlers.
无论如何,北美洲的原著民直到欧洲殖民者的到来才开始使用轮子作为运输工具。 yeeyan

They do not look at all human: most are blobs on wheels or, if they are airborne, they may look like insects.
它们并不是都与人类相像:很多只是车轮上的斑点,如果是被用于空降的,它们看起来就只是虫子。 ecocn

Two wheels are visible on the lower left and right, while the floor and walls of the unusual crater are visible in the background.
在左下和右下可以看到两个轮子,而这不同寻常的陨石坑的地床和侧壁都在背景中可以看到。 yeeyan

We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round.
我们活着,我们死了,就好像公车上的轮子一样,一圈一圈地旋转前进。 putclub

You can also get interesting curved paths just by varying speeds of both wheels.
你可以通过改变两个轮子的转动速度得到一些有趣的曲线。 blog.sina.com.cn




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