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词汇 ware
释义 ware 英weə美wɛrAHDwâr ●●●○○高六T八COCA²¹²⁸⁹BNC²²⁸⁶³
P 商品,货物

articles for sale;goods

U 制品

manufactured things

articles of the same kind or material; usually used in combination: `silverware', `software'commodities offered for sale;

good business depends on having good merchandise

that store offers a variety of products

spend extravagantly;

waste not, want not

来自 PIE*wer,覆盖,保护,看管,看护,词源同 ward,warrant.引申词义看护的物品。hollow ware凹形器皿granite ware仿花岗器皿iron ware铁器五金店…application ware应用件hard ware硬件flat ware浅皿,盘碟enamel ware搪瓷器biscuit ware淡褐色陶器陶瓷素烧…earthen ware瓦器,陶器glass ware玻璃仪器clay ware粘土器皿pottery ware陶器crackle ware碎纹陶器lacquer ware漆器sanitary ware卫生器具glost ware上釉的制品meat ware肉食品green ware生陶器middle ware中等制品bogus ware电子病毒
war注意+e→小心的,注意的→需要小心注意的东西→易碎的陶器⇒器皿,制品,物品,商品。近义词 waste废物product产品consume消耗squander浪费merchandise商品
用作名词n.Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.小贩们沿街叫卖货物。
You must push your wares if you want better sales.如果你要想销路好,你必须强行推销你的商品。
They bought much ceramic ware yesterday.他们昨天买了大量的陶瓷制品。Predware紫砂Pchipware芯件Pclayware土器Pfirmware固件Pmindware理件Psortware软件Phumanware人件Pcourseware课件Pironwaren.五金Psoftwaren.软件Partwaren.工艺品Pfuzzyware模糊件Pstonewaren.瓷器Ptablewaren.餐具Pvaporware朦胧件Pwaresn.货物商品Plustrewaren.光瓷Psilverwaren.银器Pchinawaren.陶瓷器Pearthenwaren.陶器Pseawaren.海草海藻Pshareware试用软件Pdishwaren.碟盆餐具Penamelwaren.搪瓷器Pflatwaren.扁平餐具Pliveware电脑爱好者Povenwaren.烤箱器皿Pgarbageware无用软件Pglasswaren.玻璃器具Pmetalwaren.金属器皿Pmicrosoftware微软件Pdinnerwaren.整套餐具Pdiskware盘件磁盘软件Phollowwaren.凹形器皿Ppebblewaren.斑纹陶器Pstemwaren.高脚的器皿Pwoodenwaren.木制用具Pre-warehouse再入货栈Papplicationware应用件Pcreamwaren.米色的陶器Pkitchenwaren.厨房用具Pbridgeware桥接件转换件Pcookwaren.炊具厨房用具Plusterwaren.虹彩陶瓷器Pknowledgeware智件知识件Pautowarehouse自动化仓库Pfreeware免费软件自由软件Phardwaren.硬件五金器具零件Plabware实验室设备实验室器皿Psmallwaren.小商品狭幅的衣料Pwarehousing存货存栈存库抵押Ptelesoftware远程软件电传软件Pagatewaren.玛瑙花纹的铁制器皿Phardware-dependence硬件依赖性Phardwaremann.五金工人五金商人Pwareroomn.商品陈列室商品储藏室Pcracklewaren.有裂纹花饰的陶瓷器皿Pgroupware集体件协同件组合件组用软件Pwarehousen.仓库货栈大商店vt.储入仓库Pwarehouseman经营管理货栈业者管理仓库者Phardware-independence硬件无关性硬件独立性Pgranitewaren.花岗石纹的法琅铁器花岗石花纹的陶器Phardware-programmed硬件由程序控制的硬件有保护程序的

用作名词Delft is a blue-and-whiteware.代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。
The shop sells a great variety of porcelainwares.这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。
There are many smallwaresin the store.商店里有许多种小百货。
The store displays itswaresin the window.商店把各种物品陈列在橱窗内。noun.good
同义词 commodity,fabric,merchandise,textilebolt,cargo,commodities,freight,line,load,materials,seconds,stock,stuffvendibles
cargonoun baggage; something to be delivered
chinanoun dishes, often valuable
commoditynoun merchandise, possession
utensilnoun tool, usually for eating
apparatus,appliance,contrivance,convenience,device,equipment,fork,gadget,implement,instrument,knife,silverware,spoon,tableware,ware Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin.
他建议加热食品要用玻璃,如康宁餐具,高硼或陶瓷容器,这些容器没有戴奥辛是健康的。 ebigear

Lee Valley Regional Park stretches26 miles42 km along the River Lee, from East India Docks, past the Olympic Park and up to Ware in Hertfordshire.
李谷地区公园顺着利河延伸26英里42千米,从东印度码头,穿过奥林匹克公园,直到哈福德郡。 yeeyan

Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words.
你也要防备他。因为他极力敌挡了我们的话。 ebigear

The Corded Ware culture takes its name from the frequent use of decorative cord impressions found its pots and covered much of North, Central and Eastern Europe.
绳纹器文化得名于该时期器皿上时常出现的装饰性绳纹,这种文化一度覆盖北欧、中欧和东欧的大部分地区。 yeeyan

The interior has to hold an exhibition of the historic articles and the exhibit space of the ceramist Arita ware, Bizen ware, Kyoto ware, etc as well as a house for the owner.
内部必须要有展示和陈列陶艺历史有田瓷器,备前陶瓷,京都陶瓷等的空间,还要有商家的住所。 yeeyan

The owners of those computers are almost never ware they are part of an attack.
这些计算机的用户很可能从没意识到他们也是攻击的一部分。 yeeyan

What we see here does not add up to traditional Corded Ware cultural norms.
我们在这所看到的并不等于传统的有线窑文化规范。 yeeyan

What we see here doesn't add up to traditional Corded Ware cultural norms.
我们在这里所看到的不符合传统的绳纹器文化有线洁具文化规范。 yeeyan

About3000 BC, the inhabitant of the island has entered the Bronze Ware Period.
约在公元前3000年,克里特岛上的居民已经进入青铜器时代。 yeeyan

Besides this, I arrived at an unexpected perfection in my earth ware.
除此之外,我的陶器也做得意想不到的完美。 jukuu

Building real world educational source ware And communications technologies And applying them with actual learners.

Cups, bowls and pots are typical hollow ware.
杯子、碗和壶都是典型的凹形器皿。 iciba

I'm finding that many parents are having success with soft- ware driven word games to complement book reading.
我发现有很多的家长已经成功使用文字游戏软件来为书籍阅读加以补充。 hjenglish

If you're selling them a product, the most important information you'll need is a comprehensive market study for the ware they sell and what they will buy from you.
如果你要把产品卖给对方,你需要的最重要信息,就是一个全面性的市场报告;知道他们卖哪些产品,他们可能向你买什么么产品。 ebigear

It’s nice demo- ware and I can see people using that for getting a quick ad- hoc server deployment on the air on short notice.
这是很棒的展示软件,我能预见人们使用它在很快的时间内作出快速的特定的服务器部署。 infoq

Open course ware is not degree granting and is not distant education.

She quit buying plastic ware for her kitchen. She shopped for local produce.
她没有为厨房添置塑料制品,只买当地生产的东西。 yeeyan

So the merchants and sellers of all kind of ware lodged without Jerusalem once or twice.
于是商人和贩卖各样货物的,一两次住宿在耶路撒冷城外。 ebigear

Spy ware isn't new, but it's gaining ground.

The more words you are familiar with, the less you are ware of reading words and the more you are aware of content and meaning.
你所认识的词汇越多,你越会觉得你不是在阅读一个一个的孤立的单词,你越会更加去体会文章的内容和作者的意思。 kekenet

This cover, by the great cartoonist Chris Ware, captures the autumnal magic of Halloween while making wry cultural commentary.
这张封面由卡通画家 Chris Ware绘制,描绘了秋日万圣节的魔法,也揶揄了某种文化现象。 yeeyan

This ware is suitable for decorative purpose but unsuitable for utility.

Two lots of Ming ware in a recent sale at Doyle, a small New York auctioneer, were wildly bid up, one of them to over180 times its high estimate.
一家纽约小拍卖商道尔拍卖行近期拍卖了两件明代瓷器,竞标者疯狂哄抬价格,其中一件卖价超过其高估价的180倍。 yeeyan

We are really just at the very beginning of open course ware, but it's a very exciting time and I look forward to seeing you in class and seeing you in class we'll talk more about this.

We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage.
我们要检查一下这批瓷器是否有破损的。 examw




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