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Abstract A Verified Secret Share VSS scheme based on bilinear pair was proposed, and a IND? CCA2 proof to this scheme was given.
提出了一种基于双线性配对的可验证秘密分享 VSS方案,并证明该方案是 IND- CCA2安全的。 iciba

According to data from Veronis Suhler Stevenson VSS, a private- equity firm, spending on public relations in America grew by more than4% in2008 and nearly3% in 2009 to $3.7 billion.
私人股权公司 Veronis Suhler Stevenson VSS的数据显示,2008年美国境内公共关系支出增幅超过4%,2009年增幅近3%,达到37亿美元。 ecocn

As shown above, FWSM failover mode of operations integrates transparently within a VSS environment.
以上说明,在 VSS模式下, FWSM宕机备份操作模式透明的合二为一。

It is shown that significant improvement can be obtained and soft decision is slightly better than hard decision from the results and VSS algorithm can get the best performance.
结果表明,此判决反馈方案对抑制单频干扰在性能上比已有结构有明显改进,且软判决比硬判决性能略优,算法以 VSS性能最佳。 cnki

It will introduce the original system of VSS, and the functions of every module in scene building system of VSS.
介绍了虚拟演播室原型系统以及 VSS中场景生成系统中各模块的作用。 cnki

The method of grasping force control of rubber muscle using VSS theory is discussed.
探讨了用变结构系统理论实现人工肌肉夹持力控制的方法。 cnki

The output- invariance of variable structure System VSSis presented. It is shown that some systems which do not satisfy the invariance condition may possess the output- invariance.
提出了变结构控制系统 VSS输出不变性的概念,论证了一些不满足全状态不变性条件的系统可以具有输出不变性。 cnki

These will begin with the VSS Enterprise being carried aloft between the twin fuselages of a high-altitude carrier aircraft.
最先进行的是将企业号夹在一架高级运载飞机的机身中间带上高空。 ecocn

After you decide upon the directory structure in UCM, you can proceed to export the data from VSS.
在您决定 UCM中的目录结构之后,您可以继续从 VSS中导出数据。 ibm

Before you export the data from the VSS, you need to decide upon the component directory structure that you ultimately want in UCM.
在您从 VSS 中导出数据之前,您需要依靠您在 UCM中最终想要得到的组件目录。 ibm

But on December7th at the Mojave Air and Space Port in California, Virgin Galactic unveiled its first commercial spaceship, the VSS Enterprise.
但是12月7日,维珍银河公司在加州莫哈韦航天航空港展示了首部商业性太空船,“维珍太空船企业号”。 ecocn

But that will not hamper PR's growth, says Jim Rutherfurd of VSS.
但 VSS的吉姆•鲁塞福德说监管不会妨碍公关业的发展。 ecocn

Computer simulation results show that the new algorithm has higher speed of convergence than the standard LMS algorithm, VSS algorithm and MVSS algorithm.
计算机仿真结果表明,与标准 LMS算法、 VSS算法、 MVSS算法相比,新算法具有更好的收敛性能。 cnki

Export the data from VSS repositories.
从 VSS储存库中导出数据。 ibm

Figure7 provides an example of packets destined to an active FWSM originating from either physical chassis of VSS.
图7提供了一个源于 VSS的任一物理机架,以一个活动的 FWSM为目的地的数据包的例子。

However, before you go through these steps, it helps to understand how data is kept in VSS repositories.
但是,在您执行这些步骤之前,它可以帮助理解数据是怎样保存在 VSS储存库中的。 ibm

In this section a few examples are considered to illustrate that packet flows for FWSM modules will follow the normal data path paradigm as expected within the VSS chassis.
本部分,将通过一些例子的讨论去解释在 VSS机架中沿着正常的数据路径进入 FWSM模块的数据流。

Map the VSS repository to a network drive, using proper authentication.
使用合适的认证手段,将 VSS储存库映射到网络驱动器上。 ibm

This paper presents a selection method of sliding-mode switcher wire of a variable structure system VSS controlled with temperature, and the practical results show this method to be effective.
本文给出了一种温度控制变结构系统 VSS滑模开关线的选择方法,结果表明该方法是行之有效的。 dictall

This feature relies on having an understanding of VSS concepts, and therefore it is highly recommended to review the relevant materials prior to reading this paper.
这些知识的学习依赖于对 VSS概念的理解,因此我们强烈建议在阅读本文之前回顾一下相关材料。

VSS forecasts that spending on PR in America will surpass$8 billion by 2013, with much of the growth coming from online projects such as these.
VSS预测,最迟到2013年,美国的公关开支将超过80亿美元,增加的许多开支用于上文所述的那种网络项目。 ecocn




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