

单词 vacuuming
释义 vac·u·um·ing 英'vækjuəmiŋ美'vækjuəmiŋ 高COCA⁴⁰⁹⁰⁹BNC⁷⁵⁸⁰⁸iWeb³⁷⁷⁹⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
动词 vacuum:
clean with a vacuum cleanervacuum-ing动名词⇒n.真空处理动词vacuum的现在分词.He isvacuuminga rug in the sitting room.他在起居室里用吸尘器打扫地毯。as in.sweep
同义词 clean,clearbroom,brush,mop,ready,remove,scrub,tidy,vacuumbrush up,clear upas in.clean
同义词 bathe,brush,cleanse,clear up,disinfect,dredge,dustflushmop,pick,pick up,rinse,scrape,scrub,soak,spruce up,sweep,vacuum,wash,wipebath,blot,cauterize,clarify,deodorize,deterge,edulcorate,erase,expunge,expurgate,hackle,launder,lave,neaten,polish,purge,purify,rake,rasp,refine,sanitize,scald,scour,shampoo,soap,sponge,sterilize,swab,whisk,winnowabsterge,clear the decks,depurate,do up,elutriate,rout out,shake out,straighten up,tidy up For example, if he hates shoveling snow, give him the option to substitute another chore, such as sweeping out the garage or vacuuming the house.
假如他不喜欢铲雪,那就给他一个相应的选择:他可以打扫车库,或真空清扫房间。 yeeyan

But it's also possible that Jupiter formed directly from a collapsing gas cloud, with no underlying planet to do the vacuuming.
但木星也有可能是从一团坍缩的气体云直接形成来的,不需要行星前体做吸引气体的过程。 yeeyan

But other days, I can dance with my Muse and forget about the vacuuming.
而其他时间,我会暂时忘却凡事,与缪斯女神共舞。 yeeyan

Even if you're just making cereal, watching reality TV or vacuuming the living room, wear something that makes your feel your best.
即便你只是在做麦片粥,看真实电视或是用吸尘器清扫客厅,一定要穿能让你感觉最好的衣服。 yeeyan

Eventually, the planets came into being, vacuuming up the rest of the planet-building debris surrounding the sun.
最终行星就这样形成了,并吸收环绕在太阳周围的宇宙物质。 yeeyan

He has been vacuuming all morning.

How long have you been vacuuming the floor?
你已经用真空吸尘器清扫地上多久了? english312

I am vacuuming the floor now and have several shirts to iron。
我正在用真空吸尘器清理地板,还有好几件衬衫要熨。 examw

If that’s true, I’m definitely addicted to reading, because I’ll happily evade vacuuming and other unpleasant aspects of life by burying my nose in a book.
如果是这样,那我肯定对阅读上瘾,因为我会埋头看书,很开心地逃避扫地和生活中其他讨厌的事情。 yeeyan

It is impossible to let the vacuuming go for too long, lest the bezoarsnew vocabulary word become large enough to choke a tiger.
也不可能吸尘太久,以免内袋变大到能噎死一只老虎。 yeeyan

Northwest Airlines says its aircraft undergo an additional cleaning every night, which includes vacuuming, cleaning windows and wiping down bins and other surfaces.
西北航空公司说他们的飞机每天晚上要进行另外打扫,包括吸尘,摸玻璃,…以及表面。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

She busies herself with chores like raking leaves, vacuuming and scrubbing dishes, and every two weeks gets a manicure and a haircut.
她还忙于家务琐事,诸如收集树叶、用吸尘器清除灰尘、擦拭器皿;每两周修剪一次指甲和理一次发。 yeeyan

There are numerous robot applications for doing personal chores, such as vacuuming carpets, ironing sheets or cutting grass.
用于做个人杂务——如给地毯吸尘、熨床单或割草——的机器人应用程序有很多。 ecocn

They could be vacuuming the floor, cutting the grass or guarding your property while you are away.
它们能清理地板,修剪草坪,或者在你离开的时候看家护院。 ecocn

This grass is able to provide a striping pattern and the black you would see on a football field or if you are vacuuming your carpet.
这种草可以提供一种条形图案,在足球场上或者对地毯进行真空处理的时候可以看到。 tingvoa

Today, I was vacuuming our house because I wanted to help my parents.
今天,我本想帮着爹娘给房间除尘。 yeeyan

We could not afford the cars or the lifestyle we were leading, which inevitably lead to arguments over small things, like not vacuuming the carpet.
我们负担不起车,也负担不起我们以前的生活,这导致我们对是否对地毯除尘之类的小事儿争吵。 yeeyan

When arranging furniture, allow some empty space on each side of the bed for dressing as well as making the bed and vacuuming.
摆放家具时,要在床的两边留一些空间,穿衣服,铺床和打扫。 putclub.com

You are still vacuuming the floor now.
你现在还在用真空吸尘器清扫地上。 english312

Vacuuming the carpet is one of my household chores.
用吸尘器清理地毯是我众多家务活中的一项。 sparke

Vacuuming horse hair of clothing and equipment stretches the time between laundering and makes it easier on the washing machine.
用吸尘器清理马衣和一些设备上的毛发可以延长两次洗涤之间的时间,也能使它们更加容易清洗。 blog.sina.com.cn




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