释义 |
us force 基本例句 美军 I don't think this is gonna helpus forcepeople to sign donor cards. We have never seen a positive thing from trying to force the issue.我不认为这对我们有帮助,只是强迫人们签下捐赠卡。从实施强迫中,我们看不到任何积极的东西。 A battle in the Korean War :the US forces landed at Inchon.朝鲜战争1950中的战役:美军登陆仁川。 The action of the US force in South Philippines is the largest overseas deployment after the Afghan war launched after terrorist attack to Washington D.c. and New York on “Sept. 11th”.美军在菲律宾南部的行动,是继美国因九一一恐怖攻击华盛顿与纽约事件而发起阿富汗战争之后,最大规模的海外部署行动。 Any ceasefire would be simultaneous with the withdrawal of US forces.美军何时撤走,停火便在何时实施。 III.Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today.伊拉克军队和美军今天突袭了什叶派穆斯林在巴格达的据点。 |