

单词 Ursa Major
释义 Ur·sa Major 英ˌɜːsə'meɪdʒəʳ美ˌɜːrsə 短语⁶⁷⁸⁹⁹

a constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North StarUrsa,来自拉丁语ursus的复数格,熊,Major, 大的。近义词 Great Bear大熊座
We can see neither Altair orUrsa Majorin the cloudy night sky.阴天的夜空既看不到牛郎星,也看不到北斗星。
Ursa Major, Sagittarius and Capricornus are recognizable.大熊星座,人马座和魔蝎座得到了承认。
A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere in the large space betweenUrsa Major, Ursa Minor, and Perseus.鹿豹座:北天球上位于大熊座、小熊座和英仙座之间巨大空间上的一个星座。
A constellation in the polar region of the Northern Hemisphere near Cepheus andUrsa Major.天龙星座在北半球的极地,靠近天王座与大熊座的一个星座
Father : That group of stars …over here in the North isUrsa Major. the Bear .那群星星…也就是在北面这边儿的那群,是大熊星座,也就是熊。 Also known as Keenan's system for its discoverer and Arp104, the interacting galaxy pair is some17 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.
也被称作基南系统以发现者命名和 Arp104,这对互相影响的星系约1700万光年远,在大熊座。 yeeyan

Dubhe, alpha star of the dipper's parent constellation Ursa Major is at the upper right.
天枢,北斗星的母星座大熊星座的北斗一即在右上方。 ufochn

On the left is M97 in the constellation Ursa Major, also known in the northern hemisphere as the Owl Nebula.
左边是 M97在大熊座,又称北半球的夜枭星云。 yeeyan




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